Thomas Merton Center

Manuscripts in Sub-Section D.1:

Angel and the machine, The

Item 1 - 

First Lines:  The angels are our brothers and fellow servants in a world of freedom and of grace.

Sub-Type:  Published material


Copy Type:  Printed material

Date:  no-month no-day, 1997

Number of pages:  4

Additional authors/contributors:  

Language:  English

Notes:  2 copies. The Merton Seasonal 22 (Spring 1997): 3-6.

Location:  Archive - File Cabinet 7

Item 2 - 

First Lines:  The angels are our brothers and fellow servants in a world of freedom and of grace.

Sub-Type:  Published material


Copy Type:  Xerograph of printed material

Date:  no-month no-day, 1966

Number of pages:  7

Additional authors/contributors:  

Language:  English

Notes:  Season 5 (Summer 1967): 5-11.

Location:  Archive - File Cabinet 7

Item 3 - Der Engel und die Maschine

First Lines:  Die Engel sind unsere Brüder und Dienstgefährten in einer Welt von Freiheit und Gnade.

Sub-Type:  Published material


Copy Type:  Printed material

Date:  no-month no-day, 1966

Number of pages:  7

Additional authors/contributors:  Englander, Elsa, translator

Language:  German

Notes:  Seckauer Hefte (Styria, Austria) 29 (1966): 73-79.

Location:  Archive - File Cabinet 7