International Thomas Merton Society

Bellarmine University

The Merton Seasonal -

Volume 21, 1996

The Spring 1996 issue, Vol. 21, No.1 included:

  • Daggy, Robert E. "A Merton Mailbag (From Here and There)." 3.

  • Hart, Patrick, OCSO. "Thomas Merton's Eightieth Birthday is Celebrated in Prades." 4-5.

  • Voiles, Kenneth M. "Prades (Merton's Birthplace): A Poem." [poem] 6.

  • O'Connell. Patrick F. "'And Call it Macaronic': An Unpublished Early Poem of Thomas Merton." 7-8.

  • Hempstead-Milton, Sheila M. "Merton's Search for Paradise and His Integration of Ruth Merton, Sophia and Mary." 9-14.

  • Gordy, Rose. "Will the Real Mary of Magdala Please Stand Up?" 15-18.

  • Doriot, Jeanne, SP. "Four Poems." [poems] 19-22.

  • Cassani, Genevieve, SSND. "Outer and Inner Landscapes." Rev. of Entering the Silence: Becoming a Monk and Writer - The Journals of Thomas Merton, Vol. 2: 1941-1952 edited by Jonathan Montaldo. 23-25.

  • Combs, Joan. "Brother Monk in Collected Essays." Rev. of Thomas Merton, My Brother: His Journey to Freedom, Compassion, and Final Integration by M. Basil Pennington. 26-27.

  • King, John E. "Identifying Hammer Editions of Merton." Rev. of An Introduction to Victor and Carolyn Hammer with a Listing of the Books Printed as Their Several Presses compiled by Paul Evans Holbrook. 28-30.


The Summer 1996 issue, Vol. 21, No.2 included:

  • Daggy, Robert E. "Editorial: Creativity and a '4': Thomas Merton's Developing Style." 3.

  • Murray, Mary. "The Waters of Siloe as Literature: Thomas Merton Glad to be Home in the Cistercian Order." 4-7.

  • Weis, Monica, SSJ. "Merton's Poetry: Early Recognition." 8-11.

  • Van Groll, Pierre D. "Call for Dialogue." 12.

  • O'Connell, Patrick F. "Remembering Lorca: Merton's Tribute to a Poetic Master."13-18.

  • Daggy, Robert E. "Hurly Burly Secrets: A Reflection on Thomas Merton's French Poems." 19-26.

  • Liddell, Rose Annette, SL. "What I Wear is Pants." Rev. of Merton: An Enneagram Profile by Suzanne Zuercher, OSB. 27-28.


The Autumn 1996 issue, Vol. 21, No.3 included:

  • Merton, Thomas. "A Very Early Essay." 3-9.

  • Hogan, Christine Jensen. "Two Poems." [poem] 10-11.

  • Reilly, Patrick. "Moses as an Exemplar: The Paradoxes of Thomas Merton." 12-18.

  • Matsko, Vincent J. "Reading Thomas Merton as a Non-Christian." 19-21.

  • Ruttle, Paul, CP. Rev. of A Search for Solitude: Pursuing the Monk's True Life - The Journal of Thomas Merton, Vol. 3: 1952-1960 edited by Lawrence S. Cunningham. 22-25.


The Winter 1996 issue, Vol. 21, No.4 included:

  • McHargue, Tim, MSC. "A Pilgrimage in Bangkok." 3-6.

  • King, John E. "Small Disagreement with Fr. Basil Pennington. What is Thomas Merton's First Book?" 7-11.

  • Beltran Llavador, Fernando. "'Faith-filled Eyes in the Night': A Network of Saints for Our Times." 12-21.


With Volume 21:1 of The Merton Seasonal a new series of numbering began to enable the Seasonal to be published in its designated season and to bring the publication into line with the numbering of other periodicals and journals. So, there was NO Winter issue, 21:1's issue is Spring 1996.

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