Series 2: Accession 2.
Box# - Folder#: 4 - 17
Date or Range: 1959-1967; 1986
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Notes: Merton correspondence with (photocopies): Mother Michael of Christ the King, O.C.D.; Dame Maria Blanca Olin; Dame Marcella van Bruyn; Fr. Teresius; Thomas Thompson (Br. William); Edmund Wasserman; Fr. Walter; Marilyn Ward (Sr. Albert); Fr. Gregory Borgstin; Fr. Robert Anderson; Fr. Phillip Rickart, O.C.S.O.; Sr. Karl; Fr. Keith; Sr. Mary Norbert Korte, O.P.; Br. Jerome, C.F.X.; Sr. Mary Margaret; and Sr. Mary St. Thomas. Also included were news clippings about Jaime Andrade; correspondence between Br. Patrick Hart and Fr. Bill Shannon regarding the published letters; and a handwritten rating of various letters for publication.