International Thomas Merton Society

Bellarmine University

The Merton Seasonal -

Volume 13, 1988

The Winter 1988 issue, Vol. 13, No.1 included:

  • Imperato, Robert. "Thomas Merton and Daniel Clark Walsh." 2-5.

  • Sisto, Richard. "The Simple Gifts of Merton." 6-8.

  • Johnson, Susan Matthis. "Three Poems." [poem] 9-12.

  • Ford, John H. "A Lasting and Productive Relationship." Rev. of Merton and Walsh on the Person by Robert Imperato. 14-15.

  • Holloway, James Y. "A Thomas Merton Symposium." Rev. of The Kentucky Review (Vol. VII, No. 2, Summer 1987.) 16-17.

  • McGuire, Paul J. SCJ. "'Your Own Self'." Rev. of A Search for Wisdom and Spirit: Thomas Merton's Theology of the Self by Anne E. Carr. 18-20.


The Spring 1988 issue, Vol. 13, No.2 included:

  • "A Letter from William H. Shannon." 3-4.

  • Stevens, Clifford. "Two Letters of Thomas Merton." 5-8.

  • Rukstelis, Michael. "The Pasture (Thomas Merton's Heart)." [poem] 9.

  • Lewis, Gloria Kitto. "Thomas Merton's Myth for Modern Times: A Tale of the City." 10-15.

  • Grip, Robert. "Merton's Foresight." Rev. of Thomas Merton on Nuclear Weapons by Ronald E. Powaski. 16-17.

  • Stone, Rob. "A Hermitage Experience." Rev. of A Retreat with Thomas Merton by M. Basil Pennington, OCSO. 17-18.

  • Barbehenn, Dorothy J. "Too Serious A Brother Monk: A Letter to the Editor." 19.


The Summer 1988 issue, Vol. 13, No.3 included:

  • Daggy, Robert E. "Editorial: In Pursuit of Thomas Merton." 2-5.

  • Buchanan, William. "Merton's Asian Trail: Some Travel Notes." 6-9.

  • Ledbetter, Jack T. "Tracking Merton in the U.K." 10-15.

  • Ledbetter, Jack T. "A World Away (for the Monks at Gethsemani Abbey)." [poem] 15.

  • Quenon, Paul, OCSO. "The Merton Tree Revisited: A Photo-Essay." 16-17.

  • Hart, Patrick, OCSO. "Merton's Alaskan Trek." Rev. of The Alaskan Journal of Thomas Merton edited by Robert E. Daggy. 18-20.

  • Tuoti, Frank X. "Merton A Saint? Why Not?!" 22.


The Autumn 1988 issue, Vol. 13, No.4 included:

  • Daggy, Robert E. "Editorial: Thomas Merton (1915-1968): Conferences, Commemorations, Festivals, Books, Articles, and Festschrifts Twenty Years Later." 2-3.

  • Trunfull, Patricia. "Merton at Brooke: A Photo-Essay." 4-5.

  • MacCormick, Chalmers. "A Meeting of Hearts." Rev. of Encounter: Thomas Merton and D.T. Suzuki edited by Robert E. Daggy. 6-7.

  • Fisher, James T. "A Critical Period in Merton's Life." Rev. of A Vow of Conversation: Journals 1964-1965. 8-9.

  • McLaughlin, Thomas, OSB. "A Direct Glimpse of Merton."Rev. of A Vow of Conversation: Journals 1964-1965. 10-11.

  • Merritt, Justine. "For Thomas Merton: A Poem." [poem] 12-13.

  • Padovano, Anthony T. "The Maturity of Merton Studies." Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 1. 14-15.

  • Biddle, Arthur W. "A Rich Merton Album."Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 1. 16-18.

  • Weber, Brother Columban (Richard) Weber, OCSO. "The Humanism of Thomas Merton." Rev. of Toward an Integrated Humanity: Thomas Merton's Journey edited by M. Basil Pennington, OCSO. 19-21.

  • Higgins, Michael W. "A Gentle and Gracious Critic." Rev. of Thomas Merton: Monk and Artist by Victor A. Kramer. 22-23.

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