International Thomas Merton Society

Bellarmine University

The Merton Seasonal -

Volume 15, 1990

The Winter 1990 issue, Vol. 15, No.1 included:

  • Daggy, Robert E. "Editorial: Women and Merton - ITMS General Meeting Reflections." 2.

  • Lauridson, James R. "Merton and the Feminine: A Reflection." 3-5.

  • Felhoelter, M. Clarita, OSU. "After Reading Merton - Three Poems." [poem] 6-8.

  • Ledbetter, J. T. "'The Woman Thing'." 9-14.

  • "A Letter from George Bush." 16.

  • Malits, Elena, CSC. "The Meaning of The Seven Storey Mountain." 17-21.

  • Ledbetter, J. T. "Storm and Wind." [poem] 22.

  • LoGrasso, Beverly Anne, OSU. "Musings on Mystical, Musical Merton, Maker of World Community: After the First General Meeting." 23-25.

  • Drane, Stephen. "Merton-Flirtin'." [poem] 25.

  • Ferry, W. H. "Notes on Walter Capps' Preview of the Asian Journey." 26-28.

  • Ryan, Gregory J. "A Concrete Poem from Munx Pond." [poem] 28.


The Spring 1990 issue, Vol. 15, No.2 included:

  • Daggy, Robert E. "Editorial: Thomas Merton's 'Muse of Fire'." 2-3.

  • Sisto, Richard interviewing Fred Hicks. "The Significance of the Firewatch Quilt." 3-5.

  • Cunningham, Lawrence S. "Thomas Merton: Firewatcher." 6-11.

  • Doriot, Thomas Jeanne, SP. "Two Poems." [poem] 12-13.

  • Moe, Rusty C. "Giving Voice to the Fire: A Commentary on Thomas Brooks' A Moment of Love." 14-16.

  • Voiles, Kenneth M. "The Colorization of Thomas Merton: An Open Letter to the ITMS." 16-17.

  • Dear, John, SJ. "Merton as Catholic Romantic." Rev. of The Catholic Counterculture in America, 1933-1962 by James Terence Fisher. 18-20.

  • King, Thomas M, SJ. "Berrigan: Artist and Activist." Rev. of The Writings of Daniel Berrigan by Ross Labrie. 20-22.

  • Koch, Bill. "Quixotic Merton." Rev. of Enchantments: Religion and the Power of the Word by Thomas M. King. 22-25.

  • Paguio, Erlinda G. "Merton: Sparked by the Meister." Rev. of The Spark in the Soul: Spirituality and Social Justice by Terry Tastard. 25-27.


The Summer 1990 issue, Vol. 15, No.3 included:

  • Daggy, Robert E. "Editorial: Thomas Merton and the East: A Reflection." 2-3.

  • Thurston, Burton B. "Merton's Reflections on Sufism." 4-7.

  • Pearson, Paul M. "Journey to Sri Lanka and Three Poems." 8-11.

  • "Merton's Words in China." 12.

  • Pennington, M. Basil, OCSO. "Merton's Bell Rings Out in Thailand." 13-14.

  • Ledbetter, J. T. "Six Haiku." [poem] 15.

  • Thurston, Bonnie B. "Thomas Merton and Eastern Religions: A Bibliography." 16-21.

  • Boyd, Virginia. "Thomas Merton." [poem] 21.

  • Villasana, Ana. "Of Merton and the East: A Letter to the ITMS." 22.

  • Hart, Patrick, OCSO. "The Center Dialogue." Rev. of Preview of the Asian Journey by Thomas Merton. 23-24.

  • Hall, Wade. "A Discerning Essayist." Rev. of Random Essays: Recollections of a Publisher by James Laughlin. 25-26.

  • Young, Gary, CR. "Iconostasis for Novices." Rev. of Modern Spiritual Writers: Their Legacies of Prayer by Charles J. Healey, SJ. 27-29.

  • Dockery, Wilda. "To Thomas Merton." [poem] 29.


The Autumn 1990 issue, Vol. 15, No.4 included:

  • Daggy, Robert E. "Editorial: Merton Connections: The Monastery of the Holy Spirit, Bobbie K. Owens, Least Heat Moon, and The Fourteen Carat Molehill." 2-3.

  • Moon, William Least Heat. "A Visit to Holy Spirit Monastery: Excerpts from Blue Highways: A Journey into America." 4-6.

  • Brand, Edmund, OCSO. "A Tribute to Thomas Merton." [poem] 7-9.

  • Albert, John, OCSO. "Merton's Life As 'Monastic Narrative'."10-16.

  • Albert, John, OCSO. "Three Poems in the Spirit of Lograire and Cables to the Ace." [poem] 16-19.

  • Kramer, Victor A. "A Call for Additional Oral History: Merton, The Guestmaster, 'The Fat Boy,' and Monasticism." 20-23.

  • Irish, Marc. "Collecting Merton." 23-24.

  • Pearson, Paul M. "Merton the Dreamer." Rev. of The Hidden Journey: Reflections on a Dream by Thomas Merton by Melvyn Matthews. 25-26.

  • Sonnenberg, Barbara. "Merton the Peacemaker." Rev. of Our God is Nonviolent: Witnesses in the Struggle for Peace and Justice by John Dear. 26-27.

  • Rice, Edward. "Merton Issues: A Letter to the Editor." 31.

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