Series | Date | Type | To/From | First Lines | Pub | Full Text | Notes |
| 1967/01/02 (#01) | TLS | from Merton | Hi, Happy New Year. I am sending off another tape today. One side is poetry and the other is | |
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| 1967/01/02 (#02) | TL[c] | from Merton | Hi, Happy New Year. I am sending off another tape today. One side is poetry and the other is | |
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| 1967/01/19 | TLS | from Merton | I had been hoping to get in to the library in the early part of the month but the weather prevented | |
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| 1967/06/28 | TL[c] | to Merton | I have been hesitant to write you for so long, having an inside line on the deluge of mail you | |
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| 1967/09/28 | TLS | from Merton | I do not find my envelope of pictures so I must have left it with you yesterday by mistake. | |
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| 1967/10/09 | TALS | from Merton | Many thanks for the photos. I'll go through them and all the others I have since got, and will send | |
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| 1967/10/11 | TLS | to Merton | Thank you for the signed copy of that very good interview in <u>Motive</u>, October, 1967. | |
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| 1967/10/15 (#01) | TLS | from Merton | Just a quick reply to your letter about the tapes. The main thing I want to clarify is: | |
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| 1967/10/15 (#02) | TL[c] | from Merton | Just a quick reply to your letter about the tapes. The main thing I want to clarify is: | |
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| 1967/10/17 | TAL | from Wettig, Joan / to Patricia Oliver | For our purposes it would be better if Father Merton would record <u>for 2 track monaural</u> | |
| [Joan Wettig performed indexing and abstracting of many of Merton's audio lectures] |
| 1967/10/19 | TLS | to Merton | Thank you for the list of your taped conferences. We have made a Xerox copy, and are returning | |
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| 1967/10/21 (#01) | TLS | from Merton | Thanks very much for returning the list: one more page came to me yesterday, so I am sending | |
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| 1967/10/21 (#02) | other | | 165 L 1-Christian Hope and Relatedness 9/18/66 [-] 2-Rundown on Xtian-Marxist relations; | |
| [1 page from Wettig tape abstracts] |
| 1967/11/03 | TLS | from Merton | Since I last saw you I have a Louisville lawyer, and I believe you must have met him as he says | |
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| 1967/11/09 | TL[c] | to Merton | Forgive me for this delay in answering your letter dated November 3; the tragedy is that I did not | |
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| 1967/11/15 | TLS | from Merton | Yes, the communication problem remains quite acute. We have progressed far enough so that we can | |
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| 1967/11/17 | TLS[x] | to Merton | I received your November 15 letter, and I am happy the trust agreement is signed, and things | |
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| 1967/11/25 | TALS | from Merton | Thanks very much indeed for the ms from the tape. Having lost your letter I don't have the name | |
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| 1967/12/09 | TLS | from Merton | Today I am sending a tape, just for putting away in the collection. It is one that was typed by | |
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| 1967/12/12 | HLS | from Merton | Find: I'll expect to meet you at Ford's office and go to lunch immediately from there. For the PM- | |
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| 1967/12/18 | HPCS | from Merton | Sorry I missed you - thought I would see you on the way out. Got back and had a fine supper | |
| [verso: color photograph of "Two <b>SAN BLAS</b> Indian Chiefs with their families" from Panama] |
| 1967/12/21 | TL[x] | from Merton | MY CAMPAIGN PLATFORM [-] for non-Abbot and permanent keeper of present doghouse. | Yes |
| [see Section E.1 of the classification under "My campaign platform for non-Abbot and permanent keeper of present doghouse" for a carbon and annotated mimeograph of this statement] |
| 1968/02/05 | TLS | from Merton | J. Laughlin is coming Thursday and I hope to stop by with him at the library on Friday morning some | |
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| 1968/03/no? | TALS | from Merton | How do you like the new magazine? This copy is for you. There is another for the Library | |
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| 1968/04/06 | HLS | from Merton | Excuse the paper! I want to reply at once - Lax and Rice can't come in April, so it has been put | |
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| 1968/04/no? | HNS | from Merton | Sorry I missed you the other day - hope you had a good vacation. It's been beautiful. Will write | |
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| 1968/06/13 | TLS | from Merton | I wonder if you could dig up some information for me. The Sewanee Review wants me to review two | |
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| 1968/06/14 | TL[c] | to Merton | Here is what I can find published in English, by the author Roland Barthes: WRITING DEGREE ZERO. | |
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| 1968/06/15 | TLS | from Merton | Much thanks for the info and the flower power-- now in place of honor on the door. | |
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| 1968/08/03 (#01) | TLS | from Merton | When John Ford finished drawing up these forms I blithely said I'd get them mimeographed out here. | |
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| 1968/08/03 (#02) | TLS[x] | from Ford, John J. / to Merton | When John Ford finished drawing up these forms I blithely said I'd get them mimeographed out here. | |
| [forwarded by Merton to Oliver - see "Ford, John J." file for original] |
| 1968/09/05 | TCS | from Merton | Sorry I was busy down town all day last time I came in. My next time in town is planned next | |
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| 1968/10/no? | HPCS | from Merton | This is an idyllic spot that I haven't seen yet. (Hope to later). Up to now it have been city stuff | |
| [verso: color photograph of "Shore Temple, Mahabalipuram, India"] |
| undated/no/no | other[c] | from Merton | Memo: concerning my will and testament [-] 1 - After discussion of the matter with Rt. Rev. Dom | |
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