Thomas Merton Center

Merton Correspondence:

The "Bozarth, Miss" file

Single Item Record for the Date:


Type:  TL[c] - Carbon copy of a typed letter (not signed).

To/From:  from Merton to "Bozarth, Miss"-->

# of pages:  1

Published in:  

First Lines:  "Unfortunately a rather heavy schedule makes it impossible for me to answer your letter adequately."

Contents:  contemplative mission - "not just wound up in little cocoons" - Merton has been active even though living as a contemplative / should not think that contemplation has no real value / recommends English Spirituality by Martin Thornton / monastic revival in Protestants / Merton will pray for Bozarth's vocation

Language:  English

Source or donor:  

Date received:  

Date added:  2004

Unique identifier:  Section A- "Bozarth, Miss:"    1964/March/13