The Spring 2008 issue, Vol. 33, No.1 included:
Collins, John P. “Thomas Merton and the PAX Peace Prize.” 3-14.
Thurston, Bonnie. “Little Rule for a Minor Hermitage.” [poem] 15.
Eastman, Patrick. “Two Falling Blossoms: Merton, Meister Eckhart and Zen.” 16-25.
Smock, Frederick. “Sabbath.” [poem] 26.
Mangrum, William L. “The Parish Desert and My Ordinary Self.” 27-29.
Skudlarek, William, OSB. “Engaging Contacts, Enlightening Insights.” Rev. of Merton and Buddhism: Wisdom, Emptiness and Everyday Mind edited by Bonnie B. Thurston. 30-31.
Paguio, Erlinda G. “Finding Merton Familiar." Rev. of Tom Merton: A Personal Biography by Joan McDonald. 32-34.
Szabo, Lynn R. “Peacemaking and Poetics.” Rev. of Pax Intrantibus: A Meditation on the Poetry of Thomas Merton by Frederick Smock. 35-36.
Pearson, Paul M. "Recent Publications By and About Thomas Merton." 37-39.
The Summer 2008 issue, Vol. 33, No.2 included:
Shaw, Mark. “Thomas Merton's Italian
Vision Revisited.” 3-6.
"2008 Thomas Merton Prize for Poetry of
the Sacred." 7-11.
Gelsheimer, Ann. “'The Bystander
Effect': Thomas Merton and Social Psychology.” 12-19.
Peach, Robert. “Merton's Madhyamika.”
[poem] 20-21.
Kaplan, Edward K.
“Incarcerated Prophets: Crisis Letters of Thomas Merton and Martin
Luther King, Jr.” 22-26. -
Egan, Keith J.
“Mining Mystic Riches.” Rev. of
An Introduction to Christian Mysticism: Initiation into the Monastic
Tradition 3 edited by
Patrick F. O’Connell. 27-29.
Labrie, Ross. “Explication of
Explorations." Rev. of
Thomas Merton and Latin America: A Consonance
of Voices by Malgorzata Poks. 30-32.
Somerville, Mary R. “Paying Attention
to a Master.” Rev. of
Thomas Merton: Master of Attention by Robert Waldron. 33-34.
Pearson, Paul M. "Recent Publications
By and About Thomas Merton." 35-39.
The Fall 2008 issue, Vol. 33, No.3 included:
Merton, Thomas. “Jacob’s War.” 3-8.
Goldfarb, Sheldon. “On Thomas Merton.” [poem] 9-10.
Ross, Sheilagh A. “The Art of Pilgrimage: Rome and
Thomas Merton.” 11-16.
Scruggs, Ryan. “Encountering the Word: A Dialogue
Between Merton and Barth on the Bible.” 18-33.
Weis, Monica, SSJ. “Intriguing Forays.” Rev. of
Thomas Merton: Hermit at the Heart of Things by J.S. Porter.
Robinson, Meghan J. “Coming Home in Time and
Eternity.” Rev. of
Choosing to Love the World: On Contemplation by Thomas Merton.
Potocki, Daniel E. “Words to Live By.” Rev. of
Thomas Merton In My Own Words. Selected and edited by Jonathan
Montaldo. 38-40.
Pearson, Paul M. "Recent Publications By and About
Thomas Merton." 41-43.
The Winter 2008 issue, Vol. 33, No.4 included: