The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Gold, Don

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Descriptive Summary

Record Group: Section A - Correspondence

Dates of materials: 1964-1966

Volume: 22 item(s); 24 pg(s)

Scope and Content

This is a file in the correspondence of Thomas Merton under the heading: "Gold, Don".


Don Gold writes as Assistant to the Editor of Holiday magazine.

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Series List

This Record Sub-Group is not divided into Series and is arranged chronologically.

Container List

SeriesDateTypeTo/FromFirst LinesPubFull TextNotes
 1964/01/13 TLSto MertonI found your article quite fascinating. I want one or two other editors to read it.   
 1964/07/07 TLSto MertonRecently, I had the pleasure--and a profound one it was--of listening to a series of recordings made   
 1964/07/10 TAL[c]from MertonYour idea sounds quite feasible and I think I would enjoy doing an article on the monastery   
 1964/07/13 TLSto MertonMany thanks for your pleasant letter. I'm delighted that you find my idea feasible and that you are   
 1964/07/18 (#01)TL[c]from MertonSince I last wrote to you I have been in touch with our Father Abbot, who has still not returned  Abbot will not allow article about the monastery for publication in <u>Holiday</u> - already turned down many others / check again in 1966 about an article about all U.S. Trappist monasteries
 1964/07/18 (#02)TLS[x]from MertonSince I last wrote to you I have been in touch with our Father Abbot, who has still not returned  [same as 1964/07/18 TL[c] with signature - printed from a scanned copy]
 1964/07/20 TLSto MertonI won't attempt to conceal my sense of regret about the latest developments. I accept your account   
 1964/07/24 TLSto MertonAfter dispatching my modestly argumentative letter to you, I began thinking of other essays you   
 1964/07/28 TAL[c]from MertonYour letter and the Golding piece (which I have not yet read, but will with pleasure) have arrived.   
 1964/07/31 TLSto MertonYour latest letter was received with considerable enthusiasm by all of us. We're delighted that   
 1964/12/19 TL[c]from MertonHere is the article. It ought to get to you sometime in the Christmas rush, probably the worst   
 1965/01/16 TL[c]from MertonAbout a month ago I sent off that article you asked for, aware that it might get lost   
 1965/01/21 TLSto MertonI did, indeed, receive your article, was fascinated by it and droped [sic] you a note about it.   
 1965/01/25 TLSto MertonAs I indicated to you earlier, we would like you to do a couple of small things with your essay RAIN   
 1965/01/30 TL[c]from MertonThe suggestion for revisions was, I think, a good one. I have gone through the whole piece,   
 1965/02/01 TLSto MertonMany thanks for making the revisions so promptly and so effectively. I'll hold the manuscript   
 1965/02/11 TL[c]from MertonThe censor's green light for Rain and Rhinoceros came today, so there are no further obstacles.   
 1966/01/25 TLSto MertonWhat's this I hear about you backing away from contemporary issues? It will do you no good to say   
 1966/02/12 TL[c]from MertonIt was good to get your note. Certainly the fact that I don't want to make political noises anymore   
 1966/02/24 TLSto MertonThanks for your note. I'm as much in a haze as you are about subjects you might do for us.   
 undated/no/no (#01)HLSfrom MertonCongratulations on the new job. As a matter of fact my good friend Naomi Burton is an editor there  [would seem to be dated from 1966 through 1968 - Gold is still with Holiday at least through early 1966 / mentions "D", which is probably the publisher, Doubleday / low resolution copy] Naomi Burton [Stone] /
 undated/no/no (#02)HLSfrom MertonGlad you are still there. I am in the middle of writing my piece for <u>Holiday</u> and it may need  need for "sympathetic editing" / sending photo (not included here - photo refers to one of Merton taken by Sibylle Akers)

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