The Winter 1985 issue, Vol. 10, No.1 included:
Daggy, Robert E. "Editorial: Seventy Years and Seven Mountains: A Review-Symposium of The Seven Mountains of Thomas Merton, by Michael Mott." 2-3.
Allchin, A. M. "Whale of a Book." Rev. of The Seven Mountains of Thomas Merton, by Michael Mott. 4-5.
Haughton, Rosemary. "Two Questions." Rev. of The Seven Mountains of Thomas Merton, by Michael Mott. 6-7.
Rice, Edward. "Trivia Game. Rev. of The Seven Mountains of Thomas Merton, by Michael Mott. 8-10.
Mott, Michael. "Tarn." [poem]
Crews, Clyde F. "Benchmark Reading." Rev. of The Seven Mountains of Thomas Merton, by Michael Mott. 12-13.
Labrie, Ross. "Man in Motion." Rev. of The Seven Mountains of Thomas Merton, by Michael Mott. 14-15.
Forest, Jim. "Various Identities." Rev. of The Seven Mountains of Thomas Merton, by Michael Mott. 16-18.
The Spring 1985 issue, Vol. 10, No.2 included:
Farce, Gilles. "Different Drummer: Thomas Merton and Henry Thoreau." 2-6.
Quenon, Paul, OCSO. "More Geography from Lograire." [poem] 7.
Daggy, Robert E. "Editorial: An Encomium for Raymond Treece; Reviews By and About Victor Kramer; and a Huzza from Michael Mott." 8-9.
"Elderhostel 1985: 'Continued Growth with Age'." 10-11.
Greenfield, Thomas A. "One Man Merton." Rev. of Winter Rain: Six Images of Thomas Merton by Anthony T. Padovano. 12-13.
Kramer, Victor A. "Merton: Talk for a Television Program." Rev. of Merton, By Those Who Knew Him Best edited by Paul Wilkes. 14-15.
Burns, Flavian, OCSO. "The Merton I Knew." Rev. of Thomas Merton by Victor A. Kramer. 16-17.
Leax, John. "Unifying Merton." Rev. of Thomas Merton by Victor A. Kramer.18-19.
The Summer 1985 issue, Vol. 10, No.3 included:
Daggy, Robert E. "Editorial: William Shannon and the Merton Letters: The First Selection." 2-3.
Shannon, William H. "Thomas Merton's First Article on War and Peace." 4-5.
Merton, Thomas. "Centered on Faith: An Excerpt." 6.
Cooper, David D. "Confession and Catharsis." Rev. of The Hidden Ground of Love: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Experience and Social Concerns edited by William H. Shannon. 7-11.
Kelty, Matthew, OCSO. "Merton: Monitoring Self." Rev. of The Hidden Ground of Love: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Experience and Social Concerns edited by William H. Shannon. 12-13.
Malits, Elena, CSC. "A Testimony of Confidence and Friendship." Rev. of The Hidden Ground of Love: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Experience and Social Concerns edited by William H. Shannon. 14-15.
Nelson, Raymond. "The Mail from Tunis, Probably." Rev. of The Hidden Ground of Love: The Letters of Thomas Merton on Religious Experience and Social Concerns edited by William H. Shannon. 16-19.
Berrigan, Daniel. "Seeds of Fire: Fragment from Block Island." [poem] 20.
The Autumn 1985 issue, Vol. 10, No.4 included:
King, Thomas M, SJ. "Thomas Merton on Pierre Teilhard De Chardin." 2-3.
"Merton and His Boswells: Four Essays on Recently Published and Reprinted 'Biographies'."
Carr, Virginia Spencer. "Anti-Hero of Many Faces: Michael Mott's Seven Mountains of Thomas Merton." Rev. of The Seven Mountains of Thomas Merton, by Michael Mott. 5-6.
Daggy, Robert E. "Biographer Like Me: John Howard Griffin's Follow the Ecstasy." Rev. of Follow the Ecstasy by John Howard Griffin. 6-8.
Hauser, Richard J, SJ. "A Personal Interpretation: Anthony Padovano's Human Journey." Rev. of The Human Journey by Anthony T. Padovano. 9.
Ryan, Gregory J. "Zacchaeus, Make Haste: Edward Rice's Man in the Sycamore Tree." Rev. of The Man in the Sycamore Tree by Edward Rice. 9-11.
Seitz, Ron. "Four Poems from The Gethsemani Poems." [poem] 12-15.
Hall, Wade. "A Southern Catholic Novelist Speaks." Rev. of Conversations with Walker Percy edited by Lewis A. Larson and Victor A. Kramer. 16-17.
Cunningham, Lawrence S. "Sophianic Criticism." Rev. of The Literary Essays of Thomas Merton edited by Patrick Hart, OCSO. 18-20.