Thomas Merton Center

Merton Correspondence:

The "Bruce, Frank Milton" file

Single Item Record for the Date:


Type:  TL - Typed letter (not signed).

To/From:  to Merton from "Bruce, Frank Milton"-->

# of pages:  1

Published in:  

First Lines:  "Thank you for your letter of June 21st regarding the title for the Lutgarde manuscript."

Contents:  [first page of the letter only - continuation not extant] title for book about St. Lutgard and her mysticism and mental prayer - Merton suggests "The Tiger Lilly" [it is published as What Are These Wounds?]

Language:  English

Source or donor:  

Date received:  

Date added:  2004

Unique identifier:  Section A- "Bruce, Frank Milton:"    1949/June/23