Thomas Merton Center

Manuscripts in Sub-Section E.1:

Notes on the Lord's Prayer, by Raïssa Omansoff Maritain. Foreword.

Item 1 - Introduction to "Notes on the Lord's Prayer" (by Raissa Maritain) Thomas Merton.

First Lines:  It has frequently been alleged recently that since the late Middle Ages there has

Sub-Type:  Manuscript

Draft:  1st Draft

Copy Type:  Typescript with holograph corrections and additions

Date:  no-month no-day, 1964?

Number of pages:  3

Additional authors/contributors:  

Language:  English


Location:  Archive - File Cabinet 6

Item 2 - Introduction to "Notes on the Lord's Prayer" (by Raissa Maritain) Thomas Merton.

First Lines:  Since the late Middle Ages there has developed a split between "spirituality" and "theology".

Sub-Type:  Manuscript

Draft:  2nd Draft

Copy Type:  Typescript carbon with holograph corrections

Date:  no-month no-day, 1964?

Number of pages:  3

Additional authors/contributors:  

Language:  English


Location:  Archive - File Cabinet 6

Item 3 - Introduction to "Notes on the Lord's Prayer" (by Raissa Maritain) Thomas Merton.

First Lines:  Since the late Middle Ages there has developed a split between "spirituality" and "theology".

Sub-Type:  Manuscript

Draft:  3rd Draft

Copy Type:  Xerograph of typescript with holograph corrections

Date:  no-month no-day, 1964

Number of pages:  3

Additional authors/contributors:  

Language:  English

Notes:  Accession from Gethsemani Abbey.

Location:  Archive - File Cabinet 6