Series 56: Marcuse, Herbert. "Varieties of Humanism: a discussion with Harvey Wheeler," Center Magazine 1.5 (Santa Barbara, California: July 1968): 12-15.
Box# - Folder#: 2 -
Item#: 1
Date or Range: no-day no-month no-year
First Lines: Professor Marcuse, you are considered one of the most influential people in a relatively recent movement that is sometimes called Marxist Humanism.
Sub-Type: Periodical
Copy Type: Printed material
Number of pages: 9
Language: English
Notes: Marginalia: contains underlining and other marks by Thomas Merton in interview of Herbert Marcuse by Harvey Wheeler. Clipping also includes articles by Guenther Nenning ("Christianity and Marxism") and Franz Cardinal Koenig ("Prelude to Dialogue").