Thomas Merton Center

Merton Correspondence:

The "Vyhlídka, Vladimír, Msgr., 1925-2011" file

Single Item Record for the Date:
undated/no-month/no-day (#03)


Type:  other - Includes a non-correspondence item enclosed with correspondence or such an item filed with correspondence.


# of pages:  4

Published in:  Hora sedmi stupňů [The Seven Storey Mountain. Czech.]

First Lines:  "APPENDICES The writings of Thomas Merton, published in many languages, are not his only literary"

Contents:  [rough translation generated by Google Translate of seven letters from Merton to Vyhlídka published in Hora sedmi stupňů, see undated item #2]

Language:  English

Source or donor:  

Date received:  

Date added:  2022

Unique identifier:  Section A- "Vyhlídka, Vladimír, Msgr., 1925-2011:"    undated/no-month/no-day (#03)