International Thomas Merton Society

Bellarmine University

The Merton Seasonal -

Volume 9, 1984

The Winter-Spring 1984 issue, Vol. 9, No.1 included:

  • Daggy, Robert E. "Editorial: Merton: Views and Re-Views." 2-3.

  • Ruttle, Paul, CP. "Book of Meditations." Rev. of Blaze of Recognition: Through the Year with Thomas Merton: Daily Meditations selected and edited by Thomas P. McDonnell. 4-5.

  • MacCormick, Chalmers. "Eastern Exposure." Rev. of Thomas Merton and Asia: His Quest for Utopia by Alexander Lipski. 6-7.

  • Pounder, Joe. "Two Poems." [poem] 8-9.

  • Abdelnour, M. Madeline, SCN. "Prophet of Justice and Peace." Rev. of The Social Thought of Thomas Merton by Rev. David W. Givey. 10-11.

  • Higgins, Michael W. "Testament of Griffin's Friendship." Rev. of Follow the Ecstasy: Thomas Merton, The Hermitage Years, 1965-68 by John Howard Griffin. 12-14.

  • "Elderhostel 1984: 'Continued Growth with Age'." 14-15.


The Summer 1984 issue, Vol. 9, No.2 included:

  • Pennington, M. Basil, OCSO. "Gift of Rare Value." Rev. of Merton: A Film Biography by Paul Wilkes and Audrey L. Glynn. 2-3.

  • Daggy, Robert E. "Editorial: Of Films, Courses and Hostels: Merton Films, Merton Courses and Weeks with Thomas Merton (Naturally)." 4-5.

  • Thurston, Bonnie Bowman. "Review of Criticism of Thomas Merton's Poetry." 6-10.

  • Seitz, Ron. "Signature: In Memory of Thomas Merton." [poem] 11.

  • Osborn, Don R. "Evolutionary Epistemology, Meditation, and Merton." 12-13.

  • Kilcourse, George A. "New Phase of Merton Studies." Rev. of Letters from Tom: A Selection of Letters from Father Thomas Merton, Monk of Gethsemani, to W. H. Ferry, 1961-1968 edited by W. H. Ferry. 14-15.

  • Stone, Naomi Burton. "New and Enlarged." Rev. of Thomas Merton/Monk: A Monastic Tribute edited by Patrick Hart, OCSO. 16-17.


The Autumn 1984 issue, Vol. 9, No.3 included:

  • Daggy, Robert E. "Editorial: Preview: Five Merton Publications." 2-3.

  • Albert, John, OCSO. "Mind Guards Against White Knight: Thomas Merton and Bob Dylan." 4-10.

  • Ryan, Gregory J. "'Who Is It That Has A Transcendent Experience?': Main's Meditator as Merton's No-One." 11-13.

  • Marty, Martin E. "Thomas Merton: Pathfinder." 14.

  • Goerg, Frank. "Mertonoia." [poem] 15.

  • Hart, Patrick, OCSO. "A Merton Commentary." Rev. of Contemplation and Compassion: Thomas Merton's Vision by Anthony Thomas Padovano. 16.


From Volume 10 onwards four issues of The Merton Seasonal were published each year.

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