International Thomas Merton Society

Bellarmine University

The Merton Seasonal -

Volume 5, 1980

The Spring-Summer 1980 issue, Vol. 5, No.1 included:

  • Daggy, Robert E. "Editorial: More Merton ‘Storeys’.” 2.

  • Baker, James. “Thomas.” [poem] 3.

  • Kilcourse, George. “Interview with Fr. Alexander Schmemann.” 6-10.

  • “Thomas Merton’s Writings in Slavic Languages.” 11.


The Late Summer 1980 issue, Vol. 5, No.2 included:

  • Daggy, Robert E. "Editorial: Dan Walsh and Thomas Merton.” 2.

  • “Excerpt from Dan Walsh’s Homily for the Funeral Mass of Father Louis Merton, OCSO, December 17, 1968.” 3.

  • Distefano, Anthony. “Dan Walsh’s Influence on the Spirituality of Thomas Merton.” 4-13.


Only two issues of Volume 5 of The Merton Seasonal were published.

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