MERTON'S CORRESPONDENCE WITH: Ricci, Patricia Ellen, 1934-2010
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Descriptive Summary
Record Group: Section A - Correspondence
Dates of materials: 1963-1964, 2011
Volume: 12 item(s); 22 pg(s)
Scope and Content
This files contains original correspondence between Merton and Patricia Ricci. Merton sends his "Notes on Art and Worship," and other essays and poems, some with handwritten signatures and inscriptions. Items sent were: “The Christian in Time of Change” (typescript essay), “The Early Legend” (mimeographed essay), “The Legend of Tucker Caliban” (signed and inscribed mimeographed essay), “Letter to a Papal Volunteer” (mimeographed essay), “The Name of the Lord” (mimeographed essay, two copies), “News from the School at Chartres” (mimeographed poem), “Notes on Art and Worship” (signed and inscribed, bound mimeographed essay), “A Ruler’s Examination of Conscience” (mimeographed essay, two copies), “The Tower of Babel” (offprint soft cover reprint). Above items were transferred to manuscript sections of collection under the respective titles.
Patricia Ellen Ricci (later Patricia Ellen Doyle in marriage) was a teacher, designer and graphic artist from Chicago, Illinois. Patricia Ricci asks Merton's permission to use quotes from some of his writings on cards she had designed for the Carmel of Reno, Nevada.
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