International Thomas Merton Society

Bellarmine University

The Merton Seasonal


The Merton Seasonal: A Quarterly Review (ISSN 0988-4927) is a joint publication of the International Thomas Merton Society and the Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University. Membership in the ITMS includes a subscription to the Seasonal. The year 2010 marked the thirty-fifth anniversary of the Seasonal’s publication. The Seasonal is published quarterly in Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter.

The Merton Seasonal contains articles, book reviews and other information of interest to members of the Society. The ITMS Newsletter is included in the Seasonal twice a year.

The Spring 2012 issue, Vol. 37, No.1 includes:

Contents of Earlier Editions


Articles, poetry and original artwork directly related to the life, work and influence of Thomas Merton are welcomed. Unsolicited book reviews cannot be accepted. Articles longer than 2,500 words will not normally be considered for publication. Manuscripts not accepted will be returned only if accompanied by return postage. Upon notification of acceptance, authors should be prepared to provide a copy of their work on a PC-compatible computer disk. Contributors will received five complimentary copies of the issue in which their work appears.

All submissions to The Merton Seasonal should be sent to the editor:

Patrick F. O’Connell
Gannon University
Box 3219
Erie, PA 16541


Photo by Ralph Eugene Meatyard


Recent Publications by and about Thomas Merton


The Merton Seasonal features a running bibliography of recently published works by and about Thomas Merton.

Readers are invited to send items for inclusion in the bibliography to:

Dr. Paul M. Pearson, Director,
Thomas Merton Center,
Bellarmine University,
2001 Newburg Road,
Louisville, KY. 40205.

Phone: 502 272 8177.
Fax: 502 272 8452.
E-mail: [email protected]





Copyright (c) The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University. All rights reserved.