MERTON'S CORRESPONDENCE WITH: Wesselmann, Robert G., d. 2004
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Descriptive Summary
Record Group: Section A - Correspondence
Dates of materials: 1967-1968
Volume: 17 item(s); 29 pg(s)
Scope and Content
Wesselmann and Merton discuss the possibility of a married clergy within the Roman Catholic Church. Wesselmann supplies Merton with his detailed proposal and Merton makes many suggestions. Merton was a supporter of this cause, serving on the board of advisors for the National Association for Pastoral Renewal (NAPR), which advocated for a married clergy. The extant correspondence begins in November of 1966, but a reference is made to prior from Merton of October 6, 1966.
Robert Wesselmann was a priest and Monsignor of Belleville, Illinois, who left the active ministry in 1966 to marry. That year, Wesselmann forwarded to Merton his proposal for "An Experimental Ordinariate" which would consist of priest allowed to marry and continue their ministry, but to abide by certain stipulations, including earning the income to support himself and a family, etc. He moved to Kansas City, Missouri, in 1967. He was a member of the Canon Law Society of America, serving in leadership positions from 1964-1968.
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See also the "Wesselmann, Frances 'Tootie'" file.
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