The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Paul VI, Pope, 1897-1978

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Descriptive Summary

Record Group: Section A - Correspondence

Dates of materials: 1949-1968

Volume: 26 item(s); 45 pg(s)

Scope and Content

This is a file in the correspondence of Thomas Merton under the heading: "Paul VI, Pope".


Merton first wrote Giovanni B. Montini in 1949 while serving as Secretary of State for the Vatican under Pope Pius XII. Montini became Archbishop of Milan in 1955, was elevated to cardinal in 1958, and was elected Pope Paul VI in 1963.

Paul VI read and appreciated Merton's writings. He had an active role in the Second Vatican Council before and after becoming pope. Merton was lending support to the Second Vatican Council's statement on interfaith dialog, which became Nostra Aetate, the "Declaration on the Relation of the Church with Non-Christian Religions," which was proclaimed under Pope Paul VI. Merton was also pleased with Paul VI for his statement for peace before the United Nations in 1965. Merton wrote to delegates at Vatican II supporting Schema 13's provisions against modern war, later a part of Gaudium et Spes, the "Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World".

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Related Information and Links

See also published letters from Merton to Pope Paul VI published in The Hidden Ground of Love, pp. 486-492; see also one published letter (not delivered) from Merton in Witness to Freedom, p. 230; and see also the "John XXIII", "Giabbani, Anselmo", and "Fox, James" files. All letters between Merton and Montini are presented in English and in Italian in Notiziario 70 (December 2015) 7-39.

Other Finding Aids

If the person in correspondence with Merton has full text records in the Merton Center Digital Collections, there will be a numeric link to them below.

Series List

This Record Sub-Group is not divided into Series and is arranged chronologically.

Container List

SeriesDateTypeTo/FromFirst LinesPubFull TextNotes
 1949/06/23 TLSto MertonWith sentiments of heartfelt gratitude do I acknowledge receipt of the copy of your book "SeedsYes  
 1949/10/13 TLSto MertonIt is my honored and privileged duty to inform you that His Holiness has received your letterYes  
 1953/03/28 TLSto MertonUnder the revered command of His Holiness, I am to acknowledge receipt of the letter which youYes  
 1955/04/25 TLS[x]from MertonIt is some time since I have had the honor of communicating with your Excellency but I neverthelessYes  
 1955/05/16 TL[c]from Fox, JamesThisis [sic] the first letter I have ever written to you, Your Excellency, but we have received manyYes [xerox of a carbon copy sent to Jean Leclercq of Fox's letter to Archbishop Giovanni Montini - see "Leclercq, Jean" file for carbon]
 1955/08/20 (#01)HLSto MertonLe scrivo con fauto ritardo, lo so, e su una Sua questione cheYes regarding whether Merton should leave Gethsemani and join the Camaldolese / advises against this change for practical reasons - Camaldolese unstable at present, leaving Gethsemani would scandalize readers - Merton should listen to his heart but obey his abbot
 1955/08/20 (#02)transcriptto MertonI am writing to you with a good deal of delay, I know, and on your one question which would haveYes [English translation of letter of the same date from Montini] regarding whether Merton should leave Gethsemani and join the Camaldolese / advises against this change for practical reasons - Camaldolese unstable at present, leaving Gethsemani would scandalize readers - Merton should listen to his heart but obey his abbot
 1955/08/20 (#03)transcriptto Fox, JamesTaking advantage of a moment's quiet today, I have written to Father Louis. I also think he would doYes [see "Fox, James" file, Series 16, for the original letter from Montini to Dom James Fox, Abbot of Gethsemani]
 1955/08/24 transcriptfrom Giabbani, AnselmoYour letter, written with your usual goodness of spirit toward us, encourages me to explain brieflyYes [see the "Giabbani, Anselmo" file for a photocopy of the handwritten letter in Italian]
 1955/10/01 TLS[x]from MertonYour Excellency's long and wise letter, written with such clarity and such understanding, was to meYes  
 1955/10/20 transcriptfrom Fox, JamesWe have just returned from our General Chapter in Europe. Please pardon the delay in answering yourYes [see "Fox, James" file, Series 16, for the carbon copy of the letter to Montini from Dom James Fox, Abbot of Gethsemani]
 1963/07/15 TLSto MertonWe thank you, beloved son, for your devoted expression of felicitations on Our Election,Yes [first letter written to Merton as pope]
 1963/07/26 TL[c]from MertonHumbly prostrate at the feet of Your Holiness, I wish to express my most devoted and filialYes  
 1964/02/06 (#01)TL[d]from MertonIt was to me a deeply moving surprise and a great joy to receive from our Father Abbot the little  [uncorrected draft]
 1964/02/06 (#02)TAL[d]from MertonIt was to me a deeply moving surprise and a great joy to receive from our Father Abbot the little  [draft with handwritten corrections]
 1964/02/06 (#03)TL[c]from MertonIt was to me a deeply moving surprise and a great joy to receive from our Father Abbot the littleYes [final version - two carbon copies]
 1965/05/16 (#01)TAL[d]from MertonThe main purpose of this letter is, in a spirit of filial obedience and devotion,  [draft with handwritten corrections]
 1965/05/16 (#02)TL[c]from MertonThe main purpose of this letter is, in a spirit of filial obedience and devotion,Yes [2 carbon copies and 1 transcript]
 1965/10/15 TL[c]from MertonPermit me to thank you from the bottom of my heart, in my own name and in the name of those AmericanYes  
 1967/10/11 (#01)TL[c]from MertonSince at the request of friends I am sending you herewith some pictures of the Crucifix doneYes  
 1967/10/11 (#02)TL[c]from MertonThis summer you made reference to the imprint of Our Saviour's Holy Face on the Shroud of Turin,Yes  
 1967/11/13 TLSto MertonAt the gracious direction of the Holy Father, it is my honored duty to acknowledge receiptYes  
 1968/06/04 (#01)TAL[d]from MertonI write to you at the request of a small group of Contemplative Nun Superiors who recently metYes [draft with handwritten corrections and labeled "Confidential"]
 1968/06/04 (#02)TL[c]from MertonI write to you at the request of a small group of Contemplative Nun Superiors who recently metYes [3 carbon copies]
 undated/no/no (#01)TL[c]from MertonThis letter will be presented to you by a delegation of faithful Catholics from Nicaragua in CentralYes [Patricia Burton notes in her "Index to the Published Letters of Thomas Merton" that this letter was not delivered]
 undated/no/no (#02)TLS[x]from MertonThis letter will be presented to you by a delegation of faithful Catholics from Nicaragua in CentralYes [Patricia Burton notes in her "Index to the Published Letters of Thomas Merton" that this letter was not delivered - see also a letter from Merton to Ernesto Cardenal of 1965/10/22 which included this letter and a letter to Archbishop Paul Philippe as enclosures (one xerox of signed copy and one carbon in the Cardenal file)]

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