The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Lentfoehr, Thérèse, Sr., S.D.S., 1902-1981

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Descriptive Summary

Record Group: Section A - Correspondence

Dates of materials: 1948-1982, bulk 1948-1968

Volume: 249 item(s); 387 pg(s)

Scope and Content

This is a file in the correspondence of Thomas Merton under the heading: "Lentfoehr, Thérèse, Sr., S.D.S.".


Sr. Thérèse Lentfoehr was a Salvatorian religious sister, who was a poet, author, lecturer and one of the foremost early Merton scholars. She was born and lived most of her life in Wisconsin. She first contacted Merton in 1939 in praise of one of his poems, and she contacted him again in 1948 to discuss Merton's review of Lentfoehr's book of Marian poems, I Sing of a Maiden. From this time, Merton and Lentfoehr became regular correspondents until Merton's death in 1968. Merton would often send her his manuscripts, and amassed a large early Merton collection, which she donated to Columbia University. In 1967, Lentfoehr came to Gethsemani to visit Merton. (Source: The Road to Joy, p. 187.)

Usage Guidelines and Restrictions

Related Information and Links

See also Cold War Letters #20, published in The Road to Joy, pp. 187-263.

Other Finding Aids

If the person in correspondence with Merton has full text records in the Merton Center Digital Collections, there will be a numeric link to them below.

Series List

This Record Sub-Group is not divided into Series and is arranged chronologically.

Container List

SeriesDateTypeTo/FromFirst LinesPubFull TextNotes
 1946/05/20 TLS[x]to Laughlin, JamesI am writing to ask permission to include in an anthology of poems on the Blessed Virgin Mary   
 1946/06/22 TLS[x]to Laughlin, JamesThank you very much for your letter of May 31st in which you stated that I might have permission   
 1948/11/03 HLS[x]from MertonYour literally overwhelming letter has had to wait a week for an answer, and I apologize not onlyYes  
 1948/11/18 TLS[x]from MertonIt would be inhuman for a person to resist the temptation to answer such a beautiful letter as yourYes  
 1948/12/27 TLS[x]from MertonThis time it was my turn to faint! I have never had such a marvelous Christmas present.Yes  
 1949/01/18 TALS[x]from MertonYour beautiful letters have gone unanswered for a long time, and if I do not do something about themYes  
 1949/02/19 TLS[x]from MertonMany thanks for your beautiful letters, your notes, the letters of Father Ellard and his articlesYes  
 1949/04/26 TLS[x]from MertonEaster overwhelmed me with presents and favors from Milwaukee. You have outdone yourself,Yes  
 1949/05/13 TLS[x]from MertonMany thanks for your kind letter, so full of interesting things, and of solicitude.Yes  
 1949/06/02 TALS[x]from MertonAt last I have a moment to breathe and I can at least write you a short letter. Even a long oneYes  
 1949/06/06 TLS[x]to Laughlin, JamesThis morning I received a note from Father Louis OCR (Thomas Merton) asking me to send you  proposed anthology of Catholic poetry
 1949/06/09 TL[x]from Laughlin, JamesThank you ever so much for sending in your fine poems for Father Merton's anthology.  proposed anthology of Catholic poetry
 1949/06/17 TLS[x]from MertonWell, first of all, about the relic of the True Cross. I spoke of it again to Rev. Father, but heYes  
 1949/07/15 TLS[x]from MertonAt last I can get around to your delightful letters-- I mean to answer it. You see, I am nowYes  
 1949/08/26 TLS[x]from MertonYou are too kind to me. The article is restrained and temperate and yet it is rather complimentaryYes  
 1949/08/28 TALS[x]from MertonThere is a tremendous pile of correspondence on hand and I am forced to write in the middleYes  
 1949/10/03 TLS[x]from MertonI can wish you a very happy feast day: my prayers have reached you already so it doesn't matter ifYes  
 1949/11/12 TLS[x]from MertonHere I am renovated by a retreat. Monsignor Sheen preached it and it was splendid. He tookYes  
 1950/01/07 TLS[x]from MertonI am weeks behind with everything and am at last able to write a word to thank you for the lovelyYes  
 1950/01/21 TALS[x]from MertonIn haste. P.C. too. Yes I made a couple of changes. OK? Your introduction is really splendid.   
 1950/02/18 TALS[x]from MertonHere is the Bob Lax poem on Our Lady. It is the only copy I have. The explanation for the twoYes  
 1950/04/08 TLS[x]from MertonSince I am a Trappist, I suppose words <u>ought to fail</u> me. But even though I am a mostYes  
 1950/04/17 TLS[x]from MertonMany thanks for your Easter Letter and all that went with it-- especially the nice enlarged copyYes  
 1950/05/06 TLS[x]from MertonAs usual I have a score of things to thank you for and I am far behind with all of them.Yes  
 1950/06/03 TALS[x]from MertonYour marvelous anniversary gift leaves me practically inarticulate. It came, by a happyYes  
 1950/07/04 TLS[x]to Connolly, TerenceAs I was about to sit down to thank you for your late letter and to express my appreciation of your  photocopies of pages from the manuscript of <i>The Seven Storey Mountain</i> sent to Lentfoehr and discrepancies in numbering and completeness
 1950/07/10 TLS[x]from MertonThis word should reach you before your bid day. I have been hoping to scrape up some other businessYes  
 1950/07/11 TLS[x]from MertonA photographer was here doing some color work and he wanted to take a picture of me: so here it is.Yes  
 1950/07/31 TALS[x]from MertonBy now you ought to be back from your tour. I hope you had a good time and even a rest--Yes  
 1950/08/03 TLS[x]to Connolly, TerenceAccept this belated "thank you" for your great kindness in having the pages photostated for me.  photocopies of pages from the manuscript of <i>The Seven Storey Mountain</i> sent to Lentfoehr and discrepancies in numbering and completeness
 1950/08/19 TLS[x]from MertonTomorrow is the feast of the rock whence I am hewn-- St Bernard-- and whom you have broughtYes  
 1950/09/03 TALS[x]from MertonThe St Bernard reference (on studies) is, I think "L. Martin, O.P., "Formation Theologique de S.   
 1950/09/11 TLS[x]from MertonMany thanks-- this is written in haste to get it off in the mail tonight. Yes, by all means send   
 1950/09/26 TLS[x]from MertonYou should have been told a long time ago, but I forgot to mention it in the last letter.Yes  
 1950/09/30 TLS[x]from MertonFor your feast day I send you first of all my best wishes and the promise of special prayersYes  
 1950/10/22 TLS[x]from MertonThe blue paper bound copies of the notes have begun to arrive. We are all swept off our feet   
 1950/10/31 TLS[x]from MertonReturning this to you at once. Many thanks, I had forgotten all about it. It was one   
 1950/11/29 TALS[x]from MertonThis is going to be a very laconic note. It is wedged in between the hospital and our annualYes  
 1951/01/08 TLS[x]from MertonOnly now, after Epiphany, am I beginning to answer Christmas letters. It has been a terrible delay,Yes  
 1951/02/10 TLS[x]from MertonTo pour some oil in the wounds-- and as a surprise (for I have to write in Lent now, whetherYes  
 1951/03/01 TLS[x]from MertonMany many thanks for the wonderful job on the <u>Journal</u>. I can easily fill in the spacesYes  
 1951/04/28 TLS[x]from MertonOur "Father Immediate" has just arrived for the regular visitation and as I am secretary for theseYes  
 1951/05/21 TLS[x]from MertonYou must be anxious to know whether I received your beautiful poem. There are many reasons whyYes  
 1951/05/26 TLS[x]from MertonThis must be your time to do special penance. Our Lady must want to see your heart purified moreYes  
 1951/06/05 TLS[x]from MertonReally I haven't the faintest idea of the data but I think it must be around the 5th. It is TuesdayYes  
 1951/07/07 TLS[x]from MertonMany thanks for yet another letter full of relics of Pius X whose life we are now readingYes  
 1951/07/13 TLS[x]from MertonMay God bless you and give you joy on your anniversary. Be sure that I am praying for you in a mostYes  
 1951/09/11 TLS[x]from Fox, JamesThe notes that you forwarded here in regard to Father Louis' Journal arrived safely. Do you have   
 1951/09/22 TLS[x]from Fox, JamesWe received the latest package of manuscripts, the notes and the carbon. They arrived in good time.   
 1951/09/25 TALS[x]from MertonIt seems as though the Feast of St Louis (when I received your charming note) was just the dayYes  
 1951/10/08 TLS[x]from MertonPlease forgive me for not acknowledging before now the typescript of the Journal which you sentYes  
 1951/10/no? TALS[x]from MertonMany thanks for the notes. Please do not think me excessively careless in overlooking a couple   
 1951/11/01 TNS[x]from MertonSure by all means use any pre-monastery material and the Bermuda painting and any Trappist mug   
 1951/11/27 TALS[x]from MertonThanks for the note from Ed and for the card about St Benet's and the letter about it too--Yes  
 1951/12/19 TLS[x]from MertonIf this is to reach you by Christmas I had better hurry to get it into the mail. I am sending youYes  
 1952/01/04 TLS[x]from MertonOn the feast of St Therese's baptism I take a fleeting occasion to let you know my joy at receivingYes  
 1952/02/04 TALS[x]from MertonMany thanks for these sheets. I have made the corrections. Perhaps the corrections are even lessYes  
 1952/03/27 TALS[x]from MertonThe books reached me in time for Our Lady's Feast. On that day (I opened the box the day before)   
 1952/04/25 HPCS[x]from MertonYes, the little volume of Rilke arrived safely and I am delighted with it. I have always likedYes [postcard from 1952/05/01 photocopied on the same page - postmarked Milwaukee, though sent from Trappist, KY]
 1952/05/12 HPCSfrom MertonI am sorry I have no idea how our last card got delayed or how it happened to be post-marked as itYes [photocopied on the same page as postcard from 1952/04/26]
 1952/07/12 TLS[x]from MertonThank you for your letter which I am sorry not to have answered sooner. Bob Giroux was downYes  
 1952/07/27 TALS[x]from MertonHere is the remaining matter, on De Praecepto et Dispensatione, I think I marked it as Part V.   
 1952/08/18 TLS[x]from MertonForgive my delay in sending you this. It was the last copy in the house and I had given it   
 1952/09/02 TALS[x]from MertonYour letter arrived yesterday, and I had been thinking of the notes which I had failed to check forYes  
 1952/09/18 TLS[x]from MertonThis is just a note to thank you for your letter for Our Lady's Name's Day and for the book   
 1952/09/27 HLS[x]from MertonThe notes arrived and they are really splendid. You outdid yourself in the way you organizedYes  
 1952/11/06 TLS[x]from MertonThe <u>Fearless Heart</u> reached me today and reminded you that I had not yet answered your letterYes  
 1952/12/25? HCS[x]from MertonChristmas blessings and joy in the Infant Savior-- f m Louis.   
 1953/01/20 TLS[x]from MertonPlease forgive me. I wrote you a letter in my own fine Italian hand and then carried it aroundYes  
 1953/02/19 TLS[x]from MertonFirst of all, whenever I begin a letter to you, I have to think back and recall how many presents   
 1953/03/16 TLS[x]from MertonOn the eve of St Patrick's, I am slipping these notes to you under the Lenten iron-curtain, hoping   
 1953/04/30 TLS[x]from MertonForgive me for having caused you anxiety by my delay in writing. No, I had not written at Easter.Yes  
 1953/05/20 TALS[x]from MertonI usually feel very good after reading my notes in your typing, and this last batch is no exception.Yes  
 1953/06/06 TLS[x]from MertonYour card arrived and I was happy to know you were settled at Wausau for the summer. How the goodYes  
 1953/06/30 TALS[x]from MertonThis ribbon is getting a bit dim and June is drawing to a close but I hope I can use up the endYes  
 1953/07/26 HLS[x]from MertonHere are the orientation notes functionally complete. However I have still to finish one part,   
 1953/08/18 TLS[x]from MertonHere, now, are the last of this year's conferences. At least I believe so. I am sure I have sent   
 1953/09/26 TLS[x]from MertonThese notes have been help up a little, as I have had no time for anything whatever.Yes  
 1953/10/21 TLS[x]from MertonI consulted Father Abbot yesterday about the chances of our running off the stencils here.Yes  
 1953/11/20 TLS[x]from MertonYour good letter was only given to me yesterday so I had to send you a wire with the correction you   
 1953/12/02 TLS[x]from MertonToday is, I believe, the "feast" of Bl. John Ruysbroeck. I hope he will bless the fortunesYes  
 1953/12/19 TLS[x]from Merton<u>Bread in the Wilderness</u> was sent to you yesterday and should be reaching you soon.Yes  
 1954/01/21 TLS[x]from MertonSt Agnes will not let me go any longer without writing to you, and thanking you for the companions,Yes  
 1954/02/26 (#01)TLS[x]from MertonIn the last moments before Lent I am writing belatedly to thank you for the manuscript   
 1954/02/26? (#02)other[x]from MertonThis is my friend La Soledad of Camaguey [-] to Sister Thérèse–with wishes for a holy and happy Lent  [see verso for explanatory note on provenance - holy card with a prayer in Spanish and picture of a statue of Nostra Señora de la Soledad that Merton obtained in Cuba in 1940 at the Church of La Soledad in Camaguey, given to Sr. Thérèse in 1954 (seemingly before Lent and possibly with his letter of February)]
 1954/03/03 HPCS[x]from MertonIn our letter the other day I completely forgot to thank you for the books.  [photocopied on same page as 1954/06/19]
 1954/06/19 TLS[x]from MertonI have been hunting around for your last letter, because I know there were things in it I wantedYes [photocopied on same page as 1954/03/03]
 1954/07/10 TLS[x]from MertonWe are on the eve of your double-feast-day and I want to get this letter to you by then, to bringYes  
 1954/09/01 HLS[x]from MertonHave you grown tired of waiting for my reaction to your three poems, sent at the end of July?Yes  
 1954/09/27 TALS[x]from MertonThe tobacco is all in the barn-- the place is crammed-- and has been in for over a week but my work   
 1954/11/29 TLS[x]from MertonYour letter was wonderful. I enjoyed every line immensely. Especially the adventures on the secondYes  
 1954/12/20 TLS[x]from MertonI have been scrounging around for something to send you this Christmas, and there is little hereYes  
 1955/01/18 TLS[x]from MertonWe begin our retreat tonight, and I still have some letters to get out, so I am picking a small pageYes  
 1955/02/22 TALS[x]from MertonWith the most earnest Lenten resolutions fermenting in my soul, I want to get this letter off to youYes  
 1955/05/21 TLS[x]from MertonI was waiting to answer your Easter letter because they never found the book you were sending.   
 1955/07/12 TALS[x]from MertonWhat hasbecome [sic] of you? I think you are so immersed in your sociology that you have forgottenYes  
 1955/08/06 TLS[x]from MertonYour letter on St Ann's day was full of good things, and the Art notes are a joy, as usual.Yes  
 1955/09/29 TLS[x]from MertonHere are all the archangels and angels, and St Therese cannot be far off. They are her escort,Yes  
 1955/10/22 TLS[x]from MertonI was glad to hear Ed had sent you the original manuscript of <u>Babel</u>-- of the version that wasYes  
 1955/12/23 TLS[x]from MertonThis picture of the scholastics was taken back in September before I moved over to the novitiate,Yes  
 1956/01/28 TLS[x]from MertonThe notes which you mailed on the feast of St Agnes reached me today on the "octave" which we still   
 1956/02/21 TLS[x]from MertonHere we are already in the first week of Lent. I must get these notes back to you, or I never will.Yes  
 1956/05/26 TLS[x]from MertonYou must think I am dead for sure, this time. Have you said a De Profundis for my soul?Yes  
 1956/06/11 TLS[x]from MertonMany thanks for your kind and delightful note forthe [sic] anniversary of my ordination.Yes  
 1956/07/11 TLS[x]from MertonToday is the solemnity of St Benedict-- I regret to say we do not celebrate it in the CistercianYes  
 1956/09/25 (#01)TLS[x]from MertonSome time ago I obtained permission to write for your feast day, and have been waiting to do soYes [see also a photocopy sent by Dom James Fox to Abbot General Gabriel Sortais in Series 7 of the "Fox, James" file, includes transcript]
 1956/11/08 TLS[x]from MertonMany thanks for the All Saints letter. We have until the octave to answer and I am making the bestYes  
 1957/01/03 TLS[x]from MertonI thought I was going to have a chance to write to you long ago, but here it is almost EpiphanyYes  
 1957/04/27 TLS[x]from MertonBoth your letters reached me at Easter-- as far as letter writing is concerned the Christmas season   
 1957/08/21 TL[x]from MertonHere it is after the feast of St Bernard already and I haven't touched the typewriter. I had to getYes  
 1957/10/12 TLS[x]from MertonIt is ages since I got permission to send these Liturgy notes to you to be mimeographed.Yes  
 1957/11/10? TLS[x]from MertonI rush this off to you with the notes, which I have gone over rather hurriedly but I am sure  [note: no year listed - formerly estimated 1958/11/10, but changed to 1957/11/10 on advice from Patrick O'Connell, April 5, 2013]
 1957/11/14 TLS[x]from MertonVery late! I had to get permission to extend the letter writing period, as I didn't have time   
 1958/01/02 TLS[x]from MertonThere was something marvelous, I mean providentially marvelous, in your choice of a present.   
 1958/03/27 TLS[x]from MertonHere I am at last- on the very eve of Palm Sunday. Months ago I got permission to write and sendYes  
 1958/04/18 TLS[x]from MertonJust time for a short one: I have been very much caught up in everything since Easter. It was goodYes  
 1958/05/28 TLS[x]from MertonI don't know if I can get this to you in time- it may be held up in getting off, though Father AbbotYes  
 1958/07/14 TALS[x]from MertonIt is the 14th of July, French Independence day. Poor France, I haven't heard much of what has beenYes  
 1958/09/04 TLS[x]from MertonPeace. Here I am a long time after the Assumption. I still haven't written most of the AssumptionYes  
 1959/01/13 TALS[x]from MertonSt Bruno arrived, a most welcome surprise. In fact, a sensation. Naturally there are few saints   
 1959/02/12 TALS[x]from MertonNot only is it Lent but we are on the eve of our retreat (Friday to Friday-- please pray for us)Yes  
 1959/04/03 TLS[x]from MertonFirst Friday in April, Easter Friday, clouds and winds, a lovely day and I have a chance to thankYes  
 1959/05/14 TLS[x]from MertonThis is not an adequate answer to your beautiful letter- just a quick acknowledgement. I forgotYes  
 1959/07/04 TLS[x]from MertonHere is the 4th of July and at last I am getting around to replying to your charming letters--Yes  
 1959/07/31 TALS[x]from MertonI cannot send you the present I wanted to. Victor Hammer is ill and the special edition   
 1959/09/29 TLS[x]from MertonHere are Michael and all his angels, and that means that St Therese is at the door and readyYes  
 1959/10/no? (#01)HPCS[x]from MertonHere are a few more "things" including a magazine you probably never see. I have a couple   
 1959/10/no? (#02)TALS[x]from MertonHere it is. Thanks. I hope there are no more difficulties in the new material. If there are--   
 1959/10/no? (#03)TLS[x]from MertonHere are some more manuscripts, most of which are confidential as yet and not for exhibition.   
 1959/11/20 TLS[x]from MertonThis is a late answer to your fine and cheering All Saints' letter. You sounded very well and happyYes  
 1959/12/11 TL[x]from MertonI just want to get off my Christmas presents in time- mostly pictures. Myself, Lax and Ad ReinhardtYes  
 1960/01/18 TLS[x]from MertonHere we are just about to enter into the annual retreat and I have not yet written most of myYes  
 1960/05/30 TALS[x]from MertonI think this is the first letter I have written you with the new Royal complete with foreign accentsYes [left edge of second page cut on photocopy]
 1960/07/20 HLS[x]from MertonMany thanks for the letter, the clippings and the charming books about the S.D.S. These are some   
 1960/09/12 TLS[x]from MertonYour letters and cards and pictures from Colorado were simply wonderful and don't think I have not   
 1960/12/05 TLS[x]from MertonThis letter is to cover the little Broadside which I am sending you separately.Yes  
 1961/02/05 TLS[x]from MertonIf I say I am ashamed of myself you will reply with reason that I ought to be. It is alreadyYes  
 1961/02/15 TLS[x]from MertonA very quick note, though it is Ash Wednesday. This is important and has been waiting.   
 1961/04/no HPCS[x]from MertonMany thanks for your Easter letter and for the lecture- which is very good to have. I am always   
 1961/05/10 TLS[x]from MertonHere we are on the vigil of the Ascension: and the first nice day for a long time.Yes  
 1961/09/19 TLS[x]from MertonIt is getting close to your feast day and the weather is getting to be pleasantly Theresian,Yes  
 1962/01/11 (#01)TALS[x]from MertonI am finally getting around to your Christmas letter and to the two saints. I am most happy to haveYes [Cold War Letter #20]
 1962/01/11 (#02)transcriptfrom MertonAs for the "extreme groups": they are going to be a difficult problem for the country and may doYes [Cold War Letter #20 - transcript from bound copy]
 1962/03/03 HPCSto MertonHere is Melozzo da Forli's angel bringing you my <u>pre-Lenten</u> greeting, and my deeper thanks  [verso: color reproduction of "Angelo Annuziante" by Melozzo da Forli]
 1962/06/15 TLS[x]from MertonYour book, for it is really a book, really astonished me. It was quite an "experience" for me, too,Yes  
 1962/07/17 TLS[x]from MertonWith a kind of providential slip of the mind and of the fingers I have dated this letter ten daysYes [may actually have been written on 1962/07/07 due to Merton's acknowledged mistake in dating the letter]
 1962/09/20 TLS[x]from MertonIt was fine to get your letter and yes, I did get the huge card from Georgetown.Yes  
 1962/11/19 TL[c]from MertonThanks for your good letter of the other day. I note that you are going down to Chicago these daysYes  
 1962/11/24 HPCSto MertonGreetings from Sandberg's city but today no fog "on little cat feet", but brilliant sunshine.  [verso: color reproduction of "The Old Guitarist" by Pablo Picasso - dated "Feast of St. John +" and postmarked 1962/11/24]
 1962/12/20 (#01)TAL[c]from MertonHere I come with a noise out of the woods, something to say for Christmas. It was very coldYes  
 1962/12/20 (#02)TLS[x]from MertonHere I come with a noise out of the woods, something to say for Christmas. It was very coldYes  
 1963/01/18 HLS[x]from MertonJust before retreat - I am getting some more things off to you. One rough draft of some notes -   
 1963/02/19 TLS[x]from MertonWell, they were most welcome those saints. Two more welcome ones I cannot imagine.Yes [photocopy of second page slightly cut off on left side]
 1963/05/01 TLS[x]from MertonI open Mary's month with a letter to you, much too long delayed. Yours just arrived, and you areYes [photocopy of both pages slightly cut off on left side]
 1963/06/30 TLS[x]from MertonAfter being up to my neck in business mail for days, I want to get around to a fewYes [photocopy of both pages slightly cut off on left side]
 1963/08/09 (#01)TAL[c]from MertonHow is Washington? I am sure you are working hard, and can imagine that it is not easy.Yes  
 1963/08/09 (#02)TLS[x]from MertonHow is Washington? I am sure you are working hard, and can imagine that it is not easy.Yes  
 1963/08/19 HPCSto MertonThis card tells you where I spent the last hours in D.C.,- now on my way home. Did you know that  [verso: color reproduction of "The Singing Party" by Hogarth from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.]
 1963/09/02 TLS[x]from MertonThanks very much for your cards and letter, and I am glad the Washington affair went off well.Yes  
 1963/10/03 HLS[x]from MertonHere it is October 3rd and I have not written to you yet. But I certainly thought of youYes  
 1963/11/09 TLS[x]from MertonI thought I would put a couple of the latest things in an envelope for you, and since one is a setYes  
 1964/02/01 (#01)TLS[x]from MertonNeedless to say I have been thinking guiltily of the letter I owe you. Especially on the FeastYes  
 1964/02/01 (#02)TL[c]from MertonNeedless to say I have been thinking guiltily of the letter I owe you. Especially on the FeastYes  
 1964/03/20 TALSto MertonIf this comes to you before your Easter greeting-- which will come from Minneapolis where,   
 1964/04/01 TLS[x]from MertonI have your good letters and the little Thomas book (which I will read with joy) and by nowYes  
 1964/07/12 (#01)TL[c]from MertonA second "good word" for your celebration and the assurance of my prayers in my Mass that day.Yes  
 1964/07/12 (#02)TLS[x]from MertonA second "good word" for your celebration and the assurance of my prayers in my Mass that day.Yes  
 1964/09/17 TLS[x]from MertonI don't have a decent sheet of paper, but I know you don't need a letterhead. Let the yellow seemYes  
 1964/12/13 (#01)TL[c]from MertonThis will be my Christmas note, besides my thanks for your latest: your poems, the clippings,Yes  
 1964/12/13 (#02)TLS[x]from MertonThis will be my Christmas note, besides my thanks for your latest: your poems, the clippings,Yes  
 1965/01/no? HNS[x]from MertonI tried to find something to send you for Christmas and was able to unearth nothing but a few  [note written on page on page with Merton's poem "The Holy Child's Song"]
 1965/03/27 (#01)TLS[x]from MertonThanks for your St Patrick's Day letter and all its news and good wishes. I am afraid I have beenYes [photocopy of second page slightly cut off on left side]
 1965/03/27 (#02)TL[c]from MertonThanks for your St Patrick's Day letter and all its news and good wishes. I am afraid I have beenYes  
 1965/03/no? TALSto MertonThis is just a short note this mid-Lent to first of all greet you for your feast, that of St. Joseph   
 1965/06/16 (#01)TALS[x]from MertonYour card and the clippings came. This is St Lutgarde's day and I want to celebrate a littleYes  
 1965/06/16 (#02)TL[c]from MertonYour card and the clippings came. This is St Lutgarde's day and I want to celebrate a littleYes  
 1965/08/17 TLS[x]from MertonMany thanks for your note from Georgetown. I am glad you had such a good time. You deserve it,Yes  
 1965/09/28 TALS[x]from MertonI don't think I answered your last very interesting letter. Congratulations on being backYes  
 1965/11/12 TLS[x]from MertonI am putting some photos of the hermitage in an envelope and must go down to the monastery,Yes  
 1965/12/30 TLS[x]from MertonHere it is happy newyear and I have not yet said merry Christmas. I have hopelessly fallen backYes  
 1966/02/01 TLSto MertonDo hermits have Birthdays? If so, this brings you my warmest greetings and wishes for many, many   
 1966/02/06 (#01)HLSto MertonHow like me to speak to you about Brother John's list for the bibliography he plans - and then   
 1966/02/06 (#02)otherto MertonBIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE WORKS OF THOMAS MERTON [-] <u>Outline</u> [-] I. Introduction  [handwritten note from Lentfoehr reads, "This Brother is getting his degree in Library Science from Marquette."]
 1966/02/14 TALSto MertonI am writing this in great haste----because of something that happened today (or rather   
 1966/02/16 (#01)HNS[x]from MertonDon't worry about the slip-up over the pictures. Go ahead and print them. The rules have been   
 1966/02/16 (#02)TALS[x]from MertonThis morning I sent my quick note about the photos so I hope that is all taken care of. I have justYes  
 1966/02/16 (#03)TL[c]from MertonThis morning I sent my quick note about the photos so I hope that is all taken care of. I have justYes  
 1966/04/05 HLS[x]from MertonFor the moment only the briefest note. I want to get these Easter gifts to you before we areYes  
 1966/04/15 HLS[x]from MertonThe reason for my long silence is that I have been in the hospital and had to have an operationYes  
 1966/06/01 TALSto MertonMy letter is late, but my thoughts were with you on the anniversary of your ordination.   
 1966/06/07 (#01)TLS[x]from MertonIt was a joy to get your letter of the 1st. I was glad to hear of the poem about Joan,Yes  
 1966/06/07 (#02)TL[c]from MertonIt was a joy to get your letter of the 1st. I was glad to hear of the poem about Joan,Yes  
 1966/06/12 HLS[x]from MertonI am putting another packet of "stuff" in the mail for you today - in anticipation of your feast   
 1966/07/23 (#01)TLSto MertonIt is high time that I wrote to thank you for your good letter and for the wonderful new manuscripts   
 1966/07/23 (#02)otherto MertonSong: "If You Seek" [-] Song to Our Lady of Cobre [-] For My Brother--Reported Missing in Action  [sent with letter of 1966/July/23 - seems to be a table of contents for selected poems - signed by Lentfoehr and dated 1966/July/15]
 1966/07/31 (#01)TLS[x]from MertonYou are getting the first benefit of the new ribbon. I can see it will hardly compensate for myYes  
 1966/07/31 (#02)TL[c]from MertonYou are getting the first benefit of the new ribbon. I can see it will hardly compensate for myYes  
 1966/08/30 HLS[x]from MertonJust a few items at the summer's end. I hope all were really well at Georgetown. Pray for me   
 1966/09/13 (#01)TLS[x]from MertonMany thanks for the fine letter giving me all the news of Georgetown. It must have been fine,Yes  
 1966/09/13 (#02)TL[c]from MertonMany thanks for the fine letter giving me all the news of Georgetown. It must have been fine,Yes  
 1966/09/14 HNS[x]to Merton<u>Three</u> letters of this year - were <u>destroyed</u> - I thought it best, for in them Merton   
 1966/09/28 HNS[x]from MertonMay this ms of Cables serve as a Feast Day Present. I don't know what you'll think of the book.   
 1966/10/10 HNS[x]from MertonI thought you'd like to see this. It is from <u>Motive</u>, one of the liveliest Xtian magazines   
 1966/11/18 HNS[x]from MertonThanks for your wonderful letter. This is not an adequate reply - I will get to that letter.   
 1966/12/no? TALS[x]from MertonThese may not reach you for Christmas but they are only odds and ends anyhow. A drawing I found   
 1967/03/23 (#01)TLS[x]from MertonIt is Holy Thursday, a lovely warm spring afternoon. I will soon get changed and go downYes  
 1967/03/23 (#02)TL[c]from MertonIt is Holy Thursday, a lovely warm spring afternoon. I will soon get changed and go downYes  
 1967/05/01 TALS[x]from MertonThis is just a hasty note to ask two favors. I hope I am not importunate, but I am trying to get my   
 1967/05/09 TALSto MertonThank you for <u>everything</u>-- the photographs with your precious note, and now the "variety"   
 1967/05/12 (#01)TLS[x]from MertonMany thanks for your letter, to which this is a rush answer. First, the Prof. SmithYes  
 1967/05/12 (#02)TL[c]from MertonMany thanks for your letter, to which this is a rush answer. First, the Prof. SmithYes  
 1967/05/12 (#03)TLS[x]from MertonThis morning I failed to slip back in the envelope the page you sent me and the accompanying mimeo.   
 1967/05/12 (#04)TL[c]from MertonThis morning I failed to slip back in the envelope the page you sent me and the accompanying mimeo.   
 1967/06/13 TALSto MertonA <u>belated</u> (and how!) greeting-- on the anniversary of your ordination! Though I was   
 1967/06/24 TALSto MertonYour patience with me must be exhausted. But I have finished re-typing the <u>manuscript</u>   
 1967/06/26 TL[c]from MertonThanks for your letter: no worry at all as far as I am concerned about where you put somethingYes  
 1967/06/27 HNS[x]from MertonJust a note to thank you for your letter and say that <u>lists of translated books are not</u>   
 1967/07/05 TALS[x]from MertonThe first bit of the bibliography got here the other day: that is the most important part.  [Merton photocopied two rows of block letters from magazines onto the stationary of the letter: "the monks." and "Modern Moving... (he interjects in handwriting, "we hope?!") "with Old Fashioned Care"]
 1967/07/19 TALSto MertonThank you for your "Feast-Day" letter and all the good things you sent! I am deeply grateful   
 1967/08/04 HLSto MertonMany and warm greetings from Georgetown! When I walked up the library steps at Healy Hall   
 1967/09/02 TALSto MertonThough it's still Georgetown stationary---I am back again in the <u>Rioting City</u>! Father Groppi   
 1967/09/05 (#01)TALS[x]from MertonIt was good of you to send the little clipping about Ad Reinhardt. I had known nothing about hisYes  
 1967/09/05 (#02)TL[c]from MertonIt was good of you to send the little clipping about Ad Reinhardt. I had known nothing about hisYes  
 1967/09/26 (#01)TLS[x]from MertonIn a few days it will be your feast day, and on that day I will offer my Mass for you, as a partialYes  
 1967/09/26 (#02)TL[c]from MertonIn a few days it will be your feast day, and on that day I will offer my Mass for you, as a partialYes  
 1967/10/13 (#01)TLS[x]from MertonYes, it was real!! I am probably as surprised as you are. I did not think I would be able to reachYes  
 1967/10/13 (#02)TL[c]from MertonYes, it was real!! I am probably as surprised as you are. I did not think I would be able to reachYes  
 1967/10/16 TALSto MertonI've been living on "cloud nine" since Thursday! Yes, it's <u>real</u>! Your letter just came,   
 1967/11/16 TLS[x]from MertonI don't want any more time to go by before - thank you for the will: you didnot [sic] need to sendYes  
 1967/12/22 HNS[x]from MertonI feel guilty taking your nice ikon when I am already so rich, but it is beautiful and it stands   
 1968/01/no? (#01)HNS[x]from MertonMany thanks for your letter. Tommie is still in hospital but doing well. Have you copiesYes  
 1968/01/no? (#02)otherfrom MertonIN THE NAME OF THE LORD. AMEN. [-] Be it known to you and to all whom it is of interest, that  [handwritten note by Merton accompanying a card announcing the election of Dom Flavian Burns at abbot]
 1968/02/21 TL[c]from MertonI believe you have not seen this set of "Rules governing the use..." which has been drawnYes  
 1968/03/06 (#01)TLS[x]from MertonIt is not snowy like this today. We have actually had a day or two of what seemed to be springYes [Merton photocopied snapshot of his hermitage surrounded by snow]
 1968/03/06 (#02)TL[c]from MertonIt is not snowy like this today. We have actually had a day or two of what seemed to be springYes  
 1968/03/no? TALS[x]to MertonHere it is your feast of anniversary of solemn vows--which you celebrate with St. Joseph, and you   
 1968/04/no? TPCS[x]from MertonMany thanks for the Lonergan talk-- I must really read it, as I hear much about him.  [postcard by Family Dog Productions of San Francisco]
 1968/07/13 TLS[x]from MertonHope this reaches you at Georgetown in time for your feast days. I think it should, with the mailYes  
 1968/08/20 TALS[x]from MertonJust a quickie. I've almost stopped writing letters. Not only the intense heat, but everythingYes [on <u>Monks Pond</u> letterhead]
 1968/11/21 HPCS[x]from MertonI have been a month in India - over a month - and most of it in the Himalayas. A great experience.Yes  
 1970/09/06 TALS[x]to O'Callaghan, TommieExcuse my delay in writing to thank once again for the beautiful hospitality you offered me;   
 1982/06/23 TLS from Napack, Mark / to William ShannonI am pleased to hear that you will be doing research at The Merton Center from July 12 to July 15.  [from Mark Napack, Assistant Director of The Merton Center for Religious Studies at Columbia University to William Shannon, editor of Merton's published letters - another copy of the letter contains Shannon's annotations]
 undated/no/no HPCS[x]from MertonHe[re are so]me things for your files - but they are to be  [verso: photograph of monks in an outdoor procession at La Pierre-Qui-Vire Abbey]
 undated/no/no TAN[x]from MertonHere are my "saints" I give you a list so that there will be plenty of choice, but you have already   
 undated/no/no HCS[x]from MertonHere are some more notes and especially some brief conference notes on Liturgical Feasts   
 undated/no/no HNS[x]from MertonIt was a bleak, cold day when Bernadette saw our Immaculate Lady - but the cold ceased to matter.   
 undated/no/no HNS[x]from MertonMay I please have the Gilson book back - or at least another copy of it - as I need it urgently   

    The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University | 2001 Newburg Rd, Louisville KY, 40205 | 502-272-8187

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