The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Censors Reports

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Descriptive Summary

Record Group: Section A - Correspondence

Dates of materials: 1948-1968

Volume: 449 item(s); 565 pg(s)

Scope and Content

This file includes documents allowing or banning publication of Merton's essays, books, and introductions to others' books. The standard procedure was to have him submit these works to two censors (who were to remain anonymous). If they saw nothing of doctrinal error or of scandalous nature, they would grant the "Nihil Obstat" (or "nothing barring" [publication]). A report would be drafted explaining criticism of style and content that would be suggested before publication or that would be a condition of granting their "Nihil Obstat". The Abbot General of the Trappists would then decide whether to grant the "Imprimi Potest" (it may be printed). If approved, he would issue a document with his signature and the names of the censors. Most of the critiques are not signed or list the censor's name. Almost all are original documents. Some are quite harsh in their criticism of Merton. Most works that were banned concern the subject of war or atomic weapons. Censors generally cited two reasons for banning such works on war: that they would cause too much scandal (too controversial), and that they were not appropriate subjects for a cloistered monk.

NOTE: Files are located in Archives, Stack 3, and are no longer interfiled with correspondence.


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If the person in correspondence with Merton has full text records in the Merton Center Digital Collections, there will be a numeric link to them below.

Series List

Series NumberSeries NameTotal Records
1 A Dream at Arles on the Night of the Mistral 1
2 A Messenger from the Horizon 1
3 A Picture of Lee Ying 1
4 A Practical Program for Monks 1
5 Absurdity in Sacred Decoration 3
6 Active and Contemplative Orders 2
7 Advent Mystery 1
8 Advice to a Young Prophet 1
9 Alone with God 1
10 An Elegy for Ernest Hemingway 1
11 An Elegy for Five Old Ladies 5
12 And So Goodbye to Cities 1
13 And the Children of Birmingham 1
14 Apologies to an Unbeliever 2
15 Approach to Creativity 1
16 Art and Worship 19
17 Artist Soul - Roger Durey [book by Dom André Malet; translated from the French by Mother Mary St. Thomas (of Tyburn)] 1
18 Ascent to Truth 23
19 Ash Wednesday 3
20 Atlas Watches Every Evening 2
21 Attente dans le silence: le père Marie-Joseph Cassant, O. Cist. S. O., by Marie-Étienne Chenevière with preface by Merton 1
22 Balanced Life of Prayer 4
23 Baptism in the Forest [introduction to anthology, "Mansions of the Spirit: Essays in Religion and Literature"] 1
24 Baroque Gravure 2
25 Barth's Dream [included in book "Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander"] 1
26 Basic Principles of Monastic Spirituality 2
27 Behavior of Titans 1
28 Black Revolution and Cold War [unpublished book in this form, see also "Seeds of Destruction"] 6
29 Black Revolution: Letters to a White Liberal [included in book "Seeds of Destruction"] 2
30 Blessed Are the Meek: the Roots of Christian Nonviolence 1
31 Bread in the Wilderness 4
32 Carmelite Sanctity 2
33 Chant to Be Used in Processions around a Site with Furnaces 2
34 Christian Action in World Crisis [part of unpublished "Black Revolution and Cold War"] 4
35 Christian Ethics and Nuclear War [part of unpublished "Black Revolution and Cold War"] 19
36 Christian in World Crisis [book, published as "Redeeming the Time"] 1
37 Christian Life of Prayer [early draft section of "Contemplative Prayer"] 3
38 Christian Perfection [article for "The Catholic Encyclopedia for School and Home"] 3
39 Christianity and Mass Movements 1
40 Christmas Devotion 2
41 Cistercian Contemplatives 3
42 City of God by St. Augustine, preface for the Modern Library Edition by Thomas Merton 1
43 Classic Chinese Thought 1
44 Clement of Alexandria: Selections from the Protreptikos 1
45 Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander 2
46 Contemplation 1
47 Contemplation and the Priesthood 1
48 Contemplation in a Rocking Chair 1
49 Death of a Trappist 2
50 Disputed Questions 5
51 Early Legend 1
52 Easter: The New Life 5
53 Edifying Cables or Familiar Liturgies of Misunderstanding [book, published as "Cables to the Ace or Familiar Liturgies of Misunderstanding"] 2
54 Elegy for James Thurber 1
55 English Mystics 4
56 Exile Ends in Glory 1
57 Faith and Violence 2
58 Few Questions - Fewer Answers 1
59 First and Last Thoughts [preface to "A Thomas Merton Reader"] 1
60 Gethsemani: The Life of Praise 1
61 Gloss of the Sin of Ixion 2
62 Good Samaritan 2
63 Grace's House 1
64 Hagia Sophia 1
65 Herakleitos the Obscure 1
66 Hermit Life 1
67 Homily on Mary 1
68 Human Way Out, The [preface to book, "Breakthrough to Peace"] 2
69 Humanity of Christ in Monastic Prayer 1
70 In Search of a Yogi, by Denys Rutledge [preface] 2
71 Integrity 1
72 Is Mysticism Normal? 1
73 Jesuits in China 2
74 Jorge Carrera Andrade 1
75 Last of the Fathers 5
76 Laudate Dominum [sound recording] 2
77 Let the Poor Man Speak 1
78 Letter to Pablo Antonio Cuadra Concerning Giants 4
79 Letters in Time of Crisis 1
80 Life and Holiness 2
81 Light in Darkness 1
82 Liturgy and Spiritual Personalism 3
83 Living Bread 1
84 Loretto and Gethsemani 1
85 Love Winter When the Plant Says Nothing 2
86 Macarius the Younger and Macarius and the Pony 1
87 Machine Gun in the Fallout Shelter 2
88 Miscellaneous Correspondence Concerning Censorship 14
89 Monastic Peace 5
90 Monk in the Diaspora 1
91 Morte d'Urban, by J.F. Powers [book review] 1
92 Mount Athos 1
93 Mystery of the Church in St. Ignatius of Antioch (Church and Bishop in St. Ignatius of Antioch) 3
94 Mystics and Zen Masters 4
95 Name of the Lord 1
96 Nativity Kerygma 2
97 New Man 5
98 New Seeds of Contemplation 11
99 Night Flowering Cactus 1
100 No Man Is an Island 4
101 Notes for a Philosophy of Solitude 5
102 Notes on Art and Worship 3
103 Notes on Sacred Art 3
104 Notes on the Lord's Prayer [book foreword] 1
105 O Sweet Irrational Worship 1
106 On Remembering Monsieur Delmas 1
107 Original Child Bomb 2
108 Pasternak, Boris (The Pasternak Affair in Perspective, and Boris Pasternak and the People with Watch Chains) 6
109 Peace in the Post-Christian Era 5
110 Peace: Christian Duties and Perspectives 5
111 Portait of Peter Damian 1
112 Postulant's Guide 1
113 Prayer for Peace 1
114 Présence a Dieu et a soi meme, by Fr. François de Sainte-Marie, O.C.D. 1
115 Primacy of Contemplation 1
116 Primative Carmelite Ideal 3
117 Prometheus 5
118 Prophetic Ambiguities: Milton and Camus 1
119 Rain and the Rhinoceros 1
120 Reflections on the Character and Genius of Fenelon 1
121 Russian Mystics, by Sergius Bolshakoff with a preface by Thomas Merton 1
122 Sacred Art and the Spiritual Life (Sacred Art and Religion) 2
123 Saint John of the Ladder 2
124 Saints for Now, by Clare Boothe Luce with an essay by Merton regarding St. John of the Cross 8
125 Seasons of Celebration 2
126 Secular Journal 16
127 Seeds of Contemplation 2
128 Seeking God 1
129 Selections from Gandhi, selected and with an introduction by Thomas Merton 3
130 Seven Archaic Images 2
131 Sign of Jonas 18
132 Signed Confession of Crimes against the State 1
133 Some Poems of Raissa Maritain 2
134 Song for Nobody 1
135 Song for the Death of Averroes 2
136 Song: If You Seek 1
137 Soul of the Apostolate 3
138 Spirit of simplicity 3
139 Spiritual Direction [article for the New Catholic Encyclopedia] 1
140 Spiritual Direction 1
141 Spiritual Father in the Desert Tradition 2
142 Spiritual Life 1
143 Target Equals City 5
144 Tears of the Blind Lions 2
145 The Fall 1
146 The Moment of Truth 1
147 The Moslems' Angel of Death: Algeria 1961 1
148 The Ox Mountain Parable 1
149 There Has to Be a Jail for Ladies 1
150 Third Spiritual Alphabet, by Francisco de Osuna [book review by Merton] 1
151 Thoughts in Solitude 8
152 To Alphonso Cortes 1
153 Tower of Babel 4
154 Trappist Cistercian Salve Regina (Hail, Holy Queen) [meditation on the text] 1
155 Trappists Go to Utah 1
156 Tribute to Greatness 4
157 Two Chinese Classics 5
158 Universe as Epiphany 2
159 Virginity and Humanism in the Fathers 1
160 Vocation to Solitude 4
161 Waters of Siloe 1
162 Way of Chuang Tzu 1
163 Way of Perfection 1
164 What Are These Wounds? 1
165 What Is Contemplation? 1
166 What Is Meditation? 1
167 Why Some Look Up to Planets and Heroes 1
168 Wisdom in Emptiness: A Dialogue between Daisetz T. Suzuki and Thomas Merton 1
169 Wisdom of the Desert 6

Container List

SeriesDateTypeTo/FromFirst LinesPubFull TextNotes
11960/11/30 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielA DREAM AT ARLES, ON THE NIGHT OF THE MISTRAL — ADVICE TO A YOUNG PROPHET deux poèmes,  "A Dream at Arles on the Night of the Mistral" and "Advice to a Young Prophet" [2 poems] Nihil Obstat, Thomas Aquinas Porter and Gabriel O'Connell; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
21960/04/30 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielA MESSAGE FROM THE HORIZON [sic] par le Père Louis Merton, N.D. de Gethsémani NIHIL OBSTAT: fr. M.  "A Messenger from the Horizon" [poem] and "Un Ermite de la Renaissance" [preface to the English edition in the U.S. of Jean Leclercq's book <i>Alone with God</i>, ("Seul avec Dieu")] / Nihil Obstat, Thomas Aquinas Porter and Paul Bourne; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
31962/11/22 TNS[x]by Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] Six Poems: GRACE'S HOUSE, NIGHT FLOWERING CACTUS, O SWEET IRRATIONAL WORSHIP  "A Picture of Lee Ying," "Grace's House," "Night Flowering Cactus," "O Sweet Irrational Worship," "To Alphonso Cortes," and "The Fall," [6 poems] / Nihil Obstat, Fr. Charles English and Fr. Paul Bourne; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
41958/12/13 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielA PRACTICAL PROGRAM FOR MONKS [-] THE MOMENT OF TRUTH [-] deux poèmes du P. Louis Merton,  "A Practical Program for Monks" and "The Moment of Truth" [2 poems] / Nihil Obstat, Thomas Aquinas Porter and Paul Bourne; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
51960/01/22 TLS[x] from Fox, James / to Thomas Aquinas PorterWe received your envelope of January 16 with the enclosed manuscript on Art. We certainly appreciate  "Absurdity in Sacred Decoration" [essay]
51960/02/22 (#01)other[x]by Sortais, GabrielABSURDITY IN SACRED DECORATION by Thomas Merton [-] NIHIL OBSTAT: fr. M. Thomas Aquinas Porter  "Absurdity in Sacred Decoration" [essay] / Nihil Obstat, Thomas Aquinas Porter and Paul Bourne; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
51960/02/22? (#02)other[x]by Censor (anonymous)1. Absurdity in Sacred Decoration (short article) Very good propoganda [sic] against bad taste  "Absurdity in Sacred Decoration" [essay], "The Primitive Carmelite Ideal [essay], "Love Winter When the Plant Says Nothing [poem], "Vocation to Solitude" [essay] / censor's report (on the same page as Nihil Obstat statement)
61947/10/03 HNSby Chassagne, Anthony+ Nihil obstat paginis quibus titulus "Active and Contemplative Orders" scriptis a Thomas Merton  "Active and Contemplative Orders" [essay] - Nihil obstat granted by Fr. Anthony Chassagne (see also "Chassagne, Anthony" correspondence file)
61947/10/16 TLSby Fearns, JohnI am enclosing the additional pages of your manuscript ACTIVE AND CONTEMPLATIVE ORDERS.  "Active and Contemplative Orders" [essay] - Fr. John M. Fearns was Censor Librorum for the Archdiocese of New York and grants approval for the use of additional pages to his manuscript for this article and for a quotation from Etienne Gilson's <i>Mystical Theology of St. Bernard</i> added to "Cistercian Contemplatives" / would like to write to Merton "about contemplation and the secular priest"
71963/08/10 TNSby Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] 4 essays : THE ADVENT MYSTERY [-] ON REMEMBERING MONSIEUR DELMAS  "Advent Mystery," "On Remembering Monsieur Delmas," "The Name of the Lord," and "The Early Legend" [labelled "4 essays" but "Early Legend" is a poem] Nihil Obstat granted by Fr. Charles English and Fr. Benjamin Clark - Imprimi Potest granted by Abbot General Gabriel Sortais
81960/11/30 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielA DREAM AT ARLES, ON THE NIGHT OF THE MISTRAL — ADVICE TO A YOUNG PROPHET deux poèmes,  "Advice to a Young Prophet" and "A Dream at Arles on the Night of the Mistral" [2 poems] Nihil Obstat, Thomas Aquinas Porter and Gabriel O'Connell; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
91960/04/30 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielA MESSAGE FROM THE HORIZON [sic] par le Père Louis Merton, N.D. de Gethsémani NIHIL OBSTAT: fr. M.  "Alone with God" (preface, "Un Ermite de la Renaissance") [preface to the English edition in the U.S. of Jean Leclercq's book <i>Alone with God</i>, ("Seul avec Dieu")] / Nihil Obstat, Thomas Aquinas Porter and Paul Bourne; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
101961/08/08 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielAN ELEGY FOR ERNEST HEMINGWAY — LORETTO AND GETHSEMANI by Fr. Louis Merton, O.L. of Gethsemani  "An Elegy for Ernest Hemingway" [poem] and "Loretto and Gethsemani" [essay] / Nihil Obstat, Thomas Aquinas Porter and Gabriel O'Connell; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
111958/12/14 TLS[x] from De Bourbon, Clément / to James FoxIt is an appreciated privilege to write to you, especially when having to thank you- with some delay  "An Elegy for Five Old Ladies" [poem] and "Art and Worship" [unpublished book] / [see "Fox, James" file, Series 5, for original letter]
111959/02/19 HLS from Regan, Shane / to James FoxAt long last the censor work on "Art and Worship" is completed. This morning the report went off air  "An Elegy for Five Old Ladies" [poem] and "Art and Worship" [unpublished book] / [from censor Fr. Shane Regan, O.C.S.O., of the Abbey of Our Lady of New Melleray, Dubuque, Iowa]
111959/02/28 (#02)TLS[x] from Sortais, Gabriel / to James FoxVotre lettre du 10 m'est bien arrivée, avec les quatre copies que vous y aviez jointes. Je vous  "An Elegy for Five Old Ladies" [poem] and "Art and Worship" [unpublished book] / [see "Fox, James" file, Series 5, for original letter]
111959/02/28 (#03)otherby Sortais, GabrielAn Elegy for Five Old Ladies a poem by Fr. Louis Merton, O.L. of Gethsemani NIHIL OBSTAT: fr. M.  "An Elegy for Five Old Ladies" [poem] / Nihil Obstat, Thomas Aquinas Porter and Shane Regan; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
111959/02/28? (#01)otherfrom Censor (anonymous)This is the censorship report on a group of three poems by Father Thomas Merton (Father Louis)  "An Elegy for Five Old Ladies" [poem] / censor's report
121963/05/14 TNS[x]by Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] A BAROQUE GRAVURE ----- AND SO GOODBYE TO CITIES [-] two poems  "And So Goodbye to Cities" - "Baroque Gravure" [poems] - [see "Baroque Gravure" file for original]
131963/07/22 TNSby Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] THE CHILDREN OF BIRMINGHAM [-] a poem [-] NIHIL OBSTAT : fr. M. Paul Bourne,  "And the Children of Birmingham" [poem] Nihil Obstat from Fr. Paul Bourne and Fr. Charles English - Imprimi Potest from Abbot General Gabriel Sortais
141966/05/21 (#01)TNS[x] from Morson, John, Fr. / to James FoxArticulus periodicis americanis destinatus: <u>Apologies to an Unbeliever;</u> auctore P. Ludovico  "Apologies to an Unbeliever" [essay] Nihil Obstat from Fr. Paul Bourne, O.C.R. and Fr. Carolus English, O.C.R. - Imprimi Potest from Fr. Deodatus Dewilde, O.C.R.
141966/05/21 (#02)TNSby Dewilde, DeodatusArticulus periodicis americanis destinatus: <u>Apologies to an Unbeliever;</u> auctore P. Ludovico  "Apologies to an Unbeliever" [essay] Nihil Obstat from Fr. Paul Bourne, O.C.R. and Fr. Carolus English, O.C.R. - Imprimi Potest from Fr. Deodatus Dewilde, O.C.R.
151960/09/27 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielCLASSIC CHINESE THOUGHT et AN APPROACH TO CREATIVITY deux articles du Père Louis Merton, N.D.  "An Approach to Creativity" [essay, also titled "The Catholic and Creativity" and "Theology of Creativity"] and "Classic Chinese Thought"
161958/04/20 TLS[x] from Sortais, Gabriel / to James FoxVotre lettre du 14 m'est parvenue il y a quelques jours. Je n'ai pu y répondre tout de suite, car  "Art and Worship" [manuscript for an unpublished book]
161958/04/28 TLS[x] from Fox, James / to Gabriel O'ConnellOur dear Reverendissime wrote us this past week from Rome telling us that you have been appointed  "Art and Worship" [manuscript for an unpublished book] and "Monastic Peace" [book]
161958/06/03 other[x]by Censor (anonymous)This is the censorship report on <u>Art and Worship</u>, a pamphlet by Father Thomas Merton  "Art and Worship" [manuscript for an unpublished book] / censors report
161958/06/03 other[x]by Censor (anonymous)This is the censorship report on <u>Art and Worship</u>, a pamphlet by Father Thomas Merton  "Art and Worship" [manuscript for an unpublished book] / censors report
161958/06/22 (#01)other[x]by Sortais, Gabriel"ART AND WORSHIP" par le P. Louis Merton, N.D. de Gethsémani  "Art and Worship" [unpublished book] / Nihil Obstat, Gabriel O'Connell and Paul Bourne; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
161958/06/22 (#02)other[x]by Censor (anonymous)This is the censorship report on <u>Art and Worship</u>, a pamphlet by Father Thomas Merton  "Art and Worship" [unpublished book] / censors report
161958/06/22 (#03)other[x]by Censor (anonymous)Criticism: Preface: page ii; paragraph 1, line 3: "mystery of Faith" -- meaning? Mysterium Fidei is  "Art and Worship" [unpublished book] / censors report
161958/11/no? (#01)TL from Bourne, Paul / to Gabriel SortaisIn June of this year I granted nihil obstat to a pamphlet by Father Louis Merton of Gethsemani  "Art and Worship" [unpublished book] / censors report on "Art and Worship" unsigned but relates to another note by Fr. Paul Bourne
161958/11/no? (#02)TL[x] from Bourne, Paul / to Gabriel SortaisIn June of this year I granted nihil obstat to a pamphlet by Father Louis Merton of Gethsemani  "Art and Worship" [unpublished book] / censors report on "Art and Worship" unsigned but relates to another note by Fr. Paul Bourne - unknown if another note copied at the bottom regarding the rejection of "An Elegy for Five Old Ladies" is also by Fr. Paul Bourne
161958/11/no? (#03)TLS from Bourne, Paul / to James FoxI know your Christmas is joyous as well as blessed today in the midst of your loving sons.  "Art and Worship" [unpublished book] / censors comments
161958/12/14 TLS[x] from De Bourbon, Clément / to James FoxIt is an appreciated privilege to write to you, especially when having to thank you- with some delay  "Art and Worship" [unpublished book] / "An Elegy for Five Old Ladies" [poem] / [see "Fox, James" file, Series 5, for original letter]
161958/12/22 TLS[x] from Fox, James / to Paul BourneWe received word from Reverendissime that one of the censors could not give his NIHIL OBSTAT  "Art and Worship" [unpublished book] / censorship objections to the preface and the some of the material explaining the artwork
161958/12/23 TL[x] from Fox, James / to Clément De BourbonWe were so happy to receive your letter, and that you received our little expression of love  "Art and Worship" [unpublished book] / censorship objections to the preface and the some of the material explaining the artwork
161958/12/25? TLS[x] from Bourne, Paul / to James FoxI know your Christmas is joyous as well as blessed today in the midst of your loving sons.  "Art and Worship" [manuscript for an unpublished book]
161959/01/05 TLS[x] from Fox, James / to Paul BourneWe received your kind note of Christmas. It was so wonderful to hear from you. In regard to ART  "Art and Worship" [manuscript for an unpublished book], "Ash Wednesday" [poem], and "Easter: The New Life" [essay]
161959/01/09 TLS[x] from Fox, James / to Shane ReganWe are writing you in regard to a book-- if you want to call it that-- it is more a pictorial book--  "Art and Worship" [unpublished book] / censorship objections to the preface and the some of the material explaining the artwork [to Fr. Shane Regan, O.C.S.O., New Melleray Abbey in Dubuque, IA]
161959/02/19 HNS[x] from Regan, Shane / to James FoxAt long last the censor work on "Art and Worship" is completed. This morning the report went off air  "Art and Worship" [unpublished book] and "An Elegy for Five Old Ladies" [poem] / [from censor Fr. Shane Regan, O.C.S.O., of the Abbey of Our Lady of New Melleray, Dubuque, Iowa]
161959/02/28 otherby Sortais, GabrielArt and Worship by Fr. Louis Merton. O.L. of Gethsemani NIHIL OBSTAT: fr. M. Gabriel O'Connell,  "Art and Worship" [unpublished book] / Nihil Obstat, Gabriel O'Connell and Shane Regan; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
161960/03/05 TL[x] from Fox, James / to Paul BourneThanks so much for your kind letter of March 1 with the Preface to DISPUTED QUESTIONS. They can go  "Art and Worship" [unpublished book], "Disputed Questions [book], "Christian Life of Prayer" [book], and "Carmelite Sanctity" [essay] / [part of letter cut off]
171947/08/18 HNSby McNicholas, John T."An Artist Soul - Roger Dewey" Nihil obstat. James W. O'Brian Imprimatur John T. McNicholas  "Artist Soul - Roger Durey" [book by Dom Andreì Malet; translated from the French by Mother Mary St. Thomas (of Tyburn), published by the Abbey of Gethsemani] - Nihil obstat from James W. O'Brian and Imprimatur by John Timothy McNicholas, O.P., Archbishop of Cincinnati / seeemingly no Merton connection
181951/09/16 TLSby Bourne, PaulEnclosed you will find the document you requested for the edification or something of your friend  "Ascent to Truth" [book] documents from Fr. Paul Bourne, O.C.S.O. - possibly sending "Reader's Report" also in this file, see "1951/no-month/no-day?" in "Ascent to Truth"
181951/09/17 TLSby Bourne, PaulAn advance copy or your excellent new book, Ascent to Truth, reached us a few days ago and we are  "Ascent to Truth" [book] censor Fr. Paul Bourne, O.C.S.O. notes that indicated corrections were not made in the published copy of book
181951/10/07 HLSby Sortais, GabrielPendant la vacance  "Ascent to Truth" [book] and "A Balanced Life of Prayer" [essay] - Nihil obstat granted by Abbot General Gabriel Sortais
181951/10/31 TLSby Sortais, GabrielSoyez sans souci pour votre "Ascent to Truth" et son "Imprimi poetst" [sic] laissez le nom de dom  "Ascent to Truth" [book] - from Abbot General Gabriel Sortais, O.C.S.O.
181951/no/no (#01)other Reader's Report Title: The Ascent to Truth Author: Thomas Merton Publisher: Harcourt, Brace  "Ascent to Truth" [book] - Reader's report with handwritten notes (by Merton?) in red pencil
181951/no/no (#02)other Reader's Report Title: The Ascent to Truth Author: Thomas Merton Publisher: Harcourt, Brace  "Ascent to Truth" [book] - Reader's report, uncorrected
181951/no/no (#03)other Reader's Report Title: The Ascent to Truth Author: Thomas Merton Publisher: Harcourt, Brace  "Ascent to Truth" [book] - Reader's report with handwritten notes (by Merton?) in black pencil
181953/12/04 (#01)TLSby Sortais, GabrielVoici les remarqes des Censeurs sur la traduction française de votre livre "Ascent to Truth".  "Ascent to Truth," translated into French ("La montée vers la lumière") [book] - censors' comments enclosed with this letter (see item #2 of the same date)
181953/12/04 (#02)otherby Censor (anonymous)Copie des Remarques du Premier Censeur. "Au point de vue de la foi et des meurs: Nihil Obstat.  "Ascent to Truth," translated into French ("La montée vers la lumière") [book] - remarks of the first censor
181953/12/04 (#02)otherby Censor (anonymous)LA MONTEE VERS LA LUMIERE. traduit de l'américain par Marie Tadié. Ce nouvel ouvrage de Thomas  "Ascent to Truth," translated into French ("La montée vers la lumière") [book] - censors' comments, dated 1953/November/09, enclosed with letter of 1953/December/04
181953/12/04 (#03)otherby Censor (anonymous)Extrait de la lettre envoyée par le second Censeur. Je croyais que les Américains étaient des gens  "Ascent to Truth," translated into French ("La montée vers la lumière") [book] - remarks of the second censor
181953/12/29? (#01)TLSby Sortais, GabrielVoici lettre du 9 m'est arrivée avec pas mal de retard, étant donné mes déplacements  "Ascent to Truth," translated into French ("La montée vers la lumière") [book]
181954/01/24 TLSby Bernard, Fr., O.C.S.O.J'ai reçu le II Janvier votre lettre du 7, et hier le manuscrit en parfait état. Merci de votre  "Ascent to Truth," translated into French ("La montée vers la lumière") [book] / from Fr. Bernard of the Abbey of Cîteaux
181954/02/17 TACSby Bernard, Fr., O.C.S.O.Enfin une semaine tranquille: je peux me mettre sérieusement au travail pour vous.  "Ascent to Truth," translated into French ("La montée vers la lumière") [book] / contains censor's notes and Merton's marginal comments and reactions to these notes in pen / from Fr. Bernard of the Abbey of Cîteaux
181954/03/08 TALSby Bernard, Fr., O.C.S.O.Je pense que vous avez bien reçu la lettre où je vous posais quelques questions au sujet  "Ascent to Truth," translated into French ("La montée vers la lumière") [book] / contains censor's notes and Merton's marginal comments and reactions to these notes in pen / from Fr. Bernard of the Abbey of Cîteaux
181954/03/18 TL[c]to Bernard, Fr., O.C.S.O.It will be quicker for me to write to you in English. The reason for my delay in replying was that  "Ascent to Truth," translated into French ("La montée vers la lumière") [book] / contains responses to censor's notes / to Fr. Bernard of the Abbey of Cîteaux
181954/03/29 (#01)TALSby Bernard, Fr., O.C.S.O.J'ai bien reçu votre lettre du 18, ainsi que la feuille renvoyée le lendemain. Albin Michel m'avait  "Ascent to Truth," translated into French ("La montée vers la lumière") [book] / contains censor's notes and Merton's marginal comments and reactions to these notes in pen / from Fr. Bernard of the Abbey of Cîteaux
181954/03/29 (#01)other[c] Preface-- ... si elles le sont vraiment. Le lecteur ne doit pas se presser en parcourant ces pages.  "Ascent to Truth," translated into French ("La montée vers la lumière") [book] / enclosed with letter of 1954/March/29
181954/05/19 TLSby André, Fr., O.C.S.O.Je vous recevoie aujourd'hui, par le même courier, le 3a  "Ascent to Truth," translated into French ("La montée vers la lumière") [book] / from Fr. André of the Abbey of Tamié
181954/05/30 TLSby de Bourbon, ClémentEncore une lettre su "La Montée vers la Lumière". Vous allez dire que je vous .... rase.  "Ascent to Truth," translated into French ("La montée vers la lumière") [book] / from Fr. Clément de Bourbon, O.C.S.O., secretary to Abbot General Gabriel Sortais
181954/06/12 TLSby Bernard, Fr., O.C.S.O.Je m'étonnais de ne pas recevoir de réponse à ma dernière demande de reseignements en vue  "Ascent to Truth," translated into French ("La montée vers la lumière") [book] / from Fr. Bernard of the Abbey of Cîteaux
181954/06/27 TLSby de Bourbon, ClémentVeuillez m'excuser de répondre en retard à votre lettre du 8, je pensais attendre la réponse  "Ascent to Truth," translated into French ("La montée vers la lumière"); and "The Sign of Jonas," translated into French ("Le signe de Jonas") [books] / from Fr. Clément de Bourbon, O.C.S.O., secretary to Abbot General Gabriel Sortais
181956/08/24 TLS[x] from Sortais, Gabriel / to James FoxEn vous envoyant le 17 de ce mois mon IMPRIMI POTEST pour "Thirty-seven Meditations", je vous  "The Ascent to Truth" [book] and "Thoughts in Solitude" [book, under draft title, "Thirty Seven Meditations"] / [for original letter, see "Fox, James" file, Series 5]
191959/01/05 TLS[x] from Fox, James / to Paul BourneWe received your kind note of Christmas. It was so wonderful to hear from you. In regard to ART  "Ash Wednesday" [poem], "Art and Worship" [manuscript for an unpublished book], and "Easter: The New Life" [essay]
191959/01/07 HNS[x] from Bourne, Paul / to James FoxI'm really distressed at being so in arears with the censorship. Just after Christmas I came down  "Ash Wednesday" [poem] and "Easter: The New Life" [essay]
191959/01/19 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielSix Articles: 1 - The Way of Perfection 2 - Ash Wednesday 3 - Spiritual Direction 4 - Easter : the  "Ash Wednesday" [poem], "Easter: The New Life" [essay], "The Way of Perfection" [essay], "Spiritual Direction" [essay], "Christianity and Mass Movements" [essay], and "Hail, Holy Queen" ("The Trappist Cistercian Salve Regina") [meditation on the text]
201959/07/02 (#01)otherby Sortais, GabrielATLAS WATCHES EVERY EVENING article du P. Merton, de N.D. de Gethsémani NIHIL OBSTAT: fr. M. Thomas  "Atlas Watches Every Evening" [essay] / Nihil Obstat, Thomas Aquinas Porter and Paul Bourne; Imprimi Potest, Gabriel Sortais
201959/07/02? (#02)otherby Censor (anonymous)I was wondering why Edison and Ford should be mentioned with such men as Hitler and Stalin, etc.  "Atlas Watches Every Evening" [essay] - from file labeled "Fr. Paul [Bourne] and Thomas Aquinas [Porter] -- censors for small articles and poems…"
211961/no/no? TNSby Censor (anonymous)Quant à la Préface écrite par Père Louis pour l'édition américaine de la vie de Père Cassant,  "Attente dans le silence: le père Marie-Joseph Cassant, O. Cist. S. O." [book] by Marie-Étienne Chenevière with preface by Merton - lists certain lines to be left out of the American edition
221951/05/28 HLSby Bourne, PaulYour pamphlet on prayer is very good. If I may offer one minor suggestion it is that you break up  "Balanced Life of Prayer" [book/pamphlet] / from censor Fr. Paul Bourne
221951/06/04 HLSby Malloy, MauriceThis pamphlet is eminently worthwhile. It clarifies the part that the right use of the Mass,  "Balanced Life of Prayer" [book/pamphlet] / from censor Fr. Maurice Malloy, O.C.S.O. of Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery in Pecos, New Mexico
221951/07/30 TLSby Floersh, JohnYour manuscript, entitled "A Balanced Life of Prayer", was finally returned to me this morning  "Balanced Life of Prayer" [book/pamphlet] / from Archbishop John A. Floersh granting Imprimatur on the condition of making a change recommended by a censor
221951/08/27 TLby Malloy, MauriceAs I read the proofs of your new book, "The Ascent to Truth," I noted down on one page an outline  "Balanced Life of Prayer" [book/pamphlet] / from censor Fr. Maurice Malloy, O.C.S.O. of Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery in Pecos, New Mexico
231967/03/03 TNSby Hermans, VincentNihil obstat: fr. Paulus Boarne, O.C.R. ) fr. Emmanuel Rodgriques, O.C.R. ) Censores deputati  "Blessed are the Meek" [essay] and "Baptism in the Forest" [introduction to anthology, <i>Mansions of the Spirit</i> by George Andrew Panichas] / Nihil obstat from censors Fr. Paul Bourne and Fr. Emmanuel Rodriguez, and Imprimi potest by Fr. Vincent Hermans, delegated by the abbot general
241963/05/14 (#01)TNSby Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] A BAROQUE GRAVURE ----- AND SO GOODBYE TO CITIES [-] two poems  "Baroque Gravure" - "And So Goodbye to Cities" [poems] Nihil Obstat from Fr. Charles English and Fr. Benjamin Clark - Imprimi Potest from Abbot General Gabriel Sortais
241963/05/14 (#02)TLS[x] from Sortais, Gabriel / to James FoxVous trouverez sous cette enveloppe un IMPRIMI POTEST pour Père Louis. Désirant que ce document  "Baroque Gravure" - "And So Goodbye to Cities" [poems]
25undated/02/09 HNSby Fox, JamesImprimi Potest has been granted for "Barth's Dream". Delay came b/c one censor had 1 title  "Barth's Dream" [included in <i>Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander</i> from 1966] - the copies given the two censors had different titles, they were confused by the Abbot General for two works, each needing a second censor
261956/07/20 (#01)TLS[x] from Merton to Thomas Aquinas PorterIt would be simpler if I called you by your name as I never have the slightest difficulty  [addressed to "Father Censor no 2" - likely Fr. Thomas Aquinas Porter, O.C.S.O. from context, see also letter from Merton to Porter dated 1956/08/27]
261956/07/20 (#02)other[x] CHANGES Basic Principles of Monastic Spirituality. 1- Page 4, second paragraph: delete paragraph and  [addressed to "Father Censor no 2" - likely Fr. Thomas Aquinas Porter, O.C.S.O. from context, see also letter from Merton to Porter dated 1956/08/27]
271961/03/15 TLS[x] from Porter, Thomas Aquinas / to James FoxThe day before yesterday I received your letter containing the three "little articles" by Fr. Louis,  "The Behavior of Titans" [book], "New Seeds of Contemplation" [book], and "three 'little articles'"
281964/02/04 TLS[x] from Gillet, Ignace / to James FoxLes censeurs m'ont envoyé chacunun compte rendu favorable pour un article de Père Raymond, auquel  "Black Revolution and Cold War" [unpublished book / many sections published as <i>Seeds of Destruction</i>] / [see "Fox" file for original letter]
281964/02/07 TALS[x] from Fox, James / to Ignace GilletI received your charming note of February 4. I appreciate the Imprimi Potest for good Father  "Black Revolution and Cold War" [unpublished book / many sections published as <i>Seeds of Destruction</i>] / regarding last article/essay "Letters in Time of Crisis"
281964/02/14? (#01)TANby Fox, JamesRE: BLACK REVOLUTION AND COLD WAR by Fr Louis Merton [-] Imprimi Potest Date [-] Black Revolution:  "Black Revolution and Cold War" [unpublished book / many sections published as <i>Seeds of Destruction</i>] - Imprimi potest dates for individual articles from proposed book: "Black Revolution: Letters to a White Liberal." "The Legend of Tucker Caliban," "Peace, Christian Duties and Perspectives," Christian Ethics and Nuclear War," "Christian Action in World Crisis," and "Letters in Time of Crisis" [not approved until after this]
281964/02/14? (#02)TANby Fox, JamesRE: BLACK REVOLUTION AND COLD WAR (new title: SEEDS OF DESTRUCTION) By Father Louis Merton  "Black Revolution and Cold War" [unpublished book / many sections published as <i>Seeds of Destruction</i>] - [later draft (compare to Item #01)] Imprimi potest dates for individual articles from proposed book: "Black Revolution: Letters to a White Liberal." "The Legend of Tucker Caliban," "Peace, Christian Duties and Perspectives," Christian Ethics and Nuclear War," "Christian Action in World Crisis," and "Letters in Time of Crisis"
281964/02/14? (#03)HNby Fox, JamesMy letter of 2/14  "Black Revolution and Cold War" [unpublished book / many sections published as <i>Seeds of Destruction</i>]
281964/02/18 transcript from Gillet, Ignace / to James FoxVotre lettre du 7 m'est parvenue le 11, mais c'est aujourd'hui seulement que je trouve le temps,  "Black Revolution and Cold War" [unpublished book / many sections published as <i>Seeds of Destruction</i>] / and "Original Child Bomb" [poem] / [see "Fox" file for original letter]
291963/08/10 (#01)TNSby Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] THE BLACK REVOLUTION [-] Letters to a White Liberal [-] NIHIL OBSTAT :  "Black Revolution: Letters to a White Liberal" [essay / section of book - published in <i>Seeds of Destruction</i>] - Nihil Obstat from Fr. Paul Bourne and Fr. Charles English - Imprimi Potest from Abbot General Gabriel Sortais
291963/08/10 (#02)TNS[x] from Sortais, Gabriel / to James FoxVous trouverez sous cette enveloppe cinq IMPRIMI POTEST pour Père Louis. Le cher Père va, je le vois  "Black Revolution: Letters to a White Liberal" [essay / section of book - published in <i>Seeds of Destruction</i>] - Nihil Obstat from Fr. Paul Bourne and Fr. Charles English - Imprimi Potest from Abbot General Gabriel Sortais
301967/03/03 TNS[x]by Hermans, VincentNihil obstat: fr. Paulus Boarne, O.C.R. ) fr. Emmanuel Rodgriques, O.C.R. ) Censores deputati  "Blessed are the Meek" [essay] and "Baptism in the Forest" [introduction to anthology, <i>Mansions of the Spirit</i> by George Andrew Panichas] / Nihil obstat from censors Fr. Paul Bourne and Fr. Emmanuel Rodriguez, and Imprimi potest by Fr. Vincent Hermans, delegated by the abbot general [see "Baptism in the Forest" for original]
311952/09/22 TLSby Bourne, PaulIn the absence of your dear Rev. Father I take the responsibility of addressing this criticism  "Bread in the Wilderness" [book - here under original title of "Contemplation in the Liturgy"] censor's notes from Fr. Paul Bourne, O.C.S.O.
311952/09/30 TALSby Fearns, JohnI am subjoring the comments in full of the reader of Father Merton's BREAD IN THE WILDERNESS.  "Bread in the Wilderness" [book] censor's notes from the Rt. Rev. John M. Fearns, Censor Librorum for the Archdiocese of New York
311952/10/23 TL[c]to Fearns, JohnIt has been some time since Mr MacGregor of New Directions sent me the comments of your reader  "Bread in the Wilderness" [book] responses by Merton to censor's notes of the Rt. Rev. John M. Fearns, Censor Librorum for the Archdiocese of New York
311952/12/02 TLSby Malloy, MauriceCENSOR'S REMARKS ON "BREAD IN THE WILDERNESS, OR CONTEMPLATION IN THE LITURGY,  "Bread in the Wilderness" [book] censor's notes from Fr. Maurice Malloy, O.C.S.O., of Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery in Pecos, New Mexico
321960/03/05 TL[x] from Fox, James / to Paul BourneThanks so much for your kind letter of March 1 with the Preface to DISPUTED QUESTIONS. They can go  "Carmelite Sanctity" [essay], "Art and Worship" [unpublished book], "Disputed Questions [book], and "Christian Life of Prayer" [book] / [part of letter cut off]
321960/04/30 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielCARMELITE SANCTITY par le Père Louis Merton, N.D. de Gethsémani NIHIL OBSTAT: fr. M. Thomas d'Aquin  "Carmelite Sanctity" [essay] / Nihil Obstat, Thomas Aquinas Porter and Paul Bourne; Imprimi Potest, Gabriel Sortais
331961/08/31 (#01)TNSby Sortais, GabrielPère Louis Merton [-] N.D. de Gethsémani [-] CHANTS TO BE USED IN PROCESSIONS ..... NIHIL  "Chant to Be Used in Processions around a Site with Furnaces" (here as "Chants to Be Used in Processions...") and "The Good Samaritan" [2 poems] - Nihil Obstat from Fr. Thomas Aquinas Porter and Fr. Gabriel O'Connell - Imprimi Possunt from Abbot General Gabriel Sortais
331961/08/31 (#02)TNS[x]by Censor (anonymous)page 2, last two lines: "Love is free, and does not seek a good object: makes its object good,.."  "Chant to Be Used in Processions around a Site with Furnaces" (here as "Chants to Be Used in Processions...") and "The Good Samaritan" [2 poems] - censor's notes
341962/03/07 (#01)TLS[x] from Sortais, Gabriel / to James FoxIl me faut d'abord accuser réception de vos deux dernières lettres: celle du 14 Février, avec copie  "Christian Action in World Crisis" [essay] / [see also "Fox" file, Series 5]
341962/03/07 (#02)TNS[x]by Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] CHRISTIAN ACTION IN WORLD CRISIS [-] NIHIL OBSTAT: fr. M. Peter Logue, February 13  "Christian Action in World Crisis" / Nihil Obstat, Fr. Peter Logue and Fr. Columban Heaney; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
341962/03/07 (#03)other[x]by Censor (anonymous)I've had a long tussle, Father, with this sentence on p.9: "While it may be all very well  "Christian Action in World Crisis" / a censor's report / [see also "Fox" file, Series 5]
341962/03/07 (#04)other[x]by Censor (anonymous)Je viens de lire l'article de Thomas Merton, "Christian Action in World Crisis". Ci-inclus le Nihil  "Christian Action in World Crisis" / a censor's report / [see also "Fox" file, Series 5]
351961/11/30? TLS[x] from Bourne, Paul / to James FoxYou are very thoughtful to recall the matter of postage. Now I will be able to enter the office by  "Christian Ethics and Nuclear War" [essay] and other essays on peace and nuclear war (possibly also referring to "Target Equals City" and "Peace: Christian Duties and Responsibilities") / [see the "Bourne, Paul" file for original]
351961/12/16 TLS[x] from Fox, James / to Paul BourneWe received word from our Most Rev. Abbot General in regard to the article on PEACE written  "Christian Ethics and Nuclear War" [essay] and other essays on peace and nuclear war (possibly also referring to "Target Equals City" and "Peace: Christian Duties and Responsibilities" / [see the "Bourne, Paul" file for original]
351962/01/03? HLS[x] from Bourne, Paul / to James FoxAll under control, I trust. Did the best I could by "Peace," and now pray it will descend upon us.  "Christian Ethics and Nuclear War" [essay] and other essays on peace and nuclear war (possibly also referring to "Target Equals City" and "Peace: Christian Duties and Responsibilities" / [see the "Bourne, Paul" file for original]
351962/01/12 TLS[x] from Fox, James / to Paul BourneI received your gracious note on the Feast Day of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, with the returned  "Christian Ethics and Nuclear War" [essay] and other essays on peace and nuclear war (possibly also referring to "Target Equals City" and "Peace: Christian Duties and Responsibilities" / [see the "Bourne, Paul" file for original]
351962/01/13 TLS[x]from from Sortais, Gabriel / to James FoxCeci est seulement une courte note pour accompagner l'IMPRIMI POTEST que vous trouverez ci-joint.  "Christian Ethics and Nuclear War" [essay, one of the chapters cut from the manuscript of "Black Revolution and Cold War," parts of which became <i>Seeds of Destruction</i>] / [see "Fox" file for original]
351962/01/18 HLS[x] from Bourne, Paul / to James FoxHere is a returned ms of Fr. Louis - <u>Nuclear War</u> and Frather Jn Eudes article for the Cath.  "Christian Ethics and Nuclear War" [essay] and other essays on peace and nuclear war (possibly also referring to "Target Equals City" and "Peace: Christian Duties and Responsibilities" / [see the "Bourne, Paul" file for original]
351962/01/22 (#01)TLS[x] from Fox, James / to Paul BourneWe received your gracious note January 18 with the two manuscripts. Here we go again! I wish they  "Christian Ethics and Nuclear War" [essay] and other essays on peace and nuclear war (possibly also referring to "Target Equals City" and "Peace: Christian Duties and Responsibilities" / [see the "Bourne, Paul" file for original]
351962/01/22? (#02)HLS[x] from Bourne, Paul / to James FoxTwo more "little articles" received and will be cared for. Notice from Rome that Fr. Louis recent  "Christian Ethics and Nuclear War" [essay] and other essays on peace and nuclear war (possibly also referring to "Target Equals City" and "Peace: Christian Duties and Responsibilities" / [see the "Bourne, Paul" file for original]
351962/01/23 TLS[x] from Fox, James / to Paul BourneWe certainly are keeping the Air Mail or Postal Clerks busy these days. I just received your note  "Christian Ethics and Nuclear War" [essay] and other essays on peace and nuclear war (possibly also referring to "Target Equals City" and "Peace: Christian Duties and Responsibilities" / [see the "Bourne, Paul" file for original]
351962/01/25 HLS[x] from Bourne, Paul / to James FoxSomehow, somewhere, I've mislaid the copy of Fr. Louis article on nuclear warfare. Would you be kind  "Christian Ethics and Nuclear War" [essay] (not clear if it is this essay, but estimated from the time period and content) / see "Bourne, Paul" file for original
351962/01/30 TLS[x] from Sortais, Gabriel / to James FoxVotre lettre du 9 Janvier m'est parvenue il y a quelques jours seulement. Quelques points  "Christian Ethics and Nuclear War" and "Peace: Christian Duties and Perspectives" - items specific to these essays and other issues regarding censorship
351962/01/31 TL[x] from Censor (anonymous) / to Gabriel SortaisFather Clement will explain to you the procedure I followed in censoring the article of Father Louis  "Christian Ethics and Nuclear War" [essay, one of the chapters cut from the manuscript of "Black Revolution and Cold War," parts of which became <i>Seeds of Destruction</i>] / suggests change in title and to leave out references to Bishop Fulton Sheen unless Merton demonstrates his authority to cite him
351962/02/12 (#01)other[x]by Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] CHRISTIAN ETHICS AND NUCLEAR WAR [-] article pour la revue "Jubilee".  "Christian Ethics and Nuclear War" [essay, one of the chapters cut from the manuscript of "Black Revolution and Cold War," parts of which became <i>Seeds of Destruction</i>] / see "Fox" file for original
351962/02/12 (#02)TLS[x] from Sortais, Gabriel / to James FoxVous trouverez ici deux IMPRIMI POTEST pour P. Louis. Le troisième censeur de "Christian Ethics .."  "Christian Ethics and Nuclear War" [essay, one of the chapters cut from the manuscript of "Black Revolution and Cold War," parts of which became <i>Seeds of Destruction</i>] / French version of "The Monastic Peace"
351962/02/14 TLS[x] from Fox, James / to Gabriel SortaisFirst, to acknowledge your letter of January 13 with the Imprimi Potest for the manuscript of  "Christian Ethics and Nuclear War" [essay, one of the chapters cut from the manuscript of "Black Revolution and Cold War," parts of which became <i>Seeds of Destruction</i>] / acknowledges receipt of Imprimi Potest for "Clement of Alexandria" / [see "Fox" file for signed carbon]
351962/02/18 HLS[x] from Bourne, Paul / to James FoxHad word from Fr. Clement that <u>Nuclear War</u> has been cleared for publication. Still can't find  "Christian Ethics and Nuclear War" [essay] / [from Fr. Paul Bourne, censor from the Monastery of the Holy Ghost in Conyers, Georgia, to Dom James Fox - see "Bourne, Paul" for original]
351962/02/20 TLS[x] from Fox, James / to Gabriel SortaisWe received your letter postmarked February 12 at Burgos in Spain. We were very happy to receive  "Christian Ethics and Nuclear War" [essay, one of the chapters cut from the manuscript of "Black Revolution and Cold War," parts of which became <i>Seeds of Destruction</i>] / [see "Fox" file for signed carbon]
351962/02/21 TLS[x] from Fox, James / to Paul BourneI received your gracious note of Septuagesima Sunday. Don't worry about the other copy of CHRISTIAN  "Christian Ethics and Nuclear War" [essay] / [from Dom James Fox to Fr. Paul Bourne, censor from the Monastery of the Holy Ghost in Conyers, Georgia - see "Bourne, Paul" for original]
351962/04/17 TLS[x] from Sortais, Gabriel / to James FoxLe troisième censeur de "Target equals City" vient seulement de m'envoyer son rapport.  "Christian Ethics and Nuclear War" [essay, one of the chapters cut from the manuscript of "Black Revolution and Cold War," parts of which became <i>Seeds of Destruction</i>] / "Target Equals City" [essay, one of the chapters from the posthumously published manuscript of "Peace in the Post-Christian Era"] / [see "Fox" file for signed original]
361964/07/21 TNSby Gillet, IgnaceTHE CHRISTIAN IN WORLD CRISIS by Thomas Merton ------ Ex parte Ordinis : IMPRIMI POTEST :  "Christian in World Crisis" [book - later called <i>Redeeming the Time</i>] - Imprimi Potest from Abbot General Ignace Gillet
371960/03/05 TL[x] from Fox, James / to Paul BourneThanks so much for your kind letter of March 1 with the Preface to DISPUTED QUESTIONS. They can go  "Christian Life of Prayer" [book], "Art and Worship" [unpublished book], "Disputed Questions [book], and "Carmelite Sanctity" [essay] / [part of letter cut off]
371960/06/22 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielTHE CHRISTIAN LIFE OF PRAYER par le Père Louis Merton, N.D. de Gethsémani NIHIL OBSTAT  "Christian Life of Prayer" [book] / Nihil Obstat, Shane Regan and Thomas Aquinas Porter; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
37undated/no/no otherby Censor (anonymous)<u>CENSOR'S REPORT [-] "The Christian Life of Prayer" [-] CRITICISM</u>: [-] Page 3, line 3:  "Christian Life of Prayer" [essay] later combined with essay "Christian Perfection" (also included in these censors reports) - criticism from an anonymous censor with annotations by Merton - Nihil Obstat granted
381961/10/12 (#01)other[x]by Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] CONTEMPLATION [-] HERMIT LIFE [-] CHRISTIAN PERFECTION [-] 3 articles for "The  "Christian Perfection" [article for <i>The Catholic Encyclopedia for School and Home</i>], Contemplation [essay], "Hermit Life [essay], and "Spiritual Life" [essay] - Nihil Obstat, Gabriel O'Connell and Bede Graham; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
381961/10/12? (#02)other[x]by Censor (anonymous)Article entitled, <u>Perfection, Christian</u> Remark: With regard to opportuneness; page 8, last  "Christian Perfection" [article for <i>The Catholic Encyclopedia for School and Home</i>] - added to the end of "The Christian Life of Prayer" (also included in these censors reports) - criticism from an anonymous censor - Nihil Obstat granted
381961/10/12? (#03)otherby Censor (anonymous)<u>CENSOR'S REPORT [-] "Christian Perfection" [-] CRITICISM</u>: [-] Page 1, line 1: "vow" - change  "Christian Perfection" [article for <i>The Catholic Encyclopedia for School and Home</i>] - added to the end of "The Christian Life of Prayer" (also included in these censors reports) - criticism from an anonymous censor with annotations by Merton - Nihil Obstat granted
391959/01/19 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielSix Articles: 1 - The Way of Perfection 2 - Ash Wednesday 3 - Spiritual Direction 4 - Easter : the  "Christianity and Mass Movements" [essay], "Ash Wednesday" [poem], "Easter: The New Life" [essay], "The Way of Perfection" [essay], "Spiritual Direction" [essay], and "Hail, Holy Queen" ("The Trappist Cistercian Salve Regina") [meditation on the text]
401964/07/21 HNSby O'Connell, GabrielNihil obstat paginis (A Christmas Devotion) fr. m. Gabriel O'Connell, OCSO Censor. Dec 2, 1947.  "Christmas Devotion" [essay] - Nihil obstat from censor Fr. Gabriel O'Connell, O.C.S.O., of the Abbey of Our Lady of the Valley in Valley Falls, Rhode Island
401964/07/21 TNSby Chassagne, AnthonyNihil obstat paginis quibus titulus "A CHRISTMAS DEVOTION" scriptis a <u>Thoma Merton</u>.  "Christmas Devotion" [essay] - Nihil obstat from censor Fr. Anthony Chassagne, O.C.S.O.
411947/08/14 (#01)TLSby Fearns, JohnI am enclosing herewith the official nihil obstat sheet for "Cistercian Contemplatives."  "Cistercian Contemplatives" [book/pamphlet] - Nihil Obstat granted by Fr. John M. Fearns, Censor Librorum for the Archdiocese of New York / enclosing official form of the same date
411947/08/14 (#02)otherby Fearns, JohnTitle of Pamphlet: CISTERCIAN CONTEMPLATIVES Author: ? Publisher: The Trappists of Gethsemani  "Cistercian Contemplatives" [book/pamphlet] - Nihil Obstat granted by Fr. John M. Fearns, Censor Librorum for the Archdiocese of New York / Imprimatur of Francis Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop of New York
411947/09/20 HNSby O'Connell, Gabriel"Cistercian Contemplatives" Gethsemani Abbey - centenary booklet by Fr. Louis. Nihil Obstat  "Cistercian Contemplatives" [book/pamphlet] - Nihil obstat from censor Fr. Gabriel O'Connell, O.C.S.O., of the Abbey of Our Lady of the Valley in Valley Falls, Rhode Island
421950/01/27 TLSby Chassagne, AnthonyPREFACE TO ST. AUGUSTINE'S CITY OF GOD for Modern Library Edition by Thomas Merton.  "City of God" by St. Augustine, preface for the Modern Library Edition by Thomas Merton [book] - advice by Fr. Anthony Chassagne (see also "Chassagne, Anthony" correspondence file) "what good can come of taking that crack at lukewarm Catholics in a Modern Library Edition of St. Augustine's City of God."
431960/09/27 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielCLASSIC CHINESE THOUGHT et AN APPROACH TO CREATIVITY deux articles du Père Louis Merton, N.D.  "Classic Chinese Thought" and "An Approach to Creativity" [essay, also titled "The Catholic and Creativity" and "Theology of Creativity"]
441962/01/13 TNS[x]by Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA [-] Selections from the PROTREPTIKOS -o- Preface to Merton  "Clement of Alexandria" [book / essay] and "First and Last Thoughts" [preface to <i>A Merton Reader</i>] / Nihil Obstat, Fr. Gabriel O'Connell and Fr. Shane Regan; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais / also contains anonymous censor's notes
451965/11/21 TAL from Censor (anonymous) / to Ignace GilletThis is a collection of essays by Father Louis, totalling more than four hundred pages. Its unity is  "Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander" (here under an old title, "Barth's Dream and Other Conjectures") / censor's remarks
451966/02/14 TNSby Gillet, IgnaceThomas Merton CONJECTURES OF A GUILTY BYSTANDER [-] NIHIL OBSTAT: fr. M. Benjamin Clark,  "Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander" - Nihil Obstat, Benjamin Clark and Charles English; Imprimi Potest, Dom Ignace Gillet
461961/10/12 (#01)other[x]by Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] CONTEMPLATION [-] HERMIT LIFE [-] CHRISTIAN PERFECTION [-] 3 articles for "The  Contemplation [essay], "Christian Perfection" [article for <i>The Catholic Encyclopedia for School and Home</i>], "Hermit Life [essay], and "Spiritual Life" [essay] - Nihil Obstat, Gabriel O'Connell and Bede Graham; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
471948/01/12 HNSby O'Connell, GabrielContemplation and the Priesthood Article for Messenger of the Sacred Heart Nihil obstat  "Contemplation and the Priesthood" [essay] - Nihil obstat from censor Fr. Gabriel O'Connell, O.C.S.O., of the Abbey of Our Lady of the Valley in Valley Falls, Rhode Island
481948/04/15 TLSby Chassagne, AnthonyRemarks concerning an article by Thomas Merton O.C.S.O. for Integrity: CONTEMPLATION IN A ROCKING  "Contemplation in a Rocking Chair" [essay] - censor's remarks by Fr. Anthony Chassagne (see also "Chassagne, Anthony" correspondence file) / recommends two changes but grants Nihil obstat and leaves decision on changes to Merton's judgment
491947/09/05 HNSby Chassagne, Anthony"Death of a Trappist" by Thomas Merton Nihil obstat Sept. 5, 1947 fr m. Anthony Chassgne, OCSO  "Death of a Trappist" [essay] - Nihil obstat from censor Fr. Anthony Chassagne (see also "Chassagne, Anthony" correspondence file)
491947/09/09 HNSby O'Connell, Gabriel"Death of a Trappist" by Thos. Merton Nihil obstat f m. Gabriel O'Connell OCSO Sept. 9, 1947  "Death of a Trappist" [essay] - Nihil obstat from censor Fr. Gabriel O'Connell, O.C.S.O., of the Abbey of Our Lady of the Valley in Valley Falls, Rhode Island
501960/03/01 HLS[x] from Bourne, Paul / to James FoxFirst - please tell Fr. Louis to go ahead with his preface to Disputed Questions - nihil obstat.  "Disputed Questions" [book, censorship of preface to the book] / [see "Bourne, Paul" file for original]
501960/03/05 TL[x] from Fox, James / to Paul BourneThanks so much for your kind letter of March 1 with the Preface to DISPUTED QUESTIONS. They can go  "Disputed Questions [book], "Carmelite Sanctity" [essay], "Art and Worship" [unpublished book], and "Christian Life of Prayer" [book] / [part of letter cut off]
501960/06/02 TLS[x] from Fox, James / to Gabriel O'ConnellHere we come again knocking at your door with a bundle of "little articles" by our Father Louis.  "Disputed Questions" and "The New Man" [books]; "Liturgy and Spiritual Personalism," "Herakleitos the Osbscure," "A Portrait of Peter Damian," and "Let the Poor Man Speak" [essays]
501960/06/17 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielPreface to DISPUTED QUESTIONS par le P. Louis Merton, N.D. de Gethsémani NIHIL OBSTAT: fr. M. Thomas  "Disputed Questions" [book] / Nihil Obstat, Thomas Aquinas Porter and Gabriel O'Connell; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
50undated/no/no other[x] from Wulff, Augustine / to James FoxAs instructed by you I read through the Argentine translation of Fr. M. Louis' "Disputed Questions".  "Disputed Questions" [book] / Nihil Obstat, Thomas Aquinas Porter and Gabriel O'Connell; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
511963/08/10 TNS[x]by Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] 4 essays : THE ADVENT MYSTERY [-] ON REMEMBERING MONSIEUR DELMAS  "The Early Legend," "On Remembering Monsieur Delmas," "Advent Mystery," and"The Name of the Lord,"[labelled "4 essays" but "Early Legend" is a poem / original in "Advent Mystery" file] Nihil Obstat granted by Fr. Charles English and Fr. Benjamin Clark - Imprimi Potest granted by Abbot General Gabriel Sortais
521959/01/05 TLS[x] from Fox, James / to Paul BourneWe received your kind note of Christmas. It was so wonderful to hear from you. In regard to ART  "Easter: The New Life" [essay], "Art and Worship" [manuscript for an unpublished book], and "Ash Wednesday" [poem]
521959/01/07 HNS[x] from Bourne, Paul / to James FoxI'm really distressed at being so in arears with the censorship. Just after Christmas I came down  "Easter: The New Life" [essay] and "Ash Wednesday" [poem]
521959/01/19 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielSix Articles: 1 - The Way of Perfection 2 - Ash Wednesday 3 - Spiritual Direction 4 - Easter : the  "Easter: The New Life" [essay], "Ash Wednesday" [poem], "The Way of Perfection" [essay], "Spiritual Direction" [essay], "Christianity and Mass Movements" [essay], and "Hail, Holy Queen" ("The Trappist Cistercian Salve Regina") [meditation on the text]
521962/05/16 TALS[x] from Wolfer, Vianney / to Paul BourneMay I ask for a little assistance from you in a matter which is both for the peace of my conscience  "Easter: The New Life" [essay] - Fr. Vianney of Gethsemani heard Merton's article read in the refectory - concerned about what Fr. Vianney sees as Merton's confusion over the terms "law" and "liberty" (and "Christian liberty and love") / Merton as Master of Choir Novices and teacher of mystical theology
521962/05/25 HNS[x] from Bourne, Paul / to Vianney WolferFirst may I say that I owe you some sort of explanation for never thus far having enlisted your aid  "Easter: The New Life" [essay] - Fr. Vianney of Gethsemani heard Merton's article read in the refectory - response to Fr. Vianney's concerns about what he sees as Merton's confusion over the terms "law" and "liberty" (and "Christian liberty and love")
531967/06/27 transcriptby Censor (anonymous)Our hermit, Fr. Louis, has a new book ready, poetry this time, entitled: <u>Edifying Cables or</u>  "Edifying Cables or Familiar Liturgies of Misunderstanding" [book - published as <i>Cables to the Ace or Familiar Liturgies of Misunderstanding</i>] - censor could not understand the poems and "assume[s] it to be innocuous" - grants Nihil Obstat [also contains similar message (another censor?) from 1967/06/27]
531967/07/29 otherby Gillet, IgnaceLECTORIBUS SALUTEM IN DOMINO. Nos, frater Maria Ignatius GILLET, Archi-abbas Cistercii necnon Abbas  "Edifying Cables, or Familiar Liturgies of Misunderstanding" / Imprimi Potest by Dom Ignace Gillet
541961/12/11 TLS[x]by Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton ELEGY FOR JAMES THURBER a poem NIHIL OBSTAT: fr. M. Bede Graham, November 23,  "Elegy for James Thurber" [poem] / Nihil Obstat, Bede Graham and Bellarmine McQuiston; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
551961/03/11 TLS[x] from Porter, Thomas Aquinas / to James FoxAll my best wishes for an abundant increase of the grace of this feast! I am returning Fr. Louis'  "The English Mystics" / [dated "Ascension, 1961" / see "Porter, Thomas Aquinas" file for original]
551961/06/15 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielTHE ENGLISH MYSTICS article du Père Louis Merton, N.D. de Gethsemani. NIHIL OBSTAT: fr. M. Thomas  "The English Mystics" / [see also "Porter, Thomas Aquinas" file]
551961/06/20 HLS[x] from Porter, Thomas Aquinas / to James FoxThe "little articles," the introduction to Pere Francois' book, written by fr. Louis was forwarded  "The English Mystics" and "Two Chinese Classics" / [see "Porter, Thomas Aquinas" file for original]
551961/06/23 TLS[x] from Fox, James / to Thomas Aquinas PorterMy, my, my, what a surprise to receive your letter from Norwood, Ohio! Congratulations and prayerful  "The English Mystics" and "Two Chinese Classics" / [see "Porter, Thomas Aquinas" file for Fox's carbon]
561953/03/11 TALSby de Bourbon, ClémentC'est la première fois que je vous écris et ce n'est peut-être pas la dernière.  "Exile Ends in Glory," translated into French ("L'exil s'achève dans la gloire ; la vie de Mère Marie-Berchmans, Trappistine Missionaire") [book] / from Fr. Clément de Bourbon, O.C.S.O., secretary to Abbot General Gabriel Sortais
571967/05/31 otherby Censor (anonymous)I have been asked to censor <u>Faith and Violence</u>, by Father Louis MERTON. This is a collection  "Faith and Violence" [book] / two censors reports (one dated April 18 and one dated May 31, 1967 / on one sheet)
571967/07/04 otherby Gillet, IgnaceNos, frater Maria Ignatius GILLET, Archi-Abbas Cistercii necnon Abbas Generalis Ordinis  "Faith and Violence" [book] / Imprimi Potest, Dom Ignace Gillet
581965/09/09 TNSby Gillet, IgnaceThomas Merton [-] FEW QUESTIONS - FEWER ANSWERS [-] an article [-] NIHIL OBSTAT : fr. M. Paul  "Few Questions - Fewer Answers" [essay] Nihil Obstat granted by Fr. Paul Bourne and Fr. Charles English - Imprimi Potest granted by Abbot General Ignace Gillet
591962/01/13 TNS[x]by Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA [-] Selections from the PROTREPTIKOS -o- Preface to Merton  "First and Last Thoughts" [preface to <i>A Merton Reader</i>] and "Clement of Alexandria" [book / essay] / [see "Clement of Alexandria" file] / Nihil Obstat, Fr. Gabriel O'Connell and Fr. Shane Regan; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais / also contains anonymous censor's notes
601966/03/11 TNS[x]by Gillet, IgnaceThomas Merton [-] FEW QUESTIONS - FEWER ANSWERS [-] an article [-] NIHIL OBSTAT : fr. M. Paul  "Gethsemani: The Life of Praise" [book of photographs with text by Merton] Nihil Obstat granted by Fr. Paul Bourne and Fr. Charles English - Imprimi Potest granted by Fr. Deodatus De Wilde on behalf of Abbot General Ignace Gillet
611962/11/15 (#01)TNS[x]by Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] GLOSS ON THE SIN OF IXION a poem NIHIL OBSTAT: fr. M. Paul Bourne, November 5,  "Gloss on the Sin of Ixion" [poem] / Nihil Obstat, Fr. Paul Bourne and Fr. Charles English; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
611962/11/15 (#02)TLS[x] from Sortais, Gabriel / to James FoxVoici un IMPRIMI POTEST pour un poème de Père Louis, "Gloss on the sin of Ixion". Les censeurs n'ont  "Gloss on the Sin of Ixion" [poem]
621961/08/31 (#01)TNS[x]by Sortais, GabrielPère Louis Merton [-] N.D. de Gethsémani [-] CHANTS TO BE USED IN PROCESSIONS ..... NIHIL  "The Good Samaritan" and "Chant to Be Used in Processions around a Site with Furnaces" (here as "Chants to Be Used in Processions…") [2 poems] - Nihil Obstat from Fr. Thomas Aquinas Porter and Fr. Gabriel O'Connell - Imprimi Possunt from Abbot General Gabriel Sortais
621961/08/31 (#02)TNS[x]by Censor (anonymous)page 2, last two lines: "Love is free, and does not seek a good object: makes its object good,.."  "The Good Samaritan" and "Chant to Be Used in Processions around a Site with Furnaces" (here as "Chants to Be Used in Processions...") [2 poems] - censor's notes
631962/11/22 TNS[x]by Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] Six Poems: GRACE'S HOUSE, NIGHT FLOWERING CACTUS, O SWEET IRRATIONAL WORSHIP  "Grace's House," "Night Flowering Cactus," "O Sweet Irrational Worship," "To Alphonso Cortes," "The Fall," and "A Picture of Lee Ying" [6 poems] / Nihil Obstat, Fr. Charles English and Fr. Paul Bourne; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
641962/09/07 TNS[x]by Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] HAGIA SOPHIA, a poem [-] NIHIL OBSTAT: fr. M. Bede Graham, 10 Mai 1962  "Hagia Sophia" [poem] / Nihil Obstat, Fr. Bede Graham; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
651960/06/17 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielHERAKLEITOS THE OBSCURE par le Père Louis Merton, N.D. de Gethsémani NIHIL OBSTAT: fr. M. Thomas  "Herakleitos the Obscure" [essay] / Nihil Obstat, Thomas Aquinas Porter and Gabriel O'Connell; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
661961/10/12 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] CONTEMPLATION [-] HERMIT LIFE [-] CHRISTIAN PERFECTION [-] 3 articles for "The  "Hermit Life [essay], "Christian Perfection" [article for <i>The Catholic Encyclopedia for School and Home</i>], Contemplation [essay], and "Spiritual Life" [essay] - Nihil Obstat, Gabriel O'Connell and Bede Graham; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
671963/09/05 TNS[x]by Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] THE HUMANITY OF CHRIST IN MONASTIC PRAYER -o- A HOMILY ON MARY -o- NIHIL OBSTAT  "A Homily on Mary" and "The Humanity of Christ in Monastic Prayer" [essay] / Nihil Obstat, Fr. Charles English and Fr. Thomas Aquinas Porter; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
681962/02/12 TNS[x]by Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] Preface to "The Human Way Out" [-] NIHIL OBSTAT: fr. M. Bellarmine McQuiston, 30  "The Human Way Out" [preface to <i>Breakthrough to Peace</i> / Nihil Obstat, Fr. Bellarmine McQuiston and Fr. Shane Regan; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
681962/02/no? other[x]by Censor (anonymous)CENSOR'S REPORT for <u>PREFACE</u> to "The Human Way Out"  "The Human Way Out" [preface to <i>Breakthrough to Peace</i> / censor's comments
691963/09/05 TNS[x]by Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] THE HUMANITY OF CHRIST IN MONASTIC PRAYER -o- A HOMILY ON MARY -o- NIHIL OBSTAT  "The Humanity of Christ in Monastic Prayer" [essay] and "A Homily on Mary" / Nihil Obstat, Fr. Charles English and Fr. Thomas Aquinas Porter; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
701962/11/26 (#01)TNS[x]by Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] <u>Preface</u> to: "In Search of a Yoga" [sic] NIHIL OBSTAT: fr. M. Bellarmine  "In Search of a Yogi" [document incorrectly states, "Yoga"] by Denys Rutledge [preface by Merton] / Nihil Obstat, Fr. Bellarmine McQuiston and Fr. Bede Graham; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
701962/11/26 (#02)TLS[x] from Sortais, Gabriel / to James FoxVous trouverez ici un IMPRIMI POTEST your une Préface écrite par P. Louis à un ouvrage intitulé  "In Search of a Yogi" [document incorrectly states, "Yoga"] by Denys Rutledge [preface by Merton] / [see "Fox, James" file for the original letter]
711948/04/23 HNSby O'Connell, GabrielBook Review - For Commonweal Article -- "Integrity Nihil obstat Fra Gabriel O'Connell O.C.S.O.  "Integrity" [essay] - Nihil obstat from censor Fr. Gabriel O'Connell, O.C.S.O., of the Abbey of Our Lady of the Valley in Valley Falls, Rhode Island
721949/08/25 HLSby Chassagne, AnthonyMS "Is Mysticism Normal? by fr. m. Louis Merton O.C.S.O. pg 6 - middle - punctuation -- last half  "Is Mysticism Normal?" [essay] - censor's advice by Fr. Anthony Chassagne (see also "Chassagne, Anthony" correspondence file)
731962/07/16 TANSby Censor (anonymous)CENSOR'S REPORT [-] "The Jesuits in China" (Fr. M. Louis) [-] CRITICISM: <u>Title</u>  "Jesuits in China" [essay] criticism - will not give Nihil Obstat but would like to see essay rewritten or passed to another censor - views Merton's essay as incoherent in style and confusing to the reader
731962/09/15 TNS[x]by Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] THE JESUITS IN CHINA [-] NIHIL OBSTAT: fr. M. Gabriel O'Connell [-] fr. M. Paul  "Jesuits in China" [essay] / Nihil Obstat, Fr. Gabriel O'Connell and Fr. Paul Bourne; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
741960/07/23 TLS[x]by Sortais, GabrielJORGE CARRERA ANDRADE an essay by Thomas Merton, NIHIL OBSTAT: fr. M. Thomas Aquinas Porter,  "Jorge Carrera Andrade" [essay] - Nihil Obstat, Thomas Aquinas Porter and Gabriel O'Connell, Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
751953/06/24 HLSby Sortais, GabrielOn n'arrive pas  "Last of the Fathers" [book] and the French translation of "What Are These Wounds," ("Quelles sont ces plaies? : vie d'une mystique Cistercienne Sainte Lutgarde d'Aywières") [book] - from Abbot General Gabriel Sortais, O.C.S.O.
751953/09/09 TALSby Porter, Thomas AquinasNotre Révéndissime Père Général me charge de répondre à votre lettre du 13 août, retardée  "Last of the Fathers" [book] - sent by a Fr. Thomas (signature unclear but looks like "Thomas Aq," possibly Fr. Thomas Aquinas Porter, O.C.S.O.) / contains handwritten note from Abbot General Gabriel Sortais, O.C.S.O. with an Imprimi potest
751953/10/29 TALSby Bourne, PaulThis Intro. to Doctor Mellifluus seems to me quite the best thing of this sort you have done.  "Last of the Fathers" [book] - from censor Fr. Paul Bourne, O.C.S.O. (see also the "Bourne, Paul" correspondence file)
751953/11/06 HLSby Malloy, MauriceIt goes without saying that I give (in quantum possum) my NIHIL OBSTAT to these additional 36 pages  "Last of the Fathers" [book] from censor, Fr. Maurice Malloy, O.C.S.O. of Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery in Pecos, New Mexico
75undated/no/no HNSby Malloy, MauriceCriticism of "The Last of the Fathers" preface (5 pages) page 2, line 15, intransigent  "Last of the Fathers" [book] from censor, Fr. Maurice Malloy, O.C.S.O. of Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery in Pecos, New Mexico
761951/02/21 HLSby Bourne, PaulYour prelude to the chant afforded a sort of Laetare Sunday diversion in my Lenten reading.  "Laudate Dominum" [sound recording] - program notes by Merton on slipcase - from censor Fr. Paul Bourne, O.C.S.O. (see also the "Bourne, Paul" file in the correspondence)
761951/02/28 HLSby Malloy, MauriceI return herewith your commentary that is to accompany the forthcoming phonographic records  "Laudate Dominum" [sound recording] - program notes by Merton on slipcase / from censor Fr. Maurice Malloy, O.C.S.O. of Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery in Pecos, New Mexico
771960/06/22 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielLET THE POOR MAN SPEAK par le Père Louis Merton, N.D. de Gethsémani NIHIL OBSTAT: fr. M. Gabriel  "Let the Poor Man Speak" [essay] / Nihil Obstat, Gabriel O'Connell and Thomas Aquinas Porter; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
781961/01/10 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielNote biographique sum dom Chautard (préface pour une nouvelle édition de THE SOUL OF THE APOSTOLATE)  Note on Pablo Antonio Cuadra, "Soul of the Apostolate" by Dom Chautard [book with biographical note by Merton] and "The Ox Mountain Parable of Meng Tzu" [essay] - Nihil Obstat, Thomas Aquinas Porter and Gabriel O'Connell; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
781961/11/22 (#01)TNS[x]by Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] SPIRITUAL DIRECTION an article for the New Catholic Encyclopedia.  "A Letter to Pablo Antonio Cuadra Concerning Giants" [essay] and "Spiritual Direction [article for the New Catholic Encyclopedia] / Nihil Obstat, Fr. Bellarmine McQuiston and Fr. Shane Regan; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
781961/11/22? (#02)other[x]by Censor (anonymous)page 7, first paragraph- God must be allowed the right to speak unpredictably. The Holy Spirit,  "A Letter to Pablo Antonio Cuadra Concerning Giants" [essay] / censor's notes
781962/01/31 TLS[x] from Sortais, Gabriel / to James FoxEn ce qui concerne les traductions en espagnol, pour l'Amérique du Sud, des oeuvres de Père Louis,  "A Letter to Pablo Antonio Cuadra Concerning Giants" [essay] / censorship of book <i>Disputed Questions</i>
791964/02/18 TNSby Gillet, IgnaceThomas Merton [-] LETTERS IN TIME OF CRISIS (an article) [-] NIHIL OBSTAT : fr. M. Paul Bourne,  "Letters in Time of Crisis" [essay] Nihil Obstat granted by Fr. Paul Bourne and Fr. Charles English - Imprimi Potest granted by Abbot General Ignace Gillet
801960/07/27 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielCHRISTIAN PERFECTION by Thomas Merton, O.L. of Gethsemani Abbey NIHIL OBSTAT: fr. M. Thomas Aquinas  "Life and Holiness" [book, at this time under the title, "Christian Perfection"] / Nihil Obstat, Thomas Aquinas Porter and Shane Regan; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
801963/01/24 TAL[x] from Merton to Paul BourneJust to avoid misunderstandings in the record for censorship: two things. a) An article in the  "Life and Holiness" [book] and "Virginity and Humanism in the Fathers" [essay]
811960/01/16 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielLIGHT IN DARKNESS by Thomas Merton NIHIL OBSTAT: fr. M. Thomas Aquinas Porter, Dec. 8, 1959  "Light in Darkness: the Ascetic Doctrine of St. John of the Cross" [introduction to "Counsels of Light and Love," by St. John of the Cross; later chapter of "Disputed Questions"] - Nihil Obstat, Thomas Aquinas Porter and Paul Bourne; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais / and "What Is Meditation" [essay] - Nihil Obstat, Shane Regan and Paul Bourne; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
821960/06/02 TL[x]to from Fox, James / to Gabriel O'ConnellHere we come again knocking at your door with a bundle of "little articles" by our Father Louis.  "Liturgy and Spiritual Personalism," "Herakleitos the Osbscure," "A Portrait of Peter Damian," and "Let the Poor Man Speak" [essays]; and "Disputed Questions" and "The New Man" [books]
821960/06/02 TLS[x]to from Fox, James / to Thomas Aquinas PorterI am sorry to have to bother you again with this little bundle of "small articles"-- especially so  "Liturgy and Spiritual Personalism" [essay] and "The New Man" [books]
821960/06/17 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielLITURGY AND SPIRITUAL PERSONALISM par le Père Louis Merton, N.D. de Gethsémani  "Liturgy and Spiritual Personalism" [essay] / Nihil Obstat, Thomas Aquinas Porter and Gabriel O'Connell; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
83undated/no/no TANby Stone, Naomi BurtonMerton Notes on THE LIVING BREAD Please note that these notes were taken down by me from The Rev.  "The Living Bread" [book] - notes by Naomi Burton Stone, Merton's literary agent, from feedback by the Rev. Wilfred Thibodeau, S.S.S.
841961/08/08 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielAN ELEGY FOR ERNEST HEMINGWAY — LORETTO AND GETHSEMANI by Fr. Louis Merton. O.L. of Gethsemani  "Loretto and Gethsemani" [essay] and "An Elegy for Ernest Hemingway" [poem] / Nihil Obstat, Thomas Aquinas Porter and Gabriel O'Connell; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
851960/02/22 other[x]from Censor (anonymous)1. Absurdity in Sacred Decoration (short article) Very good propoganda [sic] against bad taste  "Love Winter When the Plant Says Nothing [poem], "Absurdity in Sacred Decoration" [essay], "The Primitive Carmelite Ideal [essay], and "Vocation to Solitude" [essay] / censor's report (on the same page as Nihil Obstat statement)
851960/03/01 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielLOVE WINTER WHEN THE PLANT SAYS NOTHING poème de Thomas Merton, abbaye N.D. de Gethsémani  "Love Winter When the Plant Says Nothing [poem] / Nihil Obstat, Paul Bourne and Thomas Aquinas Porter; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
861963/03/29 TNS[x]by Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] MACARIUS THE YOUNGER [-] MACARIUS AND THE PONY [-] two poems [-] NIHIL OBSTAT  "Macarius and the Pony" and "Macarius the Younger" [two poems] / Nihil Obstat, Fr. Benjamin Clark and Fr. Bede Graham; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
871961/11/09 (#01)TNS[x]by Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] SEVEN ARCHAIC IMAGES [-] a poem [-] THE MACHINE GUN IN THE FALLOUT SHELTER  "The Machine Gun in the Fallout Shelter" [essay] and "Seven Archaic Images [poem] / Nihil Obstat, Fr. Paul Bourne and Fr. Charles English; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
871961/11/09 (#02)other[x]from from Censor (anonymous) / to Gabriel SortaisThis is the censorship report on a poem and an article by Father M. Louis of Gethsemani. The poem,  "The Machine Gun in the Fallout Shelter" [essay] and "Seven Archaic Images [poem] / censorship report
881947/06/02 TLS[x] from Fearns, John / to James LaughlinI am enclosing the official sheet bearing the "nihil obstat" and "imprimatur" for Father Louis  [one page of letter and one page censorship form for <i>Figures for an Apocalypse</i>]
881947/06/02 TLSby Fearns, JohnI have returned your manuscript to your publishers, "New Directions" and have also sent them  notice that Nihil obstat from Fr. John M. A. Fearns, Censor Librorum of the Archdiocese of New York, was sent to Merton's publisher, New Directions - does not state which book, but is likely "Figures for an Apocalypse" [book of poems] given the date / concerning publishing in secular magazines
881947/07/10 TLS from Fadiman, Clifton / to MertonThank you for your kind letter of June 19. I ask you to believe me when I say that many of us  Clifton Fadiman writes on behalf of the short-lived magazine <u>'47: The Magazine of the Year</u>, which survived through 1948 and presented a wide range of contemporary topics in the United States. Fadiman was best know for book reviews and recommended reading lists. Merton wrote him on June 19 (letter not extant), and Fadiman encourages Merton to contribute (see related letter of Fearns, 1947/July/21).
881947/07/21 TLSby Fearns, JohnFor the writings of a cleric, there are two provisions in canon law. The first is, that to do any  Fr. John M. Fearns was Censor Librorum for the Archdiocese of New York and responds to a letter of Merton's (letter not extant), in which Merton seems to be asking about the censorship process for publication in secular magazines. Merton seems to have forwarded a letter of Clifton Fadiman (see related letter of Fadiman, 1947/July/10).
881947/10/07 HLSby O'Connell, GabrielThis article is, on the whole, is [sic] clear, well-connected and stimulating. It strikes me,  Nihil obstat for an unknown essay from censor Fr. Gabriel O'Connell, O.C.S.O., of the Abbey of Our Lady of the Valley in Valley Falls, Rhode Island
881948/04/17 TLSby Fearns, JohnThe usual procedure is to have the publisher submit an entire volume at one time, and if I may,  from Fr. John M. A. Fearns, Censor Librorum of the Archdiocese of New York, asking publisher to submit complete book of poetry and not individual poems / concerning publishing in secular magazines
881952/01/05 other[c] from Sortais, Gabriel / to James FoxThere have been brought to Our attention some abuses which might have been introduced  from Abbot General Gabriel Sortais to Dom James Fox, Abbot of Gethsemani - pointing out certain rules from the censorship requirements from the general chapter of 1927 that were not being well observed
881952/09/25 TLSby Sortais, GabrielA côte de la longue lettre que je viens de vous écrire relative à vos livres je vous en dois  from Abbot General Gabriel Sortais, O.C.S.O.
881952/no/no (#01)other Ordre des Cisterciens de la Stricte Observance STATUT DE LA CENSURE DES PUBLICATIONS   
881952/no/no (#02)other Ordre des Cisterciens de la Stricte Observance STATUT DE LA CENSURE DES PUBLICATIONS   
881953/11/06 TALSby Sortais, GabrielVous m'avez réjoui en me dissant que vous avez écrit un livre de méditations. J'ai déjà eu occasion  from Abbot General Gabriel Sortais, O.C.S.O.
881954/07/13 other[c] from Sortais, Gabriel / to James FoxCertaines prescriptions du Statut de la Censure, edicte par le Chapitre General de 1952, ne sont pas  from Abbot General Gabriel Sortais to Dom James Fox, Abbot of Gethsemani - pointing out certain rules from the censorship requirements from the general chapter of 1952 that were not being well observed
88undated/09/21 HLSby Bourne, PaulOf course you may keep your New Yorker section intact! It was really rather priggish of me  from censor Fr. Paul Bourne, O.C.S.O. (see also the "Bourne, Paul" file in the correspondence)
88undated/no/no TL from American Trappist Abbot / to James FoxThere is one further matter, Reverend Father, which I hesitate to speak of, but which I feel  complains of Merton publishing in "the very radical paper" <u>The Catholic Worker</u>, "which some Americans believe is a tool of the Communists" / does not like the association between Merton's "radical" views and the rest of the Trappist Order - will cause confusion among the faithful
891957/09/09 TL[x]from Censor (anonymous)This is the censorship report on Father Louis' latest book, <u>MONASTIC PEACE</u>. It is intended  "Monastic Peace" [book] - censorship report
891957/09/17 (#01)TLS[x] from Sortais, Gabriel / to James FoxVous trouverez sous cette enveloppe l'IMPRIMI POTEST pour "MONASTIC PEACE". Je vous le donne bien  "Monastic Peace" [book]
891957/09/17 (#02)other[x]by Sortais, GabrielMONASTIC PEACE par le P. Louis MERTON Nihil Obstat: fr. M Gabriel O'CONNELL, 20 Aout 1957  "Monastic Peace" [book] / Nihil Obstat, Gabriel O'Connell and Paul Bourne; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
891958/04/28 TLS[x] from Fox, James / to Gabriel O'ConnellOur dear Reverendissime wrote us this past week from Rome telling us that you have been appointed  "Monastic Peace" [book] and "Art and Worship" [manuscript for an unpublished book]
891959/07/11 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielLA PAZ MONASTICA par Thomas Merton - Traduit de l'américain par Josefina Martinez Alinari. NIHIL  "Monastic Peace" [book - Spanish translation] / Nihil Obstat, Santiago Hernandez de Pablo; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
901964/05/27 TNSby Gillet, IgnaceThomas Merton [-] THE MONK IN THE DIASPORA &amp; TRIBUTE TO GANDHI (two articles)  "Monk in the Diaspora" and "Tribute to Gandhi" [essays] Nihil Obstat granted by Fr. Paul Bourne and Fr. Charles English - Imprimi Potest granted by Ignace Gillet
911962/10/03 TLS[x] from Merton to Godfrey Leo DiekmannSuddenly the censor has made a discovery, and a very nice one. He says it is an immemorial custom  "Morte d'Urban" by J.F. Powers [review by Merton]
921959/06/01 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielMOUNT ATHOS par le P. Louis Merton, N.D. de Gethsemani NIHIL OBSTAT: fr. M. Thomas Aquinas Porter  "Mount Athos" [essay] / Nihil Obstat, Thomas Aquinas Porter and Paul Bourne; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
931962/03/06 TALS[x] from Fox, James / to Paul BourneHere we come again knocking at your door just as Lent approches, with a little penance for our  "The Mystery of the Church in Saint Ignatius of Antioch" [essay] / [see "Bourne, Paul" file for carbon of letter from Dom James Fox to Fr. Paul Bourne, a censor from Our Lady of the Holy Ghost, Conyers, Georgia] / note about sending the poem, "Hagia Sophia"
931962/06/30 TNS[x]by Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] THE MYSTERY OF THE CHURCH IN ST. IGNATIUS an article [-] THERE HAS TO BE A JAIL  "The Mystery of the Church in Saint Ignatius of Antioch" [essay], "There Has to Be a Jail for Ladies" [poem], and "Why Some Look Up to Planets and Heroes" [poem] / Nihil Obstat, Fr. Bede Graham and Fr. Bellarmine McQuiston; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
93undated/no/no   Merton    
941965/09/09 TNSby Gillet, IgnaceThomas Merton [-] Twelve Essays [-] MYSTICS AND ZEN MASTERS - CLASSIC CHINESE THOUGHT  "Mystics and Zen Masters", "Classic Chinese Thought", "Love and Tao", "The Jesuits in China", "From Pilgrimage to Crusade", "Virginity and Humanism in the Fathers", "English Mystics", "Self Knowledge in Gertrude More and Augustine Baker", "Russian Mystics", "Protestant Monasticism", "Pleasant Hill", "Contemplation and Ecumenism" [book - 12 essay for book, "Mystics and Zen Masters"] Imprimi Potest
941965/09/no? (#01)TANby Censor (anonymous)CENSOR'S REPORT = <u>Twelve Essays Without Title.</u> = by Thomas Merton [-] Ms -200 pages.  "Mystics and Zen Masters," "Self-Knowledge," and "Contemplation and Ecumenism" [book, "Mystics and Zen Masters"] all twelve essays granted Nihil obstat, comments made on the above three essays
941965/09/no? (#02)TL[x]from from Censor (anonymous) / to Gabriel SortaisA manuscript of Father Louis of Gethsemani (Thomas Merton) has been sent to me for censorship.  "Mystics and Zen Masters" [see also "Fox" file "Series 1, Undated Item #8" for an original typed copy]
941967/01/24 other[x] ARCHDIOCESE OF NEW YORK OFFICE OF THE CENSOR OF BOOKS ST. JOSEPH'S SEMINARY  "Mystics and Zen Masters" / Nihil Obstat, Edward J. Montano, Censor Librorum; Imprimatur, Terence J. Cooke
951963/08/10 TNS[x]by Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] 4 essays : THE ADVENT MYSTERY [-] ON REMEMBERING MONSIEUR DELMAS  "The Name of the Lord," "On Remembering Monsieur Delmas," "Advent Mystery," and "The Early Legend" [labelled "4 essays" but "Early Legend" is a poem / original in "Advent Mystery" file] Nihil Obstat granted by Fr. Charles English and Fr. Benjamin Clark - Imprimi Potest granted by Abbot General Gabriel Sortais
961956/10/31 TLS[x] from Sortais, Gabriel / to James FoxQuelques lignes seulement pour vous transmettre les avis des Censeurs concernant un petit article  "Nativity Kerygma" [essay]
961959/01/15 TLS[x] from Fox, James / to Paul BourneWe received your kind note the other day in regard to those little articles of Father Louis,  "Nativity Kerygma" [essay]
971960/03/08 TLS[x] from De Bourbon, Clément / to James FoxOnce again I have to say: MEA CULPA!! As I am keeping in hand the censorship's files, I was  "New Man" [book]
971960/06/03 TLS[x] from Fox, James / to Thomas Aquinas PorterI am sorry to have to bother you again with this little bundle of "small articles"-- especially so  "New Man" [book] and "Liturgy and Spiritual Personalism [essay]
971960/06/11 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielTHE NEW MAN par le Père Louis Merton, N.D. de Gethsémani NIHIL OBSTAT: fr. M. Gabriel O'Connell,  "New Man" [book] / Nihil Obstat, Gabriel O'Connell and Thomas Aquinas Porter; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
971960/no/no? (#01)TANby Censor (anonymous)Suggestions Concerning the Ms. entitled THE NEW MAN by Fr. Louis, of Gethsemani. (139 pages)  "New Man" [book] - censor's criticisms
971960/no/no? (#02)TN[c]by Censor (anonymous)Suggestions Concerning the Ms. entitled THE NEW MAN by Fr. Louis, of Gethsemani. (139 pages)  "New Man" [book] - censor's criticisms - from file labeled "Fr. Paul [Bourne] and Thomas Aquinas [Porter] -- censors for small articles and poems…"
981961/03/12? TNS[x] from Bourne, Paul / to James FoxThe censorship report is mailed Romewards containing my fullest of the New Seeds. Do hope this  "New Seeds of Contemplation" [book] - [dated "Laetare Sunday" - 1961 from context and that Sunday was March 12 in 1961]
981961/03/15 TLS[x] from Porter, Thomas Aquinas / to James FoxThe day before yesterday I received your letter containing the three "little articles" by Fr. Louis,  "New Seeds of Contemplation" [book], "The Behavior of Titans" [book], and "three 'little articles'"
981961/03/28 TNS[x] from Bourne, Paul / to James FoxThe censorship report is mailed Romewards containing my fullest of the New Seeds. Do hope this  "New Seeds of Contemplation" [book]
981961/04/10 (#01)other[x]by Sortais, GabrielNEW SEEDS OF CONTEMPLATION par le Père Louis Merton, N.D. de Gethsésmani NIHIL OBSTAT: fr. M.  "New Seeds of Contemplation" [book] / Nihil Obstat, Paul Bourne and Thomas Aquinas Porter; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
981961/04/10? (#02)other[x]from Censor (anonymous)"Suggestions" Concerning the Ms. Entitled NEW SEEDS OF CONTEMPLATION by Fr. Louis, of Gethsemani  "New Seeds of Contemplation" [book] / censor's report
981962/11/22 (#01)TLS[x] from Merton to Gabriel SortaisVoici une copie de la lettre (en anglais) que je viens d'envoyer a Marie Tadié pour lui dire  "New Seeds of Contemplation" [book - French edition]
981962/11/22 (#02)TLS[x] from Merton to Marie TadiéTroubles do not cease, do they? I have just received the observations of the French censor on  "New Seeds of Contemplation" [book - French edition]
981962/11/22 (#03)other[x]from Censor (anonymous)NEW SEEDS OF CONTEMPLATION For French edition: Chapter 2. (see English language edition p.13)  "New Seeds of Contemplation" [book - French edition] / censor's report
981962/11/22 (#04)other[x]from Censor (anonymous)Thomas Merton NOUVELLE SEMENCES DE CONTEMPLATION Chaptire I: Qu'est-ce que la contemplation  "New Seeds of Contemplation" [book - French edition] / censor's report
98undated/no/no (#01)TANby Censor (anonymous)Thomas Merton [-] <u>NOUVELLES SEMENCES DE CONTEMPLATION</u> [-] Chapitre I : Qu'est-ce  [see also "Anselm, Fr." file in correspondence] "New Seeds of Contemplation," translated into French ("Nouvelles Semences de Contemplation") [book] - censors criticisms with Merton's annotations - censor takes issue with Merton's criticism of Descartes - the idea of the "I am", whether a concept of Christian contemplation or Hindu - love as source of contemplation
98undated/no/no (#02)TNSby MertonEnd of Chapter 2. Last three lines of p. 13, rewite and add as follows: after the sentence ending  "New Seeds of Contemplation," translated into French ("Nouvelles Semences de Contemplation") [book] - Merton's corrections for French edition
991962/11/22 TNS[x]by Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] Six Poems: GRACE'S HOUSE, NIGHT FLOWERING CACTUS, O SWEET IRRATIONAL WORSHIP  "Night Flowering Cactus," "A Picture of Lee Ying," "Grace's House," "O Sweet Irrational Worship," "To Alphonso Cortes," and "The Fall," [6 poems] / Nihil Obstat, Fr. Charles English and Fr. Paul Bourne; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
1001955/01/21 TANby Censor (anonymous)CRITICISMS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR THE PROLOGUE, ENTITLED: NO MAN IS AN ISLAND  "No Man Is an Island" [book - entitled "Viewpoints" in manuscript] censor's criticism of the prologue - Merton notes in pencil "came too late for changes to be made"
1001955/02/14 other[x]by Fearns, JohnOFFICE OF THE CENSOR OF BOOKS READER'S REPORT Title MAN Author Louis Merton  "No Man Is an Island" [book] - reader's report for manuscript titled here as "Man" ("No Man Is an Island") - contains handwritten note by Robert Giroux, Merton's editor and publisher - likely from Fr. John M. Fearns, Censor Librorum for the Archdiocese of New York
1001955/02/21 TL[x] from Giroux, Robert / to John FearnsOn receipt of your letter of February 18th, enclosing the reader's comments on NO MAN IS AN ISLAND,  "No Man Is an Island" [book] - from publisher Robert Giroux to Fr. John M. Fearns, Censor Librorum for the Archdiocese of New York
1001955/04/09 TANto Fearns, JohnMr Giroux has finally sent me the censor's report on No Man Is an Island. I have also heard from my  "No Man Is an Island" [book] - to Fr. John M. Fearns, Censor Librorum for the Archdiocese of New York
1011960/04/09 TLS[x] from Bourne, Paul / to James FoxHave just mailed the censorship report on the two brief pieces you refer to in your recent note and  "Notes on a Philosophy of Solitude"
1011960/04/25 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielNOTES FOR A PHILOSOPHY OF SOLITUDE par Thomas Merton NIHIL OBSTAT: fr. M. Thomas Aquinas Porter  "Notes for a Philosophy of Solitude" / Nihil Obstat, Thomas Aquinas Porter and Paul Bourne; Imprimi Potest, Gabriel Sortais
101undated/no/no (#01)TNSby Censor (anonymous)REFLECTIONS UPON THE Ms. <u>NOTES FOR A PHILOSOPHY OF SOLITUDE</u> by Fr. Louis  "Notes on a Philosophy of Solitude" - censor's criticism - thinks Merton has a problem with authority and the monastic way of life and should focus on living his Cistercian life more fully instead of writing or focusing on events outside the monastery
101undated/no/no (#02)TNSby Censor (anonymous)"A propos de <u>NOTES FOR A PHILOSOPHY OF SOLITUDE</u>, les deux censeurs trouvent que  "Notes on a Philosophy of Solitude" - censor's criticism
101undated/no/no (#03)TNSby Censor (anonymous)"A propos de <u>NOTES FOR A PHILOSOPHY OF SOLITUDE</u>, les deux censeurs trouvent que  "Notes on a Philosophy of Solitude" - censor's criticism (same as previous but missing final page)
1021964/02/24 (#01)TNSby Gillet, IgnaceThomas Merton [-] NOTES ON ART AND WORSHIP [-] NIHIL OBSTAT : fr. M. Paul Bourne, February 9  "Notes on Art and Worship" [essay] Nihil Obstat granted by Fr. Paul Bourne and Fr. Thomas Aquinas Porter - Imprimi Potest granted by Abbot General Ignace Gillet
1021964/02/24 (#02)TNSfrom Censor (anonymous)I concede the nihil obstat but wish to bring the following to the attention of the author. 1.  "Notes on Art and Worship" [essay] Censor's notes
1021964/02/25 TLS[x] from Gillet, Ignace / to James FoxLes censeurs m'ont envoyé leur compte-rendu favorable sur NOTES ON ART AND WORSHIP.  "Notes on Art and Worship" [essay] Nihil Obstat granted by Fr. Paul Bourne and Fr. Thomas Aquinas Porter - Imprimi Potest granted by Abbot General Ignace Gillet
1031956/08/17 (#01)TLS[x] from Sortais, Gabriel / to James FoxVous trouverez sous cette enveloppe les remarques des censeurs relatives aux derniers ouvrages du P.  "Notes on Sacred Art" and "Thoughts in Solitude" [book, under draft title, "Thirty Seven Meditations"]
1031956/08/17 (#02)other[x]by Censor (anonymous)Resume of the Ms. Entitled NOTES ON SACRED ART by Father Louis. The Ms. Comprises 18 typewritten  "Notes on Sacred Art" - censor's report
1031956/08/17? (#03)TL from Censor (anonymous) / to Gabriel SortaisI herewith submit the censorship report on the two most recent literary productions of Father M.  "Notes on Sacred Art" [essay] and "Thoughts in Solitude" [book, under former name, "Thirty Seven Meditations"] - [see file under "Thoughts in Solitude" for original - from file labeled "Fr. Paul [Bourne] and Thomas Aquinas [Porter] -- censors for small articles and poems…"]
1041963/11/19 TNSby Gillet, IgnaceThomas Merton [-] An INTRODUCTION to Mme Raïssa Maritain's "Note on the Lord's Prayer" [-] NIHIL  "Notes on the Lord's Prayer" [book foreword] by Raissa Maritain with a foreword by Merton - Nihil Obstat granted by Fr. Paul Bourne and Fr. Charles English - Imprimi Potest granted by Abbot General Ignace Gillet
1051962/11/22 TNS[x]by Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] Six Poems: GRACE'S HOUSE, NIGHT FLOWERING CACTUS, O SWEET IRRATIONAL WORSHIP  "O Sweet Irrational Worship," "Night Flowering Cactus," "A Picture of Lee Ying," "Grace's House," "To Alphonso Cortes," and "The Fall," [6 poems] / Nihil Obstat, Fr. Charles English and Fr. Paul Bourne; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
1061963/08/10 TNS[x]by Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] 4 essays : THE ADVENT MYSTERY [-] ON REMEMBERING MONSIEUR DELMAS  "On Remembering Monsieur Delmas," "Advent Mystery," "The Name of the Lord," and "The Early Legend" [labelled "4 essays" but "Early Legend" is a poem / original in "Advent Mystery" file] Nihil Obstat granted by Fr. Charles English and Fr. Benjamin Clark - Imprimi Potest granted by Abbot General Gabriel Sortais
1071961/04/17 TLS[x] from Fox, James / to Paul BourneWe are sending you one of Father Louis', so-called "little articles". It is called ORIGINAL CHILD  "Original Child Bomb" [poem] / [see "Bourne, Paul" file for Fox's carbon]
1071964/02/18 TLS[x]from Gillet, IgnaceVotre lettre du 7 m'est parvenue le 11, mais c'est aujourd'hui seulement que je trouve le temps,  "Original Child Bomb" [poem] / [see "Fox" file for original]
1081959/03/03 TLS[x] from Bourne, Paul / to James FoxHave just mailed a most enthusiastic endorsement of 'The Power and Meaning of Love' to Father  "Pasternak" [endorsement by Merton of <i>Doctor Zhivago</i>, "A Tribute to Greatness"] and "The Power and Meaning of Love" [book]
1081959/03/09 TLS[x] from Fox, James / to Paul BourneWe received your charming note of March 3 together with the manuscript of Father Louis entitled THE  "Pasternak" [endorsement by Merton of <i>Doctor Zhivago</i>, "A Tribute to Greatness"], "The Pasternak Affair" [essay], "The Power and Meaning of Love" [book], and <i>The Secular Journal</i> [book]
1081959/03/31 (#01)TL[x] from Fox, James / to Gabriel O'ConnellOur Most Rev. General just wrote us that you have been appointed one of the censors for an article  "Boris Pasternak and the People with Watch Chains" and "The Pasternak Affair" [essays]
1081959/03/31 (#02)TL[x] from Fox, James / to Shane ReganHere we come knocking at your door again with an article of Father Louis' on Pasternak. Our most Rev  "Boris Pasternak and the People with Watch Chains" and "The Pasternak Affair" [essays]
1081959/05/02 (#01)other[x]by Sortais, GabrielBORIS PASTERNAK AND THE PEOPLE WITH WATCH CHAINS [-] THE PASTERNAK AFFAIR deux articles du  "Boris Pasternak and the People with Watch Chains" and "The Pasternak Affair" [essays] - Imprimi Potest, Gabriel O'Connell and Shane Regan; Nihil Obstat, Dom Gabriel Sortais
1081959/05/02 (#02)other[x]by Censor (anonymous)In the field of Doctine some statements need clarification; thus on page 10 of "Pasternak and People  "Boris Pasternak and the People with Watch Chains" and "The Pasternak Affair" [essays] - censor's report
1091963/04/14 TLS[x] from Merton to Gabriel SortaisJe ne vous écris pas uniquement pour vous souhaiter les joies de paques, bien que je le fasse avec  "Peace in the Post-Christian Era" [dated "Jour de paques" (Easter Day)] / Encyclical "Pacem in Terris" by Pope John XXIII
1091963/04/24 TLS[x] from Sortais, Gabriel / to James FoxVotre lettre du 9 m'est arrivée ici, à Belval, où je me trouve depuis le soir du mercredi saint.  "Peace in the Post-Christian Era"
1091963/05/07 (#01)transcript from Sortais, Gabriel / to MertonVotre lettre était datée du jour de Pâques. Mais je constate qu'elle n'a été postée que le 20 Avril.  "Peace in the Post-Christian Era" [see "Sortais" file for the original letter] / Encyclical "Pacem in Terris" by Pope John XXIII
1091963/05/07 (#02)TLS[x] from Sortais, Gabriel / to James FoxVous trouverez sous cette enveloppe une lettre que P. Louis m'a addressée à la date de Pâques  "Peace in the Post-Christian Era" / see "Fox" file for the original
1091963/06/07 TL[c] from Fox, James / to Gabriel SortaisIt has been some time since I have written you. I never knew your exact address. April 2 I had  "Peace in the Post-Christian Era"
1101962/01/02 (#01)TLS[x] from Sortais, Gabriel / to James FoxEn premier lieu je dois vous accuser réception de vos lettres du 11 et du 14 Décembre, si cela n'a  "Peace: Christian Duties and Perspectives" [essay] / [see "Fox" file, Series 5 for original]
1101962/01/02? (#02)TN[x]by Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] PEACE, CHRISTIAN DUTIES AND PERSPECTIVES [-] NIHIL OBSTAT: fr. M. Bellarmine  "Peace: Christian Duties and Perspectives" [essay] / Nihil Obstat, Fr. Bellarmine McQuiston and Fr. Paul Bourne; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
1101962/01/02? (#03)TN[x]by Censor (anonymous)Article: <u>Peace: Christian Duties and Perspectives</u> by Thomas Merton [-] Decision: I do not  "Peace: Christian Duties and Perspectives" [essay] censor's report - Nihil Obstat denied "in globo" because Cistercian writings are supposed to be related to "withdrawal from the world" and that atomic warfare is too controversial a subject
1101962/01/09 TLS[x] from Fox, James / to Gabriel SortaisWe want to acknowledge your note of December 11 which gave the IMPRIMI POTEST for Father Louis'  "Peace: Christian Duties and Perspectives" [essay] / [see "Fox" file, Series 5 for original] / receipt of Imprimi Potest statements for "Elegy for James Thurber" and for "Peace: Christian Duties and Perspectives" / on Merton's writing, its relation to be a Trappist, and Merton's uniqueness
1101962/01/30 TLS[x] from Sortais, Gabriel / to James FoxVotre lettre du 9 Janvier m'est parvenue il y a quelques jours seulement. Quelques points  "Peace: Christian Duties and Perspectives" and "Christian Ethics and Nuclear War"- items specific to these essays and other issues regarding censorship
1111960/06/17 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielA PORTRAIT OF PETER DAMIAN par le Père Louis Merton, N.D. de Gethsémani NIHIL OBSTAT: fr. M. Thomas  "A Portrait of Peter Damian" [essay]
1121957/08/20 other[x]by O'Connell, GabrielReport by the Censor, Fr. M. Gabriel O'Connell, o.c.s.o., of Our Lady of the Holy Cross, Berryville,  "Postulant's Guide" [brochure] - censor's report
1131962/06/18 TNS[x]by Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] PRAYER FOR PEACE. NIHIL OBSTAT: fr. M. Charles English, 5 Juin 1962  "Prayer for Peace" / Nihil Obstat, Fr. Charles English and Fr. Vianney Wolfer; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
1141961/06/21 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielINTRODUCTION à la version anglaise de PRESENCE A DIEU ET A SOI-MEME du P. François de Sainte-Marie,  "Présence à Dieu et à Soi-même" by Fr. François de Sainte-Marie, O.C.D. [introduction by Thomas Merton] - Nihil Obstat, Thomas Aquinas Porter and Gabriel O'Connell; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
1151949/12/01 HNSby O'Connell, Gabriel"Reading as a Path to Contemplation" "The Primacy of Contempation" Nihil obstat f m Gabriel  "Primacy of Contempation" and "Reading as a Path to Contemplation" [2 essays] - Nihil obstat from censor Fr. Gabriel O'Connell, O.C.S.O., of the Abbey of Our Lady of the Valley in Valley Falls, Rhode Island
1161960/02/22 other[x]from Censor (anonymous)1. Absurdity in Sacred Decoration (short article) Very good propoganda [sic] against bad taste  "The Primitive Carmelite Ideal [essay], "Love Winter When the Plant Says Nothing [poem], "Absurdity in Sacred Decoration" [essay], and "Vocation to Solitude" [essay] / censor's report (on the same page as Nihil Obstat statement)
1161960/03/no? other[x]to Censor (anonymous)EXTRAIT [-] Compte-rendu de Censure sur "Vocation to Solitude" et "The Primitive Carmelite Ideal".  "The Primitive Carmelite Ideal" and "Vocation to Solitude" [essays] - censor's report
1161960/04/25 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielTHE PRIMATIVE CARMELITE IDEAL article de Thomas Merton NIHIL OBSTAT: fr. M. Paul Bourne  "The Primitive Carmelite Ideal" and "Notes for a Philosophy of Solitude" - Imprimi Potest, Paul Bourne and Thomas Aquinas Porter; Nihil Obstat, Dom Gabriel Sortais
1171959/02/09 (#01)TLS[x]from Fox, JamesDear Father Louis, Our good Most Rev. General has appointed you one of the censors for some poems,  "Prometheus" and "The Tower of Babel" [poems]
1171959/02/09 (#02)TLS[x]from from Fox, James / to Theophile SandovalAt the request of our Most Reverend Abbot General you have been appointed one of the censors  "Prometheus: A Meditation" [essay], "The Tower of Babel" [poem / verse play], and a selection of Merton's poems translated into Spanish by Ernesto Cardenal
1171959/06/29 (#01)other[x]by Sortais, GabrielPROMETEO [-] LA TORRE DE BABEL [-] POEMAS oeuvres du P. Louis Merton, traduites en espagnol par  "Prometheus: A Meditation" [essay], "The Tower of Babel" [poem / verse play], and a selection of Merton's poems translated into Spanish by Ernesto Cardenal - Nihil Obstat, Teofilo Sandoval and Luis Bermejo; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
1171959/06/29 (#02)other[x]by Censor (anonymous)Observaciones sobre las versiones de los tres  "Prometheus: A Meditation" [essay], "The Tower of Babel" [poem / verse play], and a selection of Merton's poems translated into Spanish by Ernesto Cardenal - censor's report
1171960/04/25 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielPROMETHEUS par Thomas Merton NIHIL OBSTAT: fr. M. Thomas Aquinas Porter, 20 Février 1960  "Prometheus: A Meditation" and "A Signed Confession of Crimes against the State" [essays] - Nihil Obstat, Thomas Aquinas Porter and Paul Bourne; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
1181966/12/07 TNSby Hermans, VincentArticle: <u>Prophetic Ambiguities: Milton and Camus</u>. By Fr Louis MERTON, O.C.S.O.  "Prophetic Ambiguities: Milton and Camus" [essay] Nihil Obstat granted by Fr. Paul Bourne and Fr. Emmanuel Rodriguez - Imprimi Potest granted by Fr. Vincent Hermans
1191965/02/05 TNSby Gillet, IgnaceThomas Merton [-] RAIN AND THE RHINOCEROS [-] NIHIL OBSTAT : fr. M. Charles English, January  "Rain and the Rhinoceros" - [essay, included in <i>Raids on the Unspeakable</i>] - Nihil Obstat granted by Fr. Charles English and Fr. Paul Bourne - Imprimi Potest granted by Abbot General Ignace Gillet
1201963/07/15 TNSby Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] REFLECTIONS ON THE CHARACTER AND GENIUS OF FENELON  "Reflections on the Character and Genius of Fenelon" [essay] Nihil Obstat granted by Fr. Eugene Fitzpatrick and Fr. Columban Heaney - Imprimi Potest granted by Abbot General Gabriel Sortais
1211964/08/31 TNSby Gillet, IgnaceThomas Merton [-] A Preface for RUSSIAN MYSTICS [-] NIHIL OBSTAT : fr. M. Charles English,  "Russian Mystics" [preface by Merton for book by Sergius Bolshakoff] Nihil Obstat for preface granted by Fr. Charles English and Fr. Benjamin Clark - Imprimi Potest granted by Abbot General Ignace Gillet
1221959/10/22 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielSACRED ART AND RELIGION (Sacred Art and Spiritual Life) par le Père Louis Merton, N.D. de Gethsemani  "Sacred Art and the Spiritual Life" (here as "Sacred Art and Religion" and "Sacred Art and Spiritual Life") [essay] / Nihil Obstat, Paul Bourne and Thomas Aquinas Porter; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
1221959/10/24 TLS[x] from Sortais, Gabriel / to James FoxSi j'ai attendu deux jours pour vous envoyer l'IMPRIMI POTEST ci-joint, c'est que je comptais voir  "Sacred Art and the Spiritual Life" (here as "Sacred Art and Religion" and "Sacred Art and Spiritual Life") [essay] and "Saint John of the Ladder" [essay]
1231959/10/24 TLS[x] from Sortais, Gabriel / to James FoxSi j'ai attendu deux jours pour vous envoyer l'IMPRIMI POTEST ci-joint, c'est que je comptais voir  "Saint John of the Ladder" [essay] and "Sacred Art and the Spiritual Life" (here as "Sacred Art and Religion" and "Sacred Art and Spiritual Life") [essay]
1231959/12/12 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielSAINT JOHN OF THE LADDER The Spirituality of Sinai article du Père Louis Merton, N.D. de Gethsemani  "Saint John of the Ladder" [essay] - Nihil Obstat, Thomas Aquinas Porter and Paul Bourne; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
1241952/03/17 TLSby Bourne, PaulYour brief sketch of St. John of the Cross is very nice except for one aspect which I hope you will  "Saints for Now" by Clare Boothe Luce with an essay by Merton regarding St. John of the Cross [essay in book] - censor's comments from Fr. Paul Bourne, O.C.S.O. - concern about the Carmelite "prison incident, 'monastic incarceration'" and that, without fuller context, it would be confusing to readers and upsetting to the Carmelites - sent to Merton with note from Br. Alfred, O.C.S.O. of Gethsemani of 1952/July/07
1241952/03/17 TLSby Bourne, PaulYour brief sketch of St. John of the Cross is very nice except for one aspect which I hope you will  "Saints for Now" by Clare Boothe Luce with an essay by Merton regarding St. John of the Cross [essay in book] - censor's comments from Fr. Paul Bourne, O.C.S.O. - concern about the Carmelite "prison incident, 'monastic incarceration'" and that, without fuller context, it would be confusing to readers and upsetting to the Carmelites - sent to Merton with note from Br. Alfred, O.C.S.O. of Gethsemani of 1952/July/07
1241952/05/02 (#01)TLSto Bourne, PaulCould you please look over these two works of art (?) and tell me if they are too scandalously bad  "Saints for Now" by Clare Boothe Luce with an essay by Merton regarding St. John of the Cross [essay in book] - Merton submits two black ink brush drawings of St. John of the Cross and of St. Thérèse of Lisieux - reply by Fr. Paul Bourne is written on the bottom of Merton's letter (see Item #2 of the same date)
1241952/05/02 (#02)HNSby Bourne, PaulI like St John very much but if the lady is St Teresa I think you've missed her character, a round  "Saints for Now" by Clare Boothe Luce with an essay by Merton regarding St. John of the Cross [essay in book] - censor Fr. Paul Bourne reacts to Merton's two black ink brush drawings of St. John of the Cross and of St. Thérèse of Lisieux for inclusion in the book, written on the bottom of Merton's letter (see Item #1 of the same date)
1241952/05/27 TLSby Malloy, Maurice"Transeant" is about all I can say for your sketches. If Sheed and Ward are willing to use them,  "Saints for Now" by Clare Boothe Luce with an essay by Merton regarding St. John of the Cross [essay in book] - censor's comments from Fr. Maurice Malloy, O.C.S.O. regarding two black ink brush drawings of St. John of the Cross and of St. Thérèse of Lisieux for inclusion in the book
1241952/06/18 (#01)TLSby Sortais, GabrielThe censors have sent me their appreciation on the book of Father Louis, concerning St. John  "Saints for Now" by Clare Boothe Luce with an essay by Merton regarding St. John of the Cross [essay in book] - Imprimi potest by Abbot General Gabriel Sortais - sent to Merton with note from Br. Alfred, O.C.S.O. of Gethsemani
1241952/07/07 (#01)TNSby Alfred, Br., O.C.S.O.Rev. Fr. sed [sic] to pass the 3 attached to you. yes. thru Mary, br. Mary Alfred PS: I have  "Saints for Now" by Clare Boothe Luce with an essay by Merton regarding St. John of the Cross [essay in book] - note from Br. Alfred, O.C.S.O. of Gethsemani - encloses Item #2 of the same date from Fr. Maurice Malloy, Abbot General Gariel Sortais's letter of 1952/June/18, and Fr. Paul Bourne's letter of 1952/March/17
1241952/07/07 (#02)TLSby Malloy, MauriceCENSOR'S CRITICISM OF "ST. JOHN OF THE CROSS," AN ESSAY BY FR. LOUIS MERTON, TO BE  "Saints for Now" by Clare Boothe Luce with an essay by Merton regarding St. John of the Cross [essay in book] - censor's criticism and Nihil obstat from Fr. Maurice Malloy, O.C.S.O. / "A Prelude for the Feast of St. Agnes" [poem] - Malloy states there are liturgical inaccuracies but such poetic matters are not for censor's
1251964/08/31 (#01)TNSby Gillet, IgnaceThomas Merton [-] SEASONS OF CELEBRATION [-] NIHIL OBSTAT : fr. M. Charles English, August  "Seasons of Celebration" [book] Nihil Obstat granted by Fr. Charles English and Fr. Shane Regan - Imprimi Potest granted by Abbot General Ignace Gillet
1251964/08/31? (#02)other[x]by Censor (anonymous)CENSOR'S REPORT Seasons of Celebration CRITICISM: p.84, 3: "barefoot <u>may be</u> a joyous thing".  "Seasons of Celebration" [book] / Censor's Report
1261957/03/12 TAL[x] from Sortais, Gabriel / to James FoxVos lettres du 2 Mars m'ont été renvoyées de Rome en France, où je suis actuellement en voyage.  "Secular Journal" [book] - (here referenced as the "Journal Cubain" [Cuban Journal])
1261957/04/02 (#01)TL[x] from Fox, James / to Shane ReganWe have received word from our Rmme that you have been appointed Censor of a small manuscript  "Secular Journal" [book] / Catherine de Hueck Doherty
1261957/04/02 (#02)TL[x] from Fox, James / to Paul BourneWe received word from our dear Rmme that you have been appointed Censor of a small manuscript  "Secular Journal" [book] / Catherine de Hueck Doherty
1261957/04/15 (#01)TL[x] from Fox, James / to Shane ReganWe received your kind letter in regard to a "Secular Journal" of Father Louis. We checked with him  "Secular Journal" [book]
1261957/04/15 (#02)TL[x] from Fox, James / to Paul BourneYour fellow censor of the "Secular Journal" wrote me as to what approach he should make.  "Secular Journal" [book]
1261957/08/13 TLS[x] from Sortais, Gabriel / to James FoxLe deuxième compte-rendu de la censure concernant "A Secular Journal" de Thomas Merton qui n'était  "Secular Journal" [book]
1261957/08/19 TLS[x] from Fox, James / to Gabriel O'ConnellWe just received a note from Rmme that he has appointed you as a third censor for a manuscript  "Secular Journal" [book]
1261957/10/14 TL[x] from Fox, James / to Dom AnthonyUnder separate cover we are sending you the manuscript that you have been asked to check over to see  "Secular Journal" [book]
1261958/04/08 (#01)TLS[x] from Sortais, Gabriel / to James FoxVous trouverez sous cette enveloppe l'IMPRIMI POTEST que j'ai le plaisir de vous envoyer pour  "Secular Journal" [book]
1261958/04/08 (#02)other[x]by Sortais, GabrielSECULAR JOURNAL ou CUBAN JOURNAL composé par le Pl Louis Merton avant son entrée à N.D.  "Secular Journal" [book] - Nihil Obstat Paul Bourne and Shane Regan; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
1261958/04/08? (#03)TNSby Censor (anonymous)IIA CRITICISM 1) Reasons for publication: Preface, page 1, line 5 from bottom: "Therefore,  "Secular Journal" [book] - censors criticisms (two different censors? - first page is incomplete) - cites that readers could make a "logical and psychological distinction" between journal published at age 24 and one published 16 years later, not an "ethical distinction" - refuses Nihil Obstat due to "shock" caused to readers
1261958/07/11 TLS[x] from Fox, James / to Shane ReganWe are writing in regard to the manuscript which you censored for Father Louis, the title of which  "Secular Journal" [book]
1261958/07/15 HLS from Regan, Shane / to James FoxIt was thoughtful of you to write me concerning Father Louis' "A Secular Journal." I deeply  "Secular Journal" [book]
1261958/07/no? TNS from Regan, Shane / to James FoxSUGGESTIONS 1) <u>Secular Journal</u> is not an expressive title. "Secular" has so many meanings:  "Secular Journal" [book] - [no date but Fox responds on July 11, 1958]
1261959/03/03 TLS[x] from Bourne, Paul / to James FoxHave just mailed a most enthusiastic endorsement of 'The Power and Meaning of Love' to Father  "Secular Journal" [book] / "The Power and Meaning of Love" / endorsement of Boris Pasternak's <i>Doctor Zhivago</i> by Merton
1261959/03/09 TL[x] from Fox, James / to Paul BourneWe received your charming note of March 3 together with the manuscript of Father Louis entitled THE  "Secular Journal" [book] / "The Power and Meaning of Love" / endorsement of Boris Pasternak's <i>Doctor Zhivago</i> by Merton
1271948/09/03 HNSby Chassagne, Anthony+ Nihil obstat operi cui titulus "Seeds of Contemplation" a Thomas Merton die 3 septembris 1948  "Seeds of Contemplation" [book] - Nihil obstat granted by Fr. Anthony Chassagne (see also "Chassagne, Anthony" correspondence file)
1271948/11/30 TLS[x] from Fearns, John / to James LaughlinUnder separate cover, I am returning to you the galley sheets for SEEDS OF CONTEMPLATION  reader's comments for <i>Seeds of Contemplation</i>
1281960/09/27 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielUne recension de SEEKING GOD de Fr. Burno S. James par le Père Louis Merton, N.D. de Gethsémani  "Seeking God" by Bruno S. James [book review] - Nihil Obstat, Thomas Aquinas Porter and Gabriel O'Connell; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
1291964/06/07 TLSby Gillet, IgnaceThomas Merton [-] <u>Introduction</u> to SELECTIONS FROM GANDHI [-] fr. M. Benjamin Clark,  "Selections from Gandhi" [introduction to book] Nihil Obstat granted by Fr. Benjamin Clark and Fr. Shane Regan - Imprimi Potest granted by Abbot General Ignace Gillet
1291964/no/no? TNSby Censor (anonymous)Judgment - - At last one of Father Louis' writings has really clicked with this censor. Either he  "Selections from Gandhi" [introduction to book] censor's criticism - Nihil Obstat is granted - "Either he or the censor has improved, or both."
1291964/no/no? TNSby Censor (anonymous)This twenty-six page manuscript apparently is intended as an introduction to an anthology of sayings  "Selections from Gandhi" [introduction to book] censor's criticism - Nihil Obstat is granted - offers some suggestions on style and content that are not conditions of Nihil Obstat - the effect of Gandhi compared to Christ
1301961/11/09 (#01)TNS[x]by Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] SEVEN ARCHAIC IMAGES [-] a poem [-] THE MACHINE GUN IN THE FALLOUT SHELTER  "Seven Archaic Images [poem] and "The Machine Gun in the Fallout Shelter" [essay] / Nihil Obstat, Fr. Paul Bourne and Fr. Charles English; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
1301961/11/09 (#02)other[x]from from Censor (anonymous) / to Gabriel SortaisThis is the censorship report on a poem and an article by Father M. Louis of Gethsemani. The poem,  "Seven Archaic Images [poem] and "The Machine Gun in the Fallout Shelter" [essay] / censorship report
1311952/08/09 TLSby Bourne, PaulAs we have been directed, I address to you this critique of Father Louis' latest book, The Sign  "Sign of Jonas" [book] - censor's comments from Fr. Paul Bourne, O.C.S.O., Holy Ghost Abbey, Conyers, Georgia
1311952/08/25 TALSby Ahern, BarnabasI hope sincerely that St. Louis' day has brought many graces. I offered Holy Mass for you this  "Sign of Jonas" [book] - censor's criticism from Fr. Barnabas Ahern, C.P., of the Passionist Fathers of Chicago - 2 pages of typed letter and handwritten note verso with seven pages of "doctrinal suggestions" and five pages of "typographical corrections"
1311952/08/28 (#01)TLSby Heneghan, JohnAs you are probably aware, Mr. Robert Giroux, Editor in Chief of Harcourt, Brace and Company,  "Sign of Jonas" [book] - Msgr. John J. Heneghan, Vice Chancellor of the Diocese of Brooklyn, sends a message concerning censorship and encloses the notes of their censor (see Item #2 of the same date)
1311952/08/28 (#02)otherby Censor (anonymous)Report of Censor on "The Sign of Jonas," by Thomas Merton 1) Pg.9A, Apr.25, 3rd par., line 2  "Sign of Jonas" [book] - notes of their censor of the Diocese of Brooklyn on typographical errors, doctrinal errors, and matters of good taste (see Item #1 of the same date)
1311952/09/02 (#01)TLSby Heneghan, JohnEnclosed please find a copy of my letter of this date to Mr. Giroux of Harcourt, Brace and Company  "Sign of Jonas" [book] - Msgr. John J. Heneghan, Vice Chancellor of the Diocese of Brooklyn, sends a message concerning censorship and encloses a copy of a letter sent to Merton's editor, Robert Girioux (see Item #2 of the same date)
1311952/09/02 (#02)TL[c] from Heneghan, John / to Robert GirouxEnclosed please find twenty-seven pages of the galley proofs of "The Sign of Jonas" by Thomas Merton  "Sign of Jonas" [book] - Msgr. John J. Heneghan, Vice Chancellor of the Diocese of Brooklyn, sends a message to Merton's editor, Robert Girioux, with Nihil Obstat from the Censor Librorum of Brooklyn, Thomas W. Smiddy, and the Imprimatur of Archbishop Thomas Edmund Molloy of the Diocese of Brooklyn (see also Item #1 of the same date)
1311952/09/05 otherby Malloy, MauriceThe Manuscript of a projected book should be submitted to the censor before being given to any  "Sign of Jonas" [book] - censor's criticism from Fr. Maurice Malloy of Guadalupe Monastery in Pecos, New Mexico - thinks Merton's intimate "self-revelations" from journal to be "a matter of questional prudence—a sort of self-canonization ante mortem."
1311952/09/05 otherby Malloy, MauriceThe Manuscript of a projected book should be submitted to the censor before being given to any  "Sign of Jonas" [book] - censor's comments from Fr. Maurice Malloy, O.C.S.O., Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pecos, New Mexico
1311952/09/13 HLSby Malloy, MauriceI am beginning this letter quite literally with a hospital thermometer in my mouth – so little time  "Sign of Jonas" [book] - censor's criticism from Fr. Maurice Malloy of Guadalupe Monastery in Pecos, New Mexico - thinks Merton's fans will enjoy the book but that it needs much editing of "ephemeral" elements
1311952/09/24 HLS[x]from Malloy, MauriceI have this morning wired Robert Giroux "Nihil Obstat. No further changes in Sign of Jonas."   
1311952/09/30 TL[c]to Sortais, GabrielLa lettre de Dom James m'a annoncé- en m'etonnant un peu- votre décision au sujet de notre Journal,  "Sign of Jonas" [book] - letter likely from Merton to Abbot General Gabriel Sortais
1311952/10/12 (#01)TL[x] from Maritain, Jacques / to Robert GirouxJe vous remercie cordialement de m'avoir envoyé les épreuves de <u>The Sign of Jonas</u>.  "Sign of Jonas" [book] - Jacques Maritain responds to Merton's editor and publisher Robert Giroux who had asked Maritain's impressions of the book - Maritain states that there are few books in contemporary literature that touch him so profoundly (see Item #2 of the same date for an English translation)
1311952/10/12 (#02)transcript from Maritain, Jacques / to Robert GirouxI thank you cordially for having sent me the proofs of THE SIGN OF JONAS. What do I think of this  "Sign of Jonas" [book] - Jacques Maritain responds to Merton's editor and publisher Robert Giroux who had asked Maritain's impressions of the book - Maritain states that there are few books in contemporary literature that touch him so profoundly
1311952/10/16 TL[x]to Derzelle, AlbertI had delayed for some time in writing to you since I thought perhaps a letter from you might be on  [see also "Derzelle, Abert" file] "Sign of Jonas" [book] - from Merton to Dom Albert Derzelle, O.C.S.O., Prior of Caldey Abbey - Sign of Jonas going to print and advertisement before getting Dom Albert's approval as censor - asks permission to continue with publication and retaining as a journal / Merton states, "the whole idea of a Journal has always appeared to me as an indecency-- although I enjoyed writing it"
1311952/10/19 HLSby Sortais, GabrielLa lettre de Dom James m'a annoncé- en m'etonnant un peu- votre décision au sujet de notre Journal,  "Sign of Jonas" [book] - letter difficult to read, but envelope is marked "Jonas," written while Abbot General Gabriel Sortais was on a visit to the Trappist monastery at Lan-Tao in Japan
1311952/11/13 transcriptfrom Albert of the Blessed Sacrament, Fr., O.C.D.I feel thoroughly ashamed, partly for not writing before, partly for all the trouble where I put you  "Sign of Jonas" [book]
1311952/no/no? TNSby Malloy, MauriceCistercian Abbey of Our Lady of Guadalupe [-] Pecos, New Mexico [-] CENSOR'S REMARKS ON  "Sign of Jonas" [book] - censor's criticism from Fr. Maurice Malloy of Guadalupe Monastery in Pecos, New Mexico - sees a sequel to a conversion story is of "questionable (problematique) prudence-- a sort of self-canonization ante mortem" and suggests that Merton put it aside for three years, but for practicality agrees that the printer may proceed
1311954/06/27 TLSby de Bourbon, ClémentVeuillez m'excuser de répondre en retard à votre lettre du 8, je pensais attendre la réponse  "Sign of Jonas," translated into French ("Le signe de Jonas") [book] - SEE: "Ascent to Truth" file, the letter concerns both books
1321960/04/25 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielA SIGNED CONFESSION OF CRIMES AGAINST THE STATE par Thomas Merton NIHIL OBSTAT: fr. M. Thomas  "A Signed Confession of Crimes against the State" [essay] - Nihil Obstat, Thomas Aquinas Porter and Paul Bourne; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
1331963/02/19 (#01)other[x]by Sortais, GabrielSOME POEMS OF RAISSA MARITAIN translated by Thomas Merton NIHIL OBSTAT:  "Some Poems of Raissa Maritain" [poems translated by Merton] - Nihil Obstat, Benjamin Clark and Shane Regan; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
1331963/02/19 (#02)other[x]by Censor (anonymous)"Raissa Maritain.." This paragraph contains very high praise of the spiritual life of Raissa;  "Some Poems of Raissa Maritain" [poems translated by Merton] - censors report
1341960/07/23 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielSONG TO NOBODY [sic] SONG : IF YOU SEEK …. two poems by Thomas Merton. NIHIL OBSTAT  "Song for Nobody" "Song: If You Seek" [two poems] - Nihil Obstat, Thomas Aquinas Porter and Gabriel O'Connell; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
1351962/03/26 TNS[x]by Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] SONG FOR THE DEATH OF AVERRROES a poem [-] NIHIL OBSTAT: fr. M. Bede Graham  "Song for the Death of Averroës" [poem] / Nihil Obstat, Fr. Bede Graham and Fr. Gabriel O'Connell / Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
1351962/03/26 (#02)TLS[x] from Sortais, Gabriel / to James FoxVoice un IMPRIMI POTEST pour Père Louis, que je vous envoie bien en retard, l'un des censeurs ayant  sending "Imprimi Potest" for "Song for the Death of Averroës" [poem] / "Target Equals City" [essay] - censor's objections
1361960/07/23 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielSONG TO NOBODY [sic] SONG : IF YOU SEEK …. two poems by Thomas Merton. NIHIL OBSTAT  "Song: If You Seek" and "Song for Nobody" [two poems] - Nihil Obstat, Thomas Aquinas Porter and Gabriel O'Connell; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
1371946/09/16 (#01)TLSby Floersh, JohnThrough the courtesy of Father Griesbaum, I am returning to you the manuscript of THE SOUL  "Soul of the Apostolate" [book] - from Archbishop John A. Floersh granting Imprimatur on the condition of making a fews changes as recommended by a censor (censor's note of 1946/September/13 enclosed - see Item #2)
1371946/09/16 (#02)TLS from Censor (anonymous) / to John FloershHaving read  "Soul of the Apostolate" [book] - from censor to Archbishop John A. Floersh with notes about three recommended changes
1371961/01/10 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielNote biographique sum dom Chautard (préface pour une nouvelle édition de THE SOUL OF THE APOSTOLATE)  "Soul of the Apostolate" by Dom Chautard [book with biographical note by Merton], Note on Pablo Antonio Cuadra, and "The Ox Mountain Parable of Meng Tzu" [essay] - Nihil Obstat, Thomas Aquinas Porter and Gabriel O'Connell; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
1381948/03/25 TLSby Chassagne, AnthonyMS: THE SPIRIT OF SIMPLICITY: Txt: Pref. iii: footnote number 1: "prayer and sacrifice, which  "Spirit of simplicity : characteristic of the Cistercian Order : an official report, demanded and approved by the General Chapter : together with texts from St. Bernard of Clairvaux on interior simplicity / translation and commentary by a Cistercian monk of Our Lady of Gethsemani [book by Merton] - censor's notes by Fr. Anthony Chassagne (see also "Chassagne, Anthony" correspondence file)
1381948/04/23 HLSby O'Brien, James W.The Spririt of Simplicity by a Cistercian Monk of Our Lady of Gethsemani Nihil obstat: James W.  "Spirit of Simplicity : Characteristic of the Cistercian Order : an official report, demanded and approved by the General Chapter : together with texts from St. Bernard of Clairvaux on interior simplicity / translation and commentary by a Cistercian monk of Our Lady of Gethsemani [Merton, book] - Nihil obstat, James O'Brien, Censor Deputatus, Cincinnati Archdiocese; Imprimatur, John T. McNicholas, Archbishop of Cincinnati
1381967/04/25 TLSby Porter, Thomas AquinasJe me permets de présenter une demande à P. Thomas MERTON, mais je vous laisse juge de la lui  "Spirit of Simplicity : Characteristic of the Cistercian Order : an official report, demanded and approved by the General Chapter : together with texts from St. Bernard of Clairvaux on interior simplicity / translation and commentary by a Cistercian monk of Our Lady of Gethsemani [book by Merton] - censor's notes by Fr. Anthony Chassagne (see also "Chassagne, Anthony" correspondence file)
1391961/11/22 TNS[x]by Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] SPIRITUAL DIRECTION an article for the New Catholic Encyclopedia.  "Spiritual Direction [article for the New Catholic Encyclopedia] and "A Letter to Pablo Antonio Cuadra Concerning Giants" [essay] (see "Letter to Pablo Antonio Cuadra.." file)] / Nihil Obstat, Fr. Bellarmine McQuiston and Fr. Shane Regan; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
1401959/01/08 otherby Sortais, GabrielSix Articles: 1 - The Way of Perfection 2 - Ash Wednesday 3 - Spiritual Direction 4 - Easter :  "Spiritual Direction," "The Way of Perfection," "Ash Wednesday," "Easter: The New Life," "Christianity and Mass Movement," and "The Trappist Salve Regina" ("Hail, Holy Queen") [essays] - Nihil Obstat, Thomas Aquinas Porter and Paul Bourne; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
1411966/05/08 (#01)TLS from Morson, John, Fr. / to James FoxPlease excuse me for troubling you with a problem arising out of the writings of your Father Louis.  "The Spiritual Father in the Desert Tradition" [essay]
1411966/05/08 (#02)transcript from Gabriel, Fr., O.C.S.O. / to Déodat DewildePlease excuse me for troubling you with a problem arising out of the writings of your Father Louis.  "The Spiritual Father in the Desert Tradition" [essay] / [transcript of a letter dated April 5, 1966 or May 4, 1966, from Fr. Gabriel, a Trappist censor from the Abbey of Citeaux, to Dom Déodat Dewilde (elsewhere Dom Deodatus De Wilde)]
1421961/10/12 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] CONTEMPLATION [-] HERMIT LIFE [-] CHRISTIAN PERFECTION [-] 3 articles  "Spiritual Life" [article for <i>The Catholic Youth Encyclopedia for School and Home</i> (1965)] - Nihil Obstat, Gabriel O'Connell and Bede Graham; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
1431962/03/26 (#01)TLS[x] from Sortais, Gabriel / to James FoxVoice un IMPRIMI POTEST pour Père Louis, que je vous envoie bien en retard, l'un des censeurs ayant  "Target Equals City" [essay] - censor's objections / sending "Imprimi Potest" for "Song for the Death of Averroës" [poem]
1431962/03/26? (#02)TN[x]by Censor (anonymous)Article: <u>Target Equals City</u> - by Thomas Merton [-] Decision: Nihil Obstat <u>not</u> granted  "Target Equals City" [essay] - censor's criticism - longer criticism but similar to previous - Nihil Obstat not granted because of the controversial topic of war and censor's opinion that Trappists should not write about such matters - complains that the ms. was mimeographed suggesting that Merton may have sent to friends
1431962/03/26? (#03)TN[x]by Censor (anonymous)Article: <u>Target Equals City</u> by Thomas Merton [-] It is my opinion that permission should not  "Target Equals City" [essay] - censor's criticism - censor believes this essay should not be published, nor any other essays by Merton on the subject of war [this essay was not published in Merton's lifetime and appeared in <i>The Passion for Peace: The Social Essays</i>, edited by William H. Shannon, in 1995]
1431962/04/17 (#01)TLS[x] from Sortais, Gabriel / to James FoxLe troisième censeur de "Target equals City" vient seulement de m'envoyer son rapport.  "Target Equals City" [essay, one of the chapters from the posthumously published manuscript of "Peace in the Post-Christian Era"] / "Christian Ethics and Nuclear War" [essay, one of the chapters cut from the manuscript of "Black Revolution and Cold War," parts of which became <i>Seeds of Destruction</i>] / [see "Fox" file for signed original]
1431962/04/17 (#02)other[x]by Censor (anonymous)Comments: I reject the article "in globo" for the following three reasons: 1) Statue [sic] of  "Target Equals City" [essay, rejected, one of the chapters from the posthumously published manuscript of "Peace in the Post-Christian Era"] and "Song for the Death of Averroes" [poem, approved] / [see "Fox" file for original]
1441949/09/27 (#01)TLSby Fearns, JohnRe: TEARS OF THE BLIND LIONS by Thomas Merton Gentlemen: The reader's sheet contained this note  "Tears of the Blind Lions" [book of poetry] - letter from Fr. John M. Fearns, Censor Librorum of the Archdiocese of New York, with two notes on spelling / Imprimatur approval form enclosed (see Item #2)
1441949/09/27 (#02)TLSby Fearns, JohnTitle of Book: TEARS OF THE BLIND LIONS Author: Thomas Merton Publisher: New Directions, Inc.,  "Tears of the Blind Lions" [book of poetry] - Imprimatur approval form / Nihil obstat, Fr. John M. A. Fearns, Censor Librorum; Imprimatur, Francis Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop of New York
1451962/11/22 TNS[x]by Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] Six Poems: GRACE'S HOUSE, NIGHT FLOWERING CACTUS, O SWEET IRRATIONAL WORSHIP  "The Fall," "O Sweet Irrational Worship," "Night Flowering Cactus," "A Picture of Lee Ying," "Grace's House," and "To Alphonso Cortes" [6 poems] / Nihil Obstat, Fr. Charles English and Fr. Paul Bourne; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
1461958/12/13 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielA PRACTICAL PROGRAM FOR MONKS [-] THE MOMENT OF TRUTH [-] deux poèmes du P. Louis Merton,  "The Moment of Truth" and "A Practical Program for Monks" [2 poems] / Nihil Obstat, Thomas Aquinas Porter and Paul Bourne; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
1471961/04/10 other[x]by Sortais, Gabriel1. The Moslems - Angel of Death, poem 2. Reviews of two spiritual books : The Way of the Ascetics,  "The Moslems' Angel of Death" [poem]; and "The Way of the Ascetics" by Tito Colliander, and "Where Silence is Praise" by Dom Augustine Guillerand [2 book reviews] - Nihil Obstat Thomas Aquinas Porter and Gabriel O'Connell; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
1481961/01/10 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielNote biographique sum dom Chautard (préface pour une nouvelle édition de THE SOUL OF THE APOSTOLATE)  "The Ox Mountain Parable of Meng Tzu" [essay], Note on Pablo Antonio Cuadra, and "Soul of the Apostolate" by Dom Chautard [book with biographical note by Merton] - Nihil Obstat, Thomas Aquinas Porter and Gabriel O'Connell; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
1491962/06/30 TNS[x]by Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] THE MYSTERY OF THE CHURCH IN ST. IGNATIUS an article [-] THERE HAS TO BE A JAIL  "There Has to Be a Jail for Ladies" [poem], "The Mystery of the Church in Saint Ignatius of Antioch" [essay], and "Why Some Look Up to Planets and Heroes" [poem] / Nihil Obstat, Fr. Bede Graham and Fr. Bellarmine McQuiston; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
1501948/04/14 HNSby Chassagne, Anthony+ Nihil obstat paginis quibus titulus: "Book Review - For Commonweal: The Third Spiritual Alphabet  "Third Spiritual Alphabet" by Francisco de Osuna [book review by Merton] - Nihil obstat by Fr. Anthony Chassagne (see also "Chassagne, Anthony" correspondence file)
1511956/08/17 (#01)TLS[x] from Sortais, Gabriel / to James FoxVous trouverez sous cette enveloppe les remarques des censueurs relatives aux derniers ouvrages  "Thoughts in Solitude" [book, under former name, "Thirty Seven Meditations"] and "Notes on Sacred Art" [essay]
1511956/08/17? (#02)TL from Censor (anonymous) / to Gabriel SortaisI herewith submit the censorship report on the two most recent literary productions of Father M.  "Thoughts in Solitude" [book, under former name, "Thirty Seven Meditations"] and "Notes on Sacred Art" [essay]
1511956/08/17? (#03)other[x]by Censor (anonymous)Criticism and Suggestions Concerning the Ms. Entitled THIRTY - SEVEN MEDITATIONS by Father Louis  "Thoughts in Solitude" [book, under former name, "Thirty Seven Meditations"] / censor's criticism
1511956/08/24 TLS[x] from Sortais, Gabriel / to James FoxEn vous envoyant le 17 de ce mois mon IMPRIMI POTEST pour "Thirty-seven Meditations", je vous  "Thoughts in Solitude" [book, under former name, "Thirty Seven Meditations"] and "The Ascent to Truth" [book] / Marie Tadié
1511956/10/01 TLS[x] from Sortais, Gabriel / to James FoxUne lettre du Père Thomas d'Aquin, de Holy Trinity, m'arrive pour me dire que Père Louis a bien  "Thoughts in Solitude" [book, under former name, "Thirty Seven Meditations"]
1511959/02/15 TLS[x] from De Bourbon, Clément / to James FoxI have but good things to tell you to-day. It is really most pleasant to write under such conditions  "Thoughts in Solitude" [book - Italian translation, "Pensieri nella solitudine"]
1511959/02/21 TL[x] from Fox, James / to Clément De BourbonIt was wonderful to receive your letter of Feb. 15. I am glad you received our two letters.  "Thoughts in Solitude" [book]
1511961/03/06 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielNA LIBERDADE DA SOLIDAO traduction portugaise d'un ouvrage de Thomas Merton, par les Religieuses  "Thoughts in Solitude" [book - Portuguese translation]
1521962/11/22 TNS[x]by Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] Six Poems: GRACE'S HOUSE, NIGHT FLOWERING CACTUS, O SWEET IRRATIONAL WORSHIP  "To Alphonso Cortes," "O Sweet Irrational Worship," "Night Flowering Cactus," "A Picture of Lee Ying," "Grace's House," and "The Fall," [6 poems] / Nihil Obstat, Fr. Charles English and Fr. Paul Bourne; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
1531959/02/09 (#01)TLS[x] from Fox, James / to Theophile SandovalAt the request of our Most Reverend Abbot General you have been appointed one of the censors  "The Tower of Babel" [poem / verse play], "Prometheus: A Meditation" [essay], and a selection of Merton's poems translated into Spanish by Ernesto Cardenal
1531959/02/09 (#02)TLS[x] from Fox, James / to Fr. Louis, O.C.S.O. (Spain)Our good Most Rev. General has appointed you one of the censors for some poems, a verse play,  "The Tower of Babel" [poem / verse play], "Prometheus: A Meditation" [essay], and a selection of Merton's poems translated into Spanish by Ernesto Cardenal
1531959/06/29 (#01)other[x]by Sortais, GabrielPROMETEO [-] LA TORRE DE BABEL [-] POEMAS oeuvres du P. Louis Merton, traduites en espagnol par  "The Tower of Babel" [poem / verse play], "Prometheus: A Meditation" [essay], and a selection of Merton's poems translated into Spanish by Ernesto Cardenal - Nihil Obstat, Teofilo Sandoval and Luis Bermejo; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
1531959/06/29 (#02)other[x]by Censor (anonymous)Observaciones sobre las versiones de los tres  "The Tower of Babel" [poem / verse play], "Prometheus: A Meditation" [essay], and a selection of Merton's poems translated into Spanish by Ernesto Cardenal - censor's report
1541959/01/19 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielSix Articles: 1 - The Way of Perfection 2 - Ash Wednesday 3 - Spiritual Direction 4 - Easter : the  "The Trappist Cistercian Salve Regina" ("Hail, Holy Queen") [meditation on the text], "Ash Wednesday" [poem], "Easter: The New Life" [essay], "The Way of Perfection" [essay], "Spiritual Direction" [essay], and "Christianity and Mass Movements" [essay]
1551947/08/21 HNSby O'Connell, Gabriel"The Trappists Go to Utah." by Thomas Merton. Nihil obstat Aug 21, 1947 fr. Gabriel O'Connell,  "Trappists Go to Utah" [essay] - Nihil obstat from censor Fr. Gabriel O'Connell, O.C.S.O., of the Abbey of Our Lady of the Valley in Valley Falls, Rhode Island; and by Fr. Anthony Chassagne
1561959/03/03 TLS[x] from Bourne, Paul / to James FoxHave just mailed a most enthusiastic endorsement of 'The Power and Meaning of Love' to Father  "A Tribute to Greatness" [endorsement by Merton of <i>Doctor Zhivago</i>] and "The Power and Meaning of Love" [book]
1561959/03/11 TLS[x] from Sortais, Gabriel / to James FoxPère Louis m'a écrit pour me dire les raisons qui le pressent d'écrire un nouvel article, plus  "A Tribute to Greatness" [endorsement by Merton of <i>Doctor Zhivago</i>] and "The Power and Meaning of Love" [book]
1561959/04/03 HLS from Regan, Shane / to James FoxIt's here, the latest manuscript for censoring. Thank you very much. As soon as possible I'll read  "A Tribute to Greatness" [endorsement by Merton of <i>Doctor Zhivago</i>] and "The Power and Meaning of Love" [book]
1561959/05/02 TLS[x] from Sortais, Gabriel / to James FoxVous trouverez sous cette enveloppe l'IMPRIMI POTEST pour le double article écrit par P. Louis sur  "A Tribute to Greatness" [endorsement by Merton of <i>Doctor Zhivago</i>] and "The Power and Meaning of Love" [book]
1571961/06/20 HLS[x] from Porter, Thomas Aquinas / to James FoxThe "little articles," the introduction to Pere Francois' book, written by fr. Louis was forwarded  "Two Chinese Classics" and "The English Mystics" / [see "Porter, Thomas Aquinas" file for original]
1571961/06/23 TLS[x] from Fox, James / to Thomas Aquinas PorterMy, my, my, what a surprise to receive your letter from Norwood, Ohio! Congratulations and prayerful  "Two Chinese Classics" and "The English Mystics" / [see "Porter, Thomas Aquinas" file for Fox's carbon]
1571961/06/26 TLS[x] from Fox, James / to Thomas Aquinas PorterYou thought you had escaped us, but here we follow you over the waters.. Your good Rev. Father, Dom  "Two Chinese Classics" / [see "Porter, Thomas Aquinas" file for Fox's carbon]
1571961/07/11 TLS[x] from Porter, Thomas Aquinas / to James FoxJust a line to say that I have read the two latest "little articles" of Fr. Louis and I am now  "Two Chinese Classics" / [see "Porter, Thomas Aquinas" file for original]
1571961/07/22 TNS[x]by Sortais, GabrielTWO CHINESE CLASSICS par le Père Louis Merton, N.D. de Gethsémani NIHIL OBSTAT: fr. M. Gabriel  "Two Chinese Classics" [essay] / Nihil Obstat, Fr. Gabriel O'Connell and Fr. Thomas Aquinas Porter; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
1581960/no/no? (#01)transcript from Sortais, Gabriel / to James FoxVous trouverez sous cette enveloppe l'opinion d'un professeur d'Université sur l'article que le Père  "Universe as Epiphany" [undated essay and letter, ca. 1960 (see journal entry 1960-11-14)]
1581960/no/no? (#02)otherby French university professorAppréciation d'un Professeur d'Université sur l'article du Père Merton [-] THE UNIVERSE AS EPIPHANY  "Universe as Epiphany" [undated essay and letter, ca. 1960 (see journal entry 1960-11-14)] a written critique of Merton's essay on Teilhard de Chardin's <i>Divine Milieu</i> [this essay was later published in a collection of essays, <i>Love and Living</i>, edited by Naomi Burton Stone and Patrick Hart, in 1979]
1591963/01/24 TL[x]to Bourne, PaulJust to avoid misunderstandings in the record for censorship: two things. a) An article in the  "Virginity and Humanism in the Fathers" [essay] and "Life and Holiness" [book]
1601960/02/22? (#01)other[x]to Censor (anonymous)1. Absurdity in Sacred Decoration (short article) Very good propoganda [sic] against bad taste  "Vocation to Solitude" [essay], "Absurdity in Sacred Decoration" [essay], "The Primitive Carmelite Ideal [essay], and "Love Winter When the Plant Says Nothing [poem] / censor's report (on the same page as Nihil Obstat statement for "Absurdity in Sacred Decoration")
1601960/02/22? (#02)other[x]to Censor (anonymous)EXTRAIT [-] Compte-rendu de Censure sur "Vocation to Solitude" et "The Primitive Carmelite Ideal".  "Vocation to Solitude" and "The Primitive Carmelite Ideal" [essays]
1601960/02/22? (#03)TLS[x]to Bourne, PaulSince objections were raised to the article entitled Vocation to Solitude, the theme has been  "Vocation to Solitude" [essay - see original letter in "Bourne, Paul" file]
1601960/03/15 TLS[x]from Albert of the Blessed Sacrament, Fr., O.C.D.I am very grateful for your letter and your study on "The Primitive Carmelite Ideal".  "The Primitive Carmelite Ideal" [essay - see the "Albert of the Blessed Sacrament" correspondence file for the original of this letter]
1611952/09/25 TLSby Sortais, GabrielEn vous écrivant le 25 Septembre, j'ai sous les yeux une première lettre commencée dans l'île  "Waters of Siloe," translated into French ("Aux sources du silence") [book] - comments by Abbot General Gabriel Sortais
1621965/07/24 TNSby Gillet, IgnaceThomas Merton [-] THE WAY OF CHUANG TZU [-] NIHIL OBSTAT : fr. M. Paul Bourne, July 9, 1965  "Way of Chuang Tzu" [book] Nihil Obstat granted by Fr. Paul Bourne and Fr. Charles English - Imprimi Potest granted by Abbot General Ignace Gillet
1631959/01/19 other[x]by Sortais, GabrielSix Articles: 1 - The Way of Perfection 2 - Ash Wednesday 3 - Spiritual Direction 4 - Easter :  "The Way of Perfection," "Spiritual Direction," "Ash Wednesday," "Easter: The New Life," "Christianity and Mass Movement," and "The Trappist Salve Regina" ("Hail, Holy Queen") [essays] - Nihil Obstat, Thomas Aquinas Porter and Paul Bourne; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
1641947/04/05 TLSby Chassagne, Anthony"St. Lugarde, a study in Cistercian Mysticism" by a Monk of Our Lady of Gethsemani, Gethsemani, 1947  "What Are These Wounds? : The life of a Cistercian Mystic, Saint Lutgarde of Aywières" [book] - censor's remarks by Fr. Anthony Chassagne (see also "Chassagne, Anthony" correspondence file)
1651948/no/no? TANby Censor (anonymous)<u>CENSOR'S REPORT [-] "What is Meditation?"</u> by Thomas Merton <u>CRITICISM</u>:  "What Is Meditation" [published as book <i>What Is Contemplation</i>?] - censor's criticism - grants Nihil Obstat
1661960/01/16 transcriptby Sortais, GabrielWHAT IS MEDITATION by Thomas Merton [-] NIHIL OBSTAT: fr. M. Shane Regan, Dec.ember [sic], 1959  "What Is Meditation" [essay] - Nihil Obstat, Shane Regan and Paul Bourne; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
1671962/06/30 TNS[x]by Sortais, GabrielThomas Merton [-] THE MYSTERY OF THE CHURCH IN ST. IGNATIUS an article [-] THERE HAS TO BE A JAIL  "Why Some Look Up to Planets and Heroes" [poem], "The Mystery of the Church in Saint Ignatius of Antioch" [essay], and "There Has to Be a Jail for Ladies" [poem] / Nihil Obstat, Fr. Bede Graham and Fr. Bellarmine McQuiston; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
1681959/03/09 TL[x] from Fox, James / to Gabriel O'ConnellWe are enclosing again for your perusal what might be called an exchange of articles-- or dialogue--  "The Wisdom of the Desert: Sayings from the Desert Fathers of the Fourth Century" [book] and "Wisdom in Emptiness: Wisdom in Emptiness: A Dialogue between Daisetz T. Suzuki and Thomas Merton" [essay - published in "Zen and the Birds of Appetite"]
1691959/01/07 (#01)TL[x] from Fox, James / to Gabriel O'ConnellWe just received word from our Most Reverend General that you have been appointed one of the censors  "The Wisdom of the Desert" [book - under earlier title, "Sayings of the Desert Fathers"]
1691959/01/07 (#02)TL[x] from Fox, James / to Thomas Aquinas PorterWe just received word from our Most Reverend General that you have been appointed one of the censors  "The Wisdom of the Desert" [book - under earlier title, "Sayings of the Desert Fathers"]
1691959/01/19 TLS[x] from Porter, Thomas Aquinas / to James FoxJust a line to accompany Fr. Louis' Ms. Entitled <i>What Should I Do</i>?, and to say that all goes  "The Wisdom of the Desert" [book - under earlier title, "What Should I Do? Sayings of the Desert Fathers"]
1691959/02/06 otherby Sortais, GabrielWHAT SHOULD I DO? Sayings of the Desert Fathers by fr. M. Louis Merton, O.L. of Gethsemani Abbey  "The Wisdom of the Desert: Sayings from the Desert Fathers of the Fourth Century" [book - revised manuscript resubmitted for approval?] - Nihil Obstat, Thomas Aquinas Porter and Gabriel O'Connell; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
1691959/02/06 otherby Sortais, GabrielWHAT SHOULD I DO? Sayings of the Desert Fathers by fr. M. Louis Merton, O.L. of Gethsemani Abbey  "The Wisdom of the Desert" [book - under earlier title, "What Should I Do? Sayings of the Desert Fathers"] - Nihil Obstat, Thomas Aquinas Porter and Gabriel O'Connell; Imprimi Potest, Dom Gabriel Sortais
1691959/03/09 TL[x] from Fox, James / to Gabriel O'ConnellWe are enclosing again for your perusal what might be called an exchange of articles-- or dialogue--  "The Wisdom of the Desert: Sayings from the Desert Fathers of the Fourth Century" [book] and "Wisdom in Emptiness: Wisdom in Emptiness: A Dialogue between Daisetz T. Suzuki and Thomas Merton" [essay - published in "Zen and the Birds of Appetite"]

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