Thomas Merton Center

Manuscripts in Sub-Section D.1:

Saint John of the Cross

Item 1 - 

First Lines:  If you have never seen El Greco's view of Toledo, you might take a look at it. It will tell you

Sub-Type:  Published material


Copy Type:  Printed material

Date:  no-month no-day, 1953

Number of pages:  10

Additional authors/contributors:  

Language:  English

Notes:  Perspectives U.S.A. (New York) 4 (Summer 1953): 52-61.

Location:  Archive - File Cabinet 8

Item 2 - 

First Lines:  If you have never seen El Greco's view of Toledo, you might take a look at it. It will tell you

Sub-Type:  Published material


Copy Type:  Xerograph of published material

Date:  no-month no-day, 1952

Number of pages:  11

Additional authors/contributors:  

Language:  English

Notes:  Excerpt with Merton's illustrations from Saints for now, edited by Clare Boothe Luce (New York: Sheed and Ward): 250-260.

Location:  Archive - File Cabinet 8

Item 3 - Der Heilige Johannes vom Kreuz

First Lines:  Wer nie El Grecos Ansicht von Toledo gesehen hat, sollte einen Blick darauf werfen.

Sub-Type:  Published material


Copy Type:  Printed material

Date:  August no-day, 1953

Number of pages:  10

Additional authors/contributors:  Crino, Anna Maria; translator

Language:  German

Notes:  Perspektiven (Frankfort) 4 (Summer 1953): 53-62.

Location:  Archive - File Cabinet 8

Item 4 - San Giovanni della Croce

First Lines:  Se non conoscete la veduta di Toledo di El Greco, fareste bene a darvi uno sguardo.

Sub-Type:  Published material


Copy Type:  Printed material

Date:  no-month no-day, 1953

Number of pages:  10

Additional authors/contributors:  Crino, Anna Maria; translator

Language:  Italian

Notes:  Prospetti (Florence) 4 (Summer 1953): 67-76.

Location:  Archive - File Cabinet 8