The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Skakel, Ann Brannack, 1892-1955

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Descriptive Summary

Record Group: Section A - Correspondence

Dates of materials: 1951-1954

Volume: 11 item(s); 17 pg(s)

Scope and Content

The letters in this group from Merton to Ann Skakel accompanied three manuscripts: Silence in Heaven, The Last of the Fathers: Saint Bernard of Clairvaux and the Encyclical Letter, Doctor Mellifluus, and Conference Notes on St. Bernard of Clairvaux. Some are original signed copies by Merton and mostly concern the handling and preparation of the manuscripts for publication.


Br. John Lyons was a Salvatorian writing first from Mount St. Paul College in Waukesha, Wisconsin, and later from New Holstein, Wisconsin.

Usage Guidelines and Restrictions

Related Information and Links

See also "Kennedy, Ethel (Skakel)" file.

Other Finding Aids

If the person in correspondence with Merton has full text records in the Merton Center Digital Collections, there will be a numeric link to them below.

Series List

This Record Sub-Group is not divided into Series and is arranged chronologically.

Container List

SeriesDateTypeTo/FromFirst LinesPubFull TextNotes
 1949/09/03 TL from Merton to Daniel Walsh   [partial (faded) scan from web auction - not original - see 2004/05/27 letter]
 1951/09/10 TLS[x]from MertonDan Walsh tells me you are willing to add to all your other kindnesses to us the work  [partial scan from web auction (full page one and very little of second page) - not original - see 2004/05/27 letter]
 1951/09/25 TALS[x]from MertonMany thanks for your very kind letter saying you would type the notes yourself and mimeograph  [partial scan from web auction (full page one and very little of second page) - not original - see 2004/05/27 letter]
 1951/10/15 TLSfrom MertonYou must wonder if the birds have flown away with me or something. Anyway, here are the last  [transferred from Ann Skakel papers, Sub-Section H.16] manuscript for <i>The Ascent to Truth</i>
 1953/02/05 TLS[x]from Walsh, DanielI just returned from a luncheon date with Bob Giroux - we celebrated the publication of  [full page scan from web auction - not original - see 2004/05/27 letter]
 1953/10/11 TL[x]to MertonAgain I am deeply appreciative to you for sending and autographing the book "St. Bernard  [full page scan from web auction - not original - see 2004/05/27 letter]
 1953/10/19 TALS[x]from MertonYour ears must  [partial scan from web auction - not original - see 2004/05/27 letter]
 1953/10/21 TLSfrom MertonTo my confusion I discover that I forgot one of the conferences in the series I sent you the other  "Conferences on St. Bernard of Clairvaux by the Scholastics of the Abbey of Gethsemani" / requesting that Skakel write a table of contents for book
 1954/01/05 TLSfrom MertonYou must be tired of waiting for me to come through with the manuscript. Even now, it is not the  Merton stopping work on book, <i>Existential Communion</i> (later published as <i>The New Man</i>) / sending manuscript for <i>Silence in Heaven</i>
 1954/10/01 TCSfrom MertonFather Abbot tells me you are looking for some manuscript material from the Last of the Fathers.  [full page scan from web auction - not original - see 2004/05/27 letter]
 2004/05/27 other Mrslunacy's Antiques Arts &amp; Collectibles [-] THOMAS MERTON HAND SIGNED TYPED LETTERS  [online catalog for a web auction of some of 14 letters - correspondents include Merton, Ann Skakel and Dan Walsh]

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