The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Delaney, John J.

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Descriptive Summary

Record Group: Section A - Correspondence

Dates of materials: 1965-1967

Volume: 14 item(s); 14 pg(s)

Scope and Content

This is a file in the correspondence of Thomas Merton under the heading: "Delaney, John J.".


John J. Delaney was an editor for Doubleday and Company in New York.

Usage Guidelines and Restrictions

Related Information and Links

See also the "O'Grady, Barbara" and "Stone, Naomi Burton" files.

Other Finding Aids

If the person in correspondence with Merton has full text records in the Merton Center Digital Collections, there will be a numeric link to them below.

Series List

This Record Sub-Group is not divided into Series and is arranged chronologically.

Container List

SeriesDateTypeTo/FromFirst LinesPubFull TextNotes
 1965/06/18 (#01)TLSto MertonFor some time we have been considering the feasibility of doing a large volume for our various book   
 1965/06/18 (#02)TAL[c]to MertonFor some time we have been considering the feasibility of doing a large volume for our various book   
 1965/07/04 (#01)TLSfrom MertonPlease forgive the delay in replying to your letter of June 18th. I have been unusually busy,   
 1965/07/04 (#02)TAL[c]from MertonPlease forgive the delay in replying to your letter of June 18th. I have been unusually busy,   
 1965/07/07 TL[c] from Berns, D. W. / to MertonThis will acknowledge receipt of your letter of July 4 to Mr. Delaney who is away from the office  [from Mrs. D. W. Berns, Delaney's secretary]
 1965/12/16 (#01)TLSfrom MertonI am sorry that so much time has gone by without my giving you a definite answer about being editor   
 1965/12/16 (#02)TAL[c]from MertonI am sorry that so much time has gone by without my giving you a definite answer about being editor   
 1965/12/22 TL[c]from MertonAs you can well imagine, I am most disappointed that you feel unable to undertake the treasury   
 1966/02/08 (#01)TALSfrom Stone, Naomi BurtonI thought you would be interested in seeing these two communications from Father Abbot and Tom re Ed   
 1966/02/08 (#02)TALSto Stone, Naomi BurtonGive me a ring Monday and let us talk it over. I think you should do something about Ed Rice and  [no date - reply on the same memorandum as Naomi Burton Stone's message to Delaney]
 1966/10/07 (#01)TLSto MertonRecently we had a delightful exchange of correspondence with a Miss Barbara O'Grady who is a Merton   
 1966/10/07 (#02)TLS[x]from O'Grady, BarbaraWHAT do I think of "Conjectures"? I think it's simply... My friends who've read the excerpts  [date of letter is 1966/09/26 - attached to 1966/10/07 letter send to Merton]
 1967/05/25 TLSto MertonWe have been involved in several transactions involving your books and while discussing them   

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