International Thomas Merton Society

Bellarmine University

The Merton Seasonal -

Volume 19, 1994

The Winter 1994 issue, Vol. 19, No.1 included:

  • Daggy, Robert E. "Editorial: Discoveries and Rediscoveries Twenty-Five Years After Thomas Merton's Death." 2-3.

  • Hempstead, Sheila M. "Some of the Treasures of a Sunday Afternoon." 4-6.

  • Merton, Thomas. "The Haunted Castle." 7-10.

  • Merton, Thomas. "Another Stop on 'The Road to Joy': A Letter." 11.

  • Cunningham, Lawrence S. "Teaching Thomas Merton in China." 12-14.

  • Pearson, Paul M. "The Formation of the Thomas Merton Society (of Great Britain and Ireland)." 15.

  • McDonnell, Chris. "An Interval Occasion Marked by Words." [poem] 17.

  • Allchin, A. M. "Sermon Preached on Sunday 12th December in St. Lawrence's Church, Winchester, England. (Thomas Merton Conference)." 18-20.

  • Conner, James, OCSO. "Homily for the 25th Anniversary of the Death of Fr. Louis Merton. Abbey of Gethsemani, December 10, 1993." 21-22.

  • McDonald, Patrick J. "Thomas Merton and Steven Spielberg: Some Parallels." 23-25.

  • Kilcourse, George. "Merton's Own Authentic Voice of the Moment." Rev. of The Courage for Truth: Letters to Writers selected and edited by Christine M. Bochen. 26-29.


The Spring 1994 issue, Vol. 19, No.2 included:

  • Daggy, Robert E. "Editorial: Thomas Merton: Connections East and West More than Twenty-FiveYears After His Death." 2-3.

  • Wu, John, Jr. "A Song for Tom." 4-6.

  • Hart, Patrick, OCSO. "The Dalai Lama Descends on Gethsemani: In Memory of Thomas Merton." 7-9.

  • Cronley, Tim. "At Merton's Grave." [poem] 10.

  • Buchanan, William. "In Seach for Brahmachari." 11-13.

  • Behara, Guru Charan. "Thomas Merton's The Geography of Lograire: A Poem of Psychotherapy." 14-18.

  • McDonald, Nancy D. "Old Uncle Louie: A Love Poem of Thomas Merton." [poem] 19.

  • Bamberger, John Eudes, OCSO. "Jungian Commentary on Thomas Merton." Rev. of Thomas Merton in Search of His Soul: A Jungian Perspective by Robert G. Waldron. 20-21.

  • O'Connell, Patrick F. "Franciscan Commentary on Thomas Merton." Rev. of Swimming in the Sun: Discovering the Lord's Prayer with Francis of Assisi and Thomas Merton by Albert Haase, OFM. 22-24.

  • Koch, Bill. "A Personal Collage of Thomas Merton." Rev. of Meditations with Merton by Nicki Verploegen Vandergrift. 25-26.


The Summer 1994 issue, Vol. 19, No.3 included:

  • Daggy, Robert E. "Editorial: After Summer Talk of Hogs, Irises, and First Day Covers, Why Not Some More Merton Anniversaries, Books and Annuals?" 3-4.

  • Finley, Mitch. "Barry Ulanov: 'I Remember Tom with Great Fondness'." 5-6.

  • McCormick, Chalmers. "Huxley's Ends and Means Revisited." 7-11.

  • McNally, Terry. "Kestrel Kill For Thomas Merton." [poem] 12.

  • O'Connell, Patrick F. "Thirty Poems after Fifty Years." 13-17.

  • Fullerton, Timothy. "Sunday, Up at Louie's Place: Reflections on an Epiphany." 18-20.

  • Walsh, Francis J. "A Man - Merton." [poem] 21.

  • Richardson, Jane Marie, SL. "Praying with a Seasoned Traveler." Rev. of Praying with Thomas Merton by Wayne Simsic. 22-24.

  • "Two Views of the Sixth Merton Annual."

    • Cunningham, Lawrence S. "A Cornucopia of Merton." 25-26.

    • Pearson, Paul M. "'Merton as a Direction'."26-28.

  • "Noel Almedia's 'First Day Covers' from Australia Down Under." 29-30.


The Autumn 1994 issue, Vol. 19, No.4 included:

  • Daggy, Robert E. "Editorial: Anti-This and Anti-That: Thomas Merton's Experimentation and Protest." 3.

  • Lax, Robert. "His Work was Play." [poem] 4.

  • Weber, Richard, OCSO. "The Latest Catch." Rev. of A Catch of Anti-Letters by Thomas Merton and Robert Lax. 5-6.

  • Merton, Thomas and Robert Lax. "Reinhardt Slips Into His Painting: An Excerpt From A Catch of Anti-Letters." 7-8.

  • Wine, Kathleen. "Merton's Paradox." [poem] 9.

  • Henken, Ted. "The Logic of Mass Destruction: Modern Knowledge, Kafka, and Thomas Merton's Poetry."10-13.

  • Dear, John, SJ. "Contemplative Prayer is Subversive: Reading the Gospel - and Merton - in Jail." 14-16.

  • Hart, Patrick, OCSO. "The Inner Journey of Thomas Merton." Rev. of Finding Your Centre: A Journey with Thomas Merton by Jim Forest. 17.

  • Montaldo, Jonathan. "An Angel in America." Rev. of My Song is of Mercy: Writings of Matthew Kelty selected and edited by Michael Downey. 18-20.

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