The Spring 1998 issue, Vol. 23, No.1 included:
"Bellarmine College Dedicates New Merton Center (with remarks by Timothy Kelly, OCSO, Robert Giroux, and Joseph J. McGowan, Jr.) 3-7.
Ryan, Greg. "Thomas Merton - Computer Hacker (A Cyber Fantasy)." 8-13.
Nouwen, Henri J. M. "Thomas Merton's Call to Contemplation and Action." 14-17.
Webster, Ronald. "Three Poems." [poem] 18-20.
Weis, Monica, SSJ. "Beyond the Shadow and the Disguise: 'Spots of Time' in Thomas Merton's Spiritual Development." 21-27.
Goodwin, Jean. "Ballad: Brer Fox to Brer Merton." [poem] 28.
Davernson, Anne M. "Annual Celebrations." Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volumes 8 and 9. 29-32.
The Summer 1998 issue, Vol. 23, No.2 included:
Apel, William D. "'Who Stands Fast?' Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Thomas Merton on Obedience." 3-10.
Merton, Thomas. "Five Limericks for Father Raymond." 11-12.
St. John, Donald P. "The Flowering of Natural Contemplation: Some Notes on Theoria Physike in Thomas Merton's Unpublished An Introduction to Christian Mysticism." 13-16.
Kelly, Patrick J. "Three Poems." [poem] 17-18.
Porter, J. S. "Piggybacking on Merton." 19-22.
Labrie, Ross. "Merton Amidst the Intellectuals." Rev. of Thomas Merton's American Prophecy by Robert Inchausti. 23-24.
Keirnan, Jeffrey. "Mentor for a New Generation." Rev. of Thomas Merton, Poet, Priest, Prophet by Jennifer Fisher Bryant. 25-26.
Murray, Mary. "A Rich and Generous Collection." Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 5. 27-28.
The Fall 1998 issue, Vol. 23, No.3 included:
Shannon, William H. "The Seven Storey Mountain: Fifty Years Old!" 3-11.
Ledbetter, J. T. "Images in a Dark Church." [poem]12.
Koch, William. "The Solitude of Lograire." 13-17.
Berger, John. "Two Poems." [poem] 18-19.
Waldron, Robert. "Poets of Pilgrimage: Thomas Merton (1915-1968) and Denise Levertov (1923-1997)." 20-23.
Kristoff, Donna, OSU. "Of Postcards, Pilgrims, and Prayer." Rev. of Praying with Icons by Jim Forest. 24-26.
Kropf, Richard W. "A Mixed Bag of Hermits." Rev. of Hermits: The Insights of Solitude by Peter France. 24-26.
Wilkes, Paul. "A Life that Makes Sense." Rev. of Trappist, a production of WTVI, and Trappist: Living in the Land of Desire by Michael Downey. 29-30.
The Winter 1998 issue, Vol. 23, No.4 included:
D'Silva, Sr. Teresita, OSB. "Bangkok Diary - December 1968." 3-10.
Rifkind, Anita. "Two Poems." [poem] 11-12.
McHargue, Tim. "Beyond Bangkok: A Pilgrimage to Rawasengeng." 13-19.
Karsh, Michael. "Holy Name." [poem] 20.
Ali, Zakaria. "The Solitude of Thomas Merton: An Asian Perspective." 21-25.
Burton-Christie, Douglas. "Final Passage." Rev. of The Other Side of the Mountain: The End of the Journey - Journals of Thomas Merton, Vol. 7: 1967-1968 edited by Patrick Hart, OCSO. 26-30.
Simsic, Wayne. "Spirituality of Everyday Life." Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 10. 31-33.