Thomas Merton Center

Manuscripts in Sub-Section C.2:

Albert Camus' The plague; introduction and commentary

Item 1 - 

First Lines:  The Plague is a modern myth about the destiny of man.

Sub-Type:  Manuscript

Draft:  1st

Copy Type:  Typescript carbon with holograph notation

Date:  June no-day, 1967?

Number of pages:  33

Additional authors/contributors:  

Language:  English

Notes:  Marked "uncorrected 1st draft" by Merton in pen - this draft bound (#3 of 3) as: Albert Camus' "The Plague" First Draft 1967.


Item 2 - 

First Lines:  The Plague is a modern myth about the destiny of man.

Sub-Type:  Manuscript

Draft:  1st

Copy Type:  Typescript carbon with holograph addition

Date:  June no-day, 1967?

Number of pages:  33

Additional authors/contributors:  

Language:  English

Notes:  Holograph insert on page 30 (last page) - this draft bound (#2 of 3) as: Albert Camus' "The Plague" First Draft 1967.


Item 3 - A commentary on The Plague by A. Camus by Thomas Merton

First Lines:  The Plague is a modern myth about the destiny of man.

Sub-Type:  Manuscript

Draft:  1st

Copy Type:  Typescript carbon with holograph corrections, additions and typescript inserts

Date:  June no-day, 1967

Number of pages:  36

Additional authors/contributors:  

Language:  English

Notes:  This draft bound (#1 of 3) as: Albert Camus' "The Plague" First Draft 1967.
