Thomas Merton Center

Merton Correspondence:

The "Casper, Alice Kathryn" file

Single Item Record for the Date:
undated/no-month/no-day (#11)


Type:  HNS[x] - Xerox copy of a holograph (handwritten) signed note. Note used for very brief mailed correspondence or intramural message.

To/From:  from Merton to "Casper, Alice Kathryn"-->

# of pages:  1

Published in:  

First Lines:  "+for Alice K. Casper with all blessings. May the Lord dwell in you with light and peace at Christmas"

Contents:  [see Sub-Section B.6, The Christmas Servons of Bl. Guerric of Igny, for original]

Language:  English

Source or donor:  Casper, Alice Kathryn

Date received:  1991/03/01

Date added:  2017

Unique identifier:  Section A- "Casper, Alice Kathryn:"    undated/no-month/no-day (#11)