International Thomas Merton Society

Bellarmine University

The Merton Seasonal -

Volume 14, 1989

The Winter 1989 issue, Vol. 14, No.1 included:

  • Daggy, Robert E. "Editorial: Merton: Islands, The New Yorker, and Other Connections." 2-3.

  • Kocka, David, OFM Conv. "A Song of Syllables: Merton an Artist in Art."4-9.

  • Burne, Martin J, OSB. "Some Thoughts on the Early Poetry of Thomas Merton: Reading 'The Quickening of St. John the Baptist'." 10-14.

  • Porter, J. S. "Two Poems." [poem] 15.

  • Koch, Bill. "Realized Eschatology in Merton's A Vow of Conversation." 16-17.

  • Quenon, Paul, OCSO. "No Need for Verbs." Rev. of Monks Pond, Old Hermit, Hai!: A Haiku Homage to Thomas Merton by Ron Seitz. 18-19.

  • Lee, Cyrus. "'I Speak as Your Own Self'." Rev. of Chi Chung Shan: Mu-Duen Tze Chuan by Thomas Merton. 20-21.


The Spring 1989 issue, Vol. 14, No.2 included:

  • Daggy, Robert E. "Editorial: Merton: Kentucky Writers, Artists and Events." 2-3.

  • Brooks, Anne Page. "Job and Thomas Merton: Their Experiences of God and the Realization of Integrity." 4-9.

  • Engelberg, Joseph. "Two Monks: A Visit to Dom James Fox's Hermitage and Old Monk."10-13.

  • Ray, Ronald D. "Narrow Way: A Poem." [poem] 14-15.

  • Cunningham, Lawrence S. "Merton Reflects." Rev. of 'Honorable Reader': Reflections on My Work edited by Robert E. Daggy. 16-17.

  • English, John C. "Three Plays." Rev. of Conscience and Conflict: A Trilogy of One-Act Plays: Thomas Merton, Pope John XXIII, Martin Luther by Anthony T. Padovano. 18-19.

  • Shannon, William H. "No Thomas Merton." Rev. of Up and Down Merton's Mountain: A Contemporary Spiritual Journey by Gerald Groves. 20-22.

  • "Victor Kramer Replies to Michael Higgins's Review of Thomas Merton: Monk and Artist." 27.


The Summer 1989 issue, Vol. 14, No.3 included:

  • Daggy, Robert E. "Editorial: After the First General Meeting of the ITMS." 2.

  • Shannon, William H. "The Farmer from Nelson County." 3-7.

  • "Two Homilies from the ITMS General Meeting."

    • Burns, Flavian. "'Do This in Memory of Me': Homily for the Feast of Corpus Christi Commemorating Thomas Merton, Abbey of Gethsemani, 28 May 1989." 8-9.

    • McGuire, Paul J, SCJ. "'Merton's Secret': Homily for the Fortieth Anniversary of Thomas Merton's Ordination, St. Robert Chapel, Bellarmine College, 26 May 1989." 10-12.

  • Batholomew, Martha. "Seeds for Generation." [poem] 13.

  • Moe, Rusty C. "Pants, Breath and the General Dance: Thomas Merton's Ordinary Grace." 14-17.

  • Patterson, Jodi, OCD. "'I Am Here in Answer to Someone's Prayer'." Rev. of Thomas Merton in Alaska: Prelude to the Asian Journal; The Alaskan Conferences, Journals and Letters by Thomas Merton. 18-20.

  • Pearson, Paul M. "From a Brother of Another Communion." Rev. of Soul Friends: A Journey with Thomas Merton by Brother Ramon, SSF. 20-21.

  • O'Connell, Patrick F. "A Caravan for Merton." Rev. of The Thomas Merton Poems: A Caravan of Poems by J. S. Porter. 22-25.

  • Biddle, Arthur W. "Hours: Gethsemani (for Robert Lax)." [poem] 25.


The Autumn 1989 issue, Vol. 14, No.4 included:

  • Daggy, Robert E. "Editorial: Of Grace, Mystery, and Joy: The Second Volume of The Merton Letters." 2-3.

  • "Thomas Merton and Alfred B. Hailparn: Two Recently Discovered Letters Concerning the 1937 Columbian." 4-5.

  • "Images of Friendship: A Photo Essay." 6-7.

  • "The Road to Joy: A Review Symposium."

    • Casey, Michael. "Fresh and Readable Letters." 8-9.

    • Grip, Robert. "Different People, Different Levels." 10-12.

    • Richardson, Jane Marie. "Sturdy Shelter." 12-15.

    • Van Waes, Bernard. "Mailbox Number 5." 15-19.

  • Ryan, Gregory J. "Thomas Merton in Cuba and Ceylon: In His End is His Beginning." 19-20.

  • "Three Poems by Younger Merton Readers."

    • Hessel, Paige E. M."Twenty-One Years Too Late." [poem] 21.

    • Voiles, Kenneth M. "In the Silence" and "The Monk's Way." [poem] 22-23.

  • Biddle, Arthur W. "New and Old Friendships." Rev. of Monk's Pond: Thomas Merton's 'Little Magazine'. 24-26.

  • Irish, Marc. "For Merton." [poem] 26.

  • Ruttle, Paul, CP. "A Scholarly 'Good Read'." Rev. of Thomas Merton's Art of Denial: The Evolution of a Radical Humanist by David D. Cooper. 27- 29.

  • "J. S. Porter replies to Patrick F. O'Connell's Review of The Thomas Merton Poems." 29.

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