The Spring 2002 issue, Vol. 27, No.1 included:
Merton, Thomas. “The ‘World’ the Church and the ‘Godless World’ – 1.” 3-9.
Goodwin, Jean. “Let Us Invoke Thomas Merton Who Needs a Miracle or Two if He Is Ever to Become a Saint.” [poem] 10.
Daggy, Robert E. “Thomas Merton’s Critique of Language.” 11-15.
McDonnell, Chris. “Louisville Wires (December 10, 2001.)” [poem] 16.
Staggs, John. “Reinventing the Wheel: Thomas Merton and the Christ of the Cross.” 17-19.
Weis, Monica, SSJ. “Growing Toward Wholeness.” Rev. of Thomas Merton and the Inclusive Imagination by Ross Labrie. 20-21.
Ratigan, Virginia Kaib. “Merton Through a Feminine Lens.” Rev. of The Merton Annual Volume 14 (2001) edited by Victor A. Kramer. 22-25.
Milton, Sheila M. “A Not Quite Reliable Guide.” Rev. of Reading Thomas Merton: A Guide to His Life and Work by John Laughlin. 26-27.
The Summer 2002 issue, Vol. 27, No.2 included:
Merton, Thomas. “God and the World: The Church and the ‘Godless World’ – 3.” 3-7.
Collins, Roger. “Beautiful, Simple and Solid: Owen Merton’s House in Saint Antonin.” 12-18.
Srubas, Rachel M. “The Sun and the Moon.” [poem] 19.
Bourgeault, Cynthia. “Merton in Love.” 20-25.
Cassani, Genevieve, SSND. “Window on Merton’s Mind and Heart.” Rev. of Thomas Merton Tapes: “Early Christian Apologists”; “The Prophets”; “The Quest for the Grail and Conversion of Manners”; “Tertullian and Cassian”; “The Virtue of Temperance”. 26-28.
Richardson, Jane Marie, SL. “The Light Shines in the Darkness.” Rev of Thomas Merton: A Mind Awake in the Dark. Papers from the 2000 Oakham Conference of the Thomas Merton Society of Great Britain and Ireland edited by Paul M Pearson, Danny Sullivan and Ian Thomson. 29-30.
Fairaday, Brenda Fitch. “Exploring the Bridge that is Poetry.” Rev. of Walking with Thomas Merton: Discovering His Poetry, Essays and Journals by Robert Waldron. 31-32.
The Fall 2002 issue, Vol. 27, No.3 included:
Merton, Thomas. “The Protest of Vitalism: The Church and the ‘Godless World’ – 4.” 3-9.
Bingham, Anne. “The Blessing of Father Louis.” [poem] 10.
Knight, Jim. “The Merton I Knew.” 11-20.
Hodges, David. “Three Poems.” [poem] 21.
Cooper, Jeffrey, CSC. “Plight of the Peregrinatus.” 22-26.
Carr, Anne E. “A Fascinating Tour of Mertoniana.” Rev of The Thomas Merton Encyclopedia edited by William H. Shannon, Christine M. Bochen and Patrick F. O'Connell. 27-29.
Kramer, Victor A. “Finding the Right Words: Mercy for Merton.” Rev of Spirit Book Word: An Inquiry into Literature and Spirituality by J. S. Porter. 30.
Spaeth, Paul. “Memories of a Mentor.” Rev of The Way of the Dreamcatcher: Spirit Lessons with Robert Lax: Poet, Peacemaker, Sage by S.T. Georgiou. 31-32.
The Winter 2002 issue, Vol. 27, No.4 included:
Merton, Thomas. “The Road Ahead: The Church and the ‘Godless World’ – 6.” 3-7.
Webster, Ronald. “Aerials of Consolidation.” [poem] 8.
Thurston, Bonnie. “The Christian Center of Thomas Merton’s Thought.” 9-16.
Quinn, James E. “Seven Storey Redux.” [poem] 17.
Smock, Frederick. “Pax Intrantibus: The Search for Peace in the Poetry of Thomas Merton.” 18-24.
Farrelly, John, OSB. “A Lively Monastic Dialogue.” Rev. of Survival or Prophecy?: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Jean Leclercq, edited by Patrick Hart. 25-26.
Cechony, Therese Rowley. “A Christmas Present for the Spirit.” Rev. of Advent and Christmas with Thomas Merton, compiled by Judith A. Bauer and John J. Cleary. 27-28.
Kiernan, Jeffrey. “Instructing the Next Generation.” Rev. of A Thomas Merton Curriculum edited by Terrence A. Taylor. 29-30.