The Spring 2005 issue, Vol. 30, No.1 included:
McCormick, Anne H. "Remembering Naomi Burton Stone: A View from Manhattan." 3-5.
Ledbetter, J. T. “Merton Dreams of Jesus.” [poem] 6.
Hart, Patrick, OCSO. "Remembering Naomi Burton Stone: A View from Gethsemani." 7-8.
Wilkes, Paul. "Remembering Naomi Remembering Tom: An Interview with Naomi Burton Stone." 11-22.
Hulburt, Patricia. "Spending Time with Merton." Rev. of A Year with Thomas Merton: Daily Meditations from his Journals by Thomas Merton, edited by Jonathan Montaldo.23-24.
Fullerton, Timothy. "Nourishing Heart and Intellect. Rev. of The Merton Annual, Volume 17 edited by Victor Kramer. 25-27.
Betz, Margaret B. "Transcendent Creativity." Rev. of Mystery Hidden Yet Revealed by Marie Theresa Coombs. 28-29.
The Summer 2005 issue, Vol. 30, No.2 included:
Lipsey, Roger. "Thomas Merton and Ulfert Wilke: The Friendship of Artists." 3-12.
Flynn, Joanne. “Caregivers Revisit: Merton’s Waters of Siloam.” 16-21.
Del Prete, Thomas. "'Though Art That': Merton as Contemplative Photographer." 17-21.
Goodson, Bill. "Jonathan Daniels and Thomas Merton: A Meditation." 24-28.
Funk, Mary Margaret, OSB. "A Window into Merton's Classroom." Rev. of Cassian and the Fathers - Initiation into the Monastic Tradition by Thomas Merton, edited by Patrick O'Connell. 29-30.
Burton, Patricia A. "The Nouwen File and the Merton Book." Rev. of Encounters with Merton: Spiritual Reflections by Henri Nouwen. 31-34.
Doriot, Jeanne, SP. "A Jewel in Gethsemani's Crown." Rev. of The Poetry of a Soul: A Monk's Story produced by Morgan Atkinson. 35-36.
The Fall 2005 issue, Vol. 30, No.3 included:
Paguio, Erlinda G.
“A New World Being Born: Loving in a New Way: Presidential Address – ITMS Ninth General Meeting. University of San Diego. June 9, 2005.” 3-10.
Chura, Walt, SFO. “Come, Little Children, Come to Zion’: A Merton Letter to a Rector’s Wife.” 12-16.
Stewart, Mary L. “In the Gethsemani Fog.” [Poem] 17.
Dart, Ron. “Erasmus and Merton: Soul Friends.” 18-26.
Poks, Malgorzata. “A New Dawn for Merton’s Verse.” Rev. of In the Dark Before Dawn: New Selected Poems of Thomas Merton. Edited by Lynn R. Szabo. 27-30.
Atkinson, Morgan. “A Virtual Pilgrimage in Word and Image.” Rev. of Thomas Merton’s Gethsemani: Landscapes of Paradise by Harry Hinkle and Monica Weis. 31-32.
Bochen, Christine M. “Polished Contributions from Polish Conference.” Rev. of Studia Mertonia I and Studia Mertonia 2: Collected Papers of the First Merton Conference in Poland, Lublin, Oct. 24-27, 2002. 33-36.
The Winter 2005 issue, Vol. 30, No.4 included:
Goodwin-O’Neal, Beth. “Nine-Tenths Pilgrimage and One-Tenth Vacation.” 3-8.
“A Poem by René Char: Translated by Thomas Merton.” 9-12.
Ostenburg, John A. “Spiritual Connectedness: Thomas Merton’s Path to World Peace.” 13-17.
Smock, Frederick. “Silence.” [Poem] 18.
Peach, Robert K. “A Mertonian Critique of the Iraq War: An Offshoot of Fear and a Chasm in the Hidden Ground of Love.” 19-31.
Hardcastle, Judith. “An Affectionate Anthology.” Rev. of Thomas Merton: I Have Seen What I Was Looking For: Selected Spiritual Writings edited by M. Basil Pennington. 33-34.
Weis, Monica, SSJ. “Merton’s First Biography.” Rev. of Tom’s Book: To Granny With Tom’s Best Love 1916 by Ruth Merton, edited by Sheila Milton. 35-36.
Dekar, Paul R. “Modeling A New Paradigm.” Rev. of No Abiding Place: Thomas Merton and the Search for God by Fred Herron. 37-38.