Manuscripts in Sub-Section E.1:
Item 1 -
First Lines: You are about to return to Rome for the most decisive session of the Second Vatican Council.
Sub-Type: Manuscript
Draft: 1st Draft
Copy Type: Typescript carbon
Date: no-month no-day, 1965?
Number of pages: 5
Additional authors/contributors:
Language: English
Location: Archive - File Cabinet 6
Item 2 -
First Lines: You are about to return to Rome for the most decisive session of the Second Vatican Council.
Sub-Type: Manuscript
Draft: 2nd Draft
Copy Type: Xerograph of typescript
Date: July no-day, 1965
Number of pages: 9
Additional authors/contributors:
Language: English
Notes: Xerox of uncorrected typescript in Section H.12, John Howard Yoder Papers, Series 13, File Folder 8.
Location: Archive - File Cabinet 6
Item 3 -
First Lines: You are about to return to Rome for the most decisive session of the Second Vatican Council.
Sub-Type: Manuscript
Draft: 2nd Draft
Copy Type: Mimeograph with holograph corrections and additions
Date: July no-day, 1965
Number of pages: 9
Additional authors/contributors:
Language: English
Location: Archive - File Cabinet 6
Item 4 -
First Lines: Bien cher Pere - Je n'ai pas
Sub-Type: Manuscript
Draft: 2nd Draft (incomplete)
Copy Type: Xerograph of typescript with holograph notation
Date: July no-day, 1965
Number of pages: 1
Additional authors/contributors:
Language: English
Notes: Copy of title page with holograph notation by Merton. Copy from the St. Bonaventure University archives.
Location: Archive - File Cabinet 6