Thomas Merton Center

Manuscripts in Sub-Section E.1:

Meyer, Dennis, Fr., O.C.S.O. Notes for a eulogy.

Item 1 - 

First Lines:  +Fr. Dennis. Born- March 20, 1924. Family - letter

Sub-Type:  Notes


Copy Type:  Holograph

Date:  no-month no-day, no-year

Number of pages:  7

Additional authors/contributors:  

Language:  English

Notes:  Accession from Gethsemani Abbey, December 2013.

Location:  Archive - File Cabinet 8

Item 2 - 

First Lines:  And now, dear friends, we come to that portion of our program which we dedicate to St. Joseph,

Sub-Type:  Notes


Copy Type:  Typescript carbon

Date:  December 18, 1952

Number of pages:  1

Additional authors/contributors:  

Language:  English

Notes:  Page cuts off mid-sentence. Accession from Gethsemani Abbey, December 2013.

Location:  Archive - File Cabinet 6