The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Dumont, Charles, Fr., O.C.S.O.

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Descriptive Summary

Record Group: Section A - Correspondence

Dates of materials: 1953-1972

Volume: 95 item(s); 117 pg(s)

Scope and Content

This is a file in the correspondence of Thomas Merton under the heading: "Dumont, Charles, Fr., O.C.S.O.".


Fr. Charles Dumont was a monk of the Trappist Abbey of Scourmont near Chimay, Belgium. He was editor of Collectanea Cisterciensia and helped establish the English counterpart called Cistercian Studies. (Source: The School of Charity, p. 66.)

Usage Guidelines and Restrictions

Related Information and Links

See also published letters from Merton to Dumont in The School of Charity, pp. 66-67, 96, 265-266, 275, 322-323, 338-339 and 376-377; and see also the "Squire, Aelred", "Fox, James" and "Gillet, Ignace" files.

Other Finding Aids

If the person in correspondence with Merton has full text records in the Merton Center Digital Collections, there will be a numeric link to them below.

Series List

This Record Sub-Group is not divided into Series and is arranged chronologically.

Container List

SeriesDateTypeTo/FromFirst LinesPubFull TextNotes
 1953/04/04 TALSto MertonJ'ai reçu les fichiers sur Aelred du R.P. Sage et je vous remercie de l'amabilité avec laquelle vous   
 1953/07/23 TLSto MertonJ'accuse Jonas d'une douzaine de méridiennes sans sommeil; c'est parfait! Vous pouvez tout oublier   
 1953/09/02 TALSfrom MertonI am about two months late in answering letters, so please excuse me. I shall be sending youYes  
 1956/07/18 TLSto MertonLe Père André Fracheboud vient de m'envoyer votre article : <u>Monastic Formation according</u>   
 1956/08/19 TALSfrom MertonThanks for your kind note written at Caldey. I am pleased and grateful to have you as my translatorYes  
 1958/07/17 HLSfrom MertonThe expression <u>Maria</u> [...] is from Ambroise Autpert, an early Benedictine monk and you will   
 1963/08/07 TLSto MertonVoilà bien longtemps que je n'ai plus eu l'occasion de vous écrire. Et voici que depuis je suis   
 1963/09/10 HLSfrom MertonThanks for your letter of 7 August. I do not know whether or not to congratulate you, but in any   
 1963/10/10 HLSto MertonMerci de tout coeur pour votre lettre, votre poème (arrivé ici le matin de mon 45e anniversaire)   
 1963/11/05 (#01)TLSfrom MertonThanks for your letter and your remarks on Seneca. I was glad you were interested and will send you   
 1963/11/05 (#02)TAL[c]from MertonThanks for your letter and your remarks on Seneca. I was glad you were interested and will send you   
 1963/11/26 TALSto MertonMerci de votre bonne lettre, de vos poèmes (j'ai beaucoup aimé celui sur "Grace") et surtout   
 1963/12/24 TLSto MertonVotre article sur Dame Gertrude est sous presse; je n'ai pas envoyé les épreuves parce que nous   
 1964/02/21? HLSfrom MertonHere is the article you asked for on the Review. I hope it is satisfactory. This is perhaps   
 1964/03/28 (#01)TALSfrom MertonHere is your review of Barsotti. I am afraid it is rather a mess, and I am hoping that you will   
 1964/03/28 (#02)TAL[c]from MertonHere is your review of Barsotti. I am afraid it is rather a mess, and I am hoping that you will   
 1964/04/02 TALSto MertonMerci de tout coeur pour tout ce que vous m'envoyez. Vos réflexions sur la Revue sont excellentes   
 1964/04/08 (#01)TAL[c]from MertonThanks for your letter of the 2nd. I will gladly take responsibility for bulletins in the fields of   
 1964/04/08 (#02)TLSfrom MertonThanks for your letter of the 2nd. I will gladly take responsibility for bulletins in the fields of  [transferred from Sub-Section H.7, Hart Working Files, Accession 2]
 1964/05/03 HLSto MertonPar même courrier, mais par bateau, je vous fais parvenu   
 1964/05/28? HCSfrom MertonI have received [...] and the other books written that they  [verso of note card: "Statue of St. Benedict (by Peter Watts) Abbey of Gethsemani, Ky.]
 1964/06/26 (#01)TALSfrom MertonI think that with some of this Cronique material I had better send you little bits of it as they   
 1964/06/26 (#02)TL[c]from MertonI think that with some of this Cronique material I had better send you little bits of it as they   
 1964/07/15 (#01)TLSfrom MertonAs I am at present doing some work on Celtic monasticism I am running across a lot of material that   
 1964/07/15 (#02)TAL[c]from MertonAs I am at present doing some work on Celtic monasticism I am running across a lot of material that   
 1964/11/13 TLto MertonThe manuscript of the next issue being sent to the printer, I have at last the freedom to write to   
 1964/11/19 HLSfrom MertonThanks for your good letter, full of news that is very encouraging. 1) I don't know whether I   
 1964/11/27 TLSto MertonThank you very much for your sendings received this morning. As far as I can see at first reading   
 1964/12/04 (#01)TALSfrom MertonThanks for your good letter. Do as you see fit with the two articles. Run them together   
 1964/12/04 (#02)TL[c]from MertonThanks for your good letter. Do as you see fit with the two articles. Run them together   
 1964/12/19 HLSto MertonThank you for your letter. In regard to the non-Christian spirituality, I think, that the Bulletin   
 1965/01/13 TLSto MertonThank you for your letters. Je vous ai quand même mis parmi les "conseillers de rédaction".   
 1965/02/05 HLSto MertonJ'ai finalement décidé de publier vos compte-rendu dans   
 1965/02/11 TLSto MertonPour le nº 4 de cette année, nous voudrions consacrer un fascicule au monachisme non-chrétien.   
 1965/02/14 (#01)TLSto MertonThanks for your good letter. I will try to do what I can for you. Certainly the magazine is a goodYes  
 1965/02/14 (#02)TL[c]to MertonThanks for your good letter. I will try to do what I can for you. Certainly the magazine is a goodYes  
 1965/03/15 TLSto MertonLe nº 1 vient de sortir de presse avec vos comptes rendus. Que dois-je faire pour vous faire   
 1965/03/23 HLSto MertonIt is a long time since I wrote. I was actually very ill at the end of December but I am recovering   
 1965/04/25 TL[c]from MertonThanks for your letter and also for the new Collectanea and for the offprints of my articles.Yes  
 1965/05/19 HLSfrom MertonHere is an article which I think is very fine and I think is very fine and I have asked the author   
 1965/05/25 TLSto MertonThank you for your last two sendings. L'article sur <u>The biblical foundations of monasticism</u>   
 1965/05/28 HLSfrom MertonPlease do <u>not</u> use the hermit article yet. I offered it some time ago, before sending it to   
 1965/06/01 TALSto MertonYour letter about the article on eremitism came as a surprise, since I never had the idea that it   
 1965/06/05 TLSfrom MertonThe people at Monastic Studies have cleared the way for you to use eremitism, as they will probably   
 1965/06/15 TLSto MertonUn retard dans l'impression me permet de vous envoyer les épreuves de votre articles sur   
 1965/06/18 (#01)TALSfrom MertonJ'ai reçu votre lettre ce matin après que je vous avais envoie les épreuves, a vous, non pas   
 1965/06/18 (#02)TL[c]from MertonJ'ai reçu votre lettre ce matin après que je vous avais envoie les épreuves, a vous, non pas   
 1965/07/14 (#01)TLSfrom MertonI am enclosing a review written by one of our brothers. I am very happy that he has decided   
 1965/07/14 (#02)TL[c]from MertonI am enclosing a review written by one of our brothers. I am very happy that he has decided   
 1965/07/15 TLS[x]from MertonYou may certainly keep the carbon of Chuang Tzu for a while, I have no urgent need for it.  There is a question as to whether this letter is to Charles Dumont
 1965/07/19 TALSto MertonReading again the article on "The climate of monastic prayer", before sending it back to Westmalle,   
 1965/07/22 TLSfrom Fox, JamesI received your gracious note of July 13 in regard to your Board of Directors Meeting for the  [see letter of the same date in "Fox, James" file to Abbot General Ignace Gillet]
 1965/07/23 (#01)TLSfrom MertonToday I am passing your letter of the 19th to the Master of Students who will see to it that someone   
 1965/07/23 (#02)TAL[c]from MertonToday I am passing your letter of the 19th to the Master of Students who will see to it that someone   
 1965/07/26 HALSfrom MertonHere is a report you asked for -- the others have been assigned. One Father says he cannot find   
 1965/09/13 TLSfrom MertonThanks for your letter. I assure you that I am not at all surprised at the outcome of your   
 1965/09/14 TLSto MertonDom Samson et moi-même souhaitons publier votre article "The Council and monasticism".   
 1965/09/18 TALSfrom MertonThanks for your good letter of the 14th. About "The Council and Monasticism", having appeared   
 1965/10/04 TLSfrom MertonThe best man to coordinate the work of a team here is Fr Eudes who is in charge of the students   
 1965/10/18 TLSto MertonYou are welcome to review J.PIEPER, In Tune with the World. May I remind you of the review you   
 1965/10/25 (#01)TLSfrom MertonThe Pieper review will be on its way to you shortly. Should I also do a piece for the Bulletin,   
 1965/10/25 (#02)TL[c]from MertonThe Pieper review will be on its way to you shortly. Should I also do a piece for the Bulletin,   
 1965/11/12 TLSto MertonFather Paul sent me on CONJECTURES for censoring and told me to send the mss on to you when   
 1966/02/01 HNSfrom MertonHere is a Bulletin on an Italian article -- I took the risk of doing it on the chance that it was   
 1966/05/27 (#01)TLSfrom MertonYour letter of March 23 from Caldey was written on the day when I went to the hospital for a serious   
 1966/05/27 (#02)TL[c]from MertonYour letter of March 23 from Caldey was written on the day when I went to the hospital for a serious   
 1966/06/07 TLSto MertonMerci de votre lettre. Je suis heureux de savoir que vous allez mieux. Pour moi je suis rentré   
 1966/06/13 TLfrom MertonThanks for your letter of the 7th which I received this morning. I am sending you herewith  [bottom of letter seems to be cut off]
 1966/07/07 (#01)TLSfrom MertonYou remember those notes on "Psychedelic spirituality" that I sent you as a sort of bulletin   
 1966/07/07 (#02)TL[c]from MertonYou remember those notes on "Psychedelic spirituality" that I sent you as a sort of bulletin   
 1966/11/18 TLSto MertonIl y a un bon moment que je ne vous écrit. En fait j'ai été assez malade toute cette année.   
 1966/11/25 (#01)TALSfrom MertonI was certainly very relieved to hear from you. I worried about your health and was wondering whatYes  
 1966/11/25 (#02)TL[c]from MertonI was certainly very relieved to hear from you. I worried about your health and was wondering whatYes  
 1967/01/03 (#01)TALSfrom MertonHere are two more "bulletins" for the non-Christian department. If you see anything you think   
 1967/01/03 (#02)TL[c]from MertonHere are two more "bulletins" for the non-Christian department. If you see anything you think   
 1967/01/31 (#01)TLSfrom MertonYou remember the Bulletin I sent in recently on an article of Fr Johnson S.J. on Zen and Mysticism.   
 1967/01/31 (#02)TL[c]from MertonYou remember the Bulletin I sent in recently on an article of Fr Johnson S.J. on Zen and Mysticism.   
 1967/04/20 HLSto MertonMerci de votre lettre et des corrections   
 1967/07/15 TLSto MertonVoilà bien longtemps que je ne vous aie écrit ou que je n'aie reçu un message de vous.   
 1967/07/19 (#01)TALSfrom MertonI would have wanted to write more on psychedelics but there is just no end to it.Yes  
 1967/07/19 (#02)TAL[c]from MertonI would have wanted to write more on psychedelics but there is just no end to it.Yes  
 1967/08/17 TLSto MertonVotre article sur le Zen est composé, mais malheureusement on vous l'a expédié par courrier   
 1967/09/11 (#01)TLSfrom MertonI am not quite sure whether I will find you at Scourmont or still at Bruges. But anyway, I am   
 1967/09/11 (#02)TL[c]from MertonI am not quite sure whether I will find you at Scourmont or still at Bruges. But anyway, I am   
 1967/10/30 TALSfrom MertonThanks for yours of the 19th. It was held up a bit in reaching me, but I should have answered   
 1968/01/18 (#01)HCSto MertonIn souvenir des heures heureuses passées à Gethsemani. fr Charles Dumont. 18.1.1968  [verso: decorated card with quote from Maurice Maeterlinck]
 1968/01/18 (#02)HLSto MertonEn [...] je n'ai pas risqué une visite à votre ermitage.   
 1968/02/12 TLSfrom MertonA letter from the Sister of Maredret -- entrusted to me for you-- gives me an opportunity to write   
 1968/04/08 TALSto MertonMe voici rentré depuis quinze jours seulement de mon grand tour des monastères américains.   
 1968/04/13 (#01)TLSfrom MertonAdmire the letterhead of my magazine! A copy of the magazine is on its way to you by surface mail.Yes  
 1968/04/13 (#02)TL[c]from MertonAdmire the letterhead of my magazine! A copy of the magazine is on its way to you by surface mail.Yes  
 1968/12/05 HPCS[x]from MertonMy Asian trip has so far been really remarkable. Very fine contacts with Tibetan Buddhists - a good  [written from Singapore]
 1971/10/13 HLSto Center from Dumont, CharlesReturning from Gethsemani, I am sending there letters received from Fr Louis. I was told   
 1972/01/11 TL[c]from Center to Dumont, CharlesThank you for the letters from Merton. They will make a valuable addition to the collection,   
 undated/12/01 TLSfrom MertonI saw this excellent article and thought you might like to consider it, though it is by a nun   

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