Thomas Merton Center

Manuscripts in Sub-Section D.2:

Christian looks at Zen, A. Introduction to The golden age of Zen, by Jingxiong Wu (John C. H. Wu).

Item 1 - 

First Lines:  Here is a book that will do much to clarify the still very confused western idea of Zen Buddhism.

Sub-Type:  Manuscript


Copy Type:  Mimeograph with holograph corrections

Date:  July no-day, 1966

Number of pages:  25

Additional authors/contributors:  

Language:  English

Notes:  Corrections by Merton.

Location:  Archive - File Cabinet 5

Item 2 - 

First Lines:  Here is a book that will do much to clarify the still very confused western idea of Zen Buddhism.

Sub-Type:  Manuscript


Copy Type:  Mimeograph with holograph notations

Date:  July no-day, 1966

Number of pages:  25

Additional authors/contributors:  

Language:  English

Notes:  Contains some underlining.

Location:  Archive - File Cabinet 5

Item 3 - 

First Lines:  Here is a book that will do much to clarify the still very confused western idea of Zen Buddhism.

Sub-Type:  Manuscript


Copy Type:  Mimeograph

Date:  July no-day, 1966

Number of pages:  25

Additional authors/contributors:  

Language:  English

Notes:  20 copies. One copy purchased from the files of Doris Dana (2008/04/25). One copy bound by the Louisville Free Public Library.

Location:  Archive - File Cabinet 5