The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

Charron, Marie, 1917-2007

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Descriptive Summary

Record Group: Section A - Correspondence

Dates of materials: 1967-1968; 2007

Volume: 53 item(s); 56 pg(s)

Scope and Content

This is a file in the correspondence of Thomas Merton under the heading: "Charron, Marie".


Merton employed Marie Charron for some of his typing after he had problems with his arm and back. He would mail her tapes or manuscripts to prepare for a standard fee.

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If the person in correspondence with Merton has full text records in the Merton Center Digital Collections, there will be a numeric link to them below.

Series List

This Record Sub-Group is not divided into Series and is arranged chronologically.

Container List

SeriesDateTypeTo/FromFirst LinesPubFull TextNotes
 1967/03/17 HLSto MertonIt has been my pleasure. I shall be happy to type for you anytime. On pages 5 and 9 of original,  asking about two illegible words
 1967/03/25 TLSfrom MertonMany thanks for the two jobs. The poems came in yesterday. Those poems! Dan got them going  typing of poems / discussion of payment for typing
 1967/04/02 (#01)TLSfrom MertonHere is more. Will you please do it all double space, and also begin each new item (as I myself  discussion of style points and payment for typing work / with Merton's back, he may have to dictate onto a tape for her
 1967/04/02 (#02)TL[c]from MertonHere is more. Will you please do it all double space, and also begin each new item (as I myself  discussion of style points and payment for typing work / with Merton's back, he may have to dictate onto a tape for her
 1967/04/12 TNSfrom MertonCould you please take care of these? The usual thing, double spaced, four carbons.  asking what compensation should be given for typing
 1967/04/17 TLSfrom MertonThanks for your letter. I am returning the page that needed completing and sending a couple of odds  question of using tape recorded dictation
 1967/04/18 TANSfrom MertonAll of a sudden I have an urgent one. Could you please let me have this as soon as possible?   
 1967/05/03 TLSfrom MertonThanks for the package that came in this morning. Here is another one: it is not a matter   
 1967/05/06 TLSfrom MertonHere is some more material: the usual, four carbons. None of it is at all urgent, except  statement on <i>A Modern priest looks at his outdated Church</i> by Fr. James Joseph Kavanaugh for typing / rainy Derby Day / sending privately printed booklet from Stanbrook Benedictine nuns
 1967/05/28 TLSfrom MertonHere are a couple more. I am afraid the one on the Lepers has a lot of my writing on it.  picnic previous week with Tommie O'Callaghan
 1967/06/15 TLSfrom MertonHere is another job: it is not as bad as it looks because what I have done is cut it practically  picnic at Gethsemani
 1967/07/04 TLSfrom MertonHere is another piece of typing. The usual four carbons and all. I hope you are not on a trip  [Merton includes on the stationery some cut-out block letters spelling: "the monks. Modern Moving… with Old Fashioned Care"]
 1967/07/17? TLSfrom MertonThanks for the last job: very good indeed. Do not worry about my asking you to retype.  [Merton includes on the stationery some cut-out block letters spelling: "the monks. Modern Moving… with Old Fashioned Care"]
 1967/07/29 TLSto MertonApologies, Father, for getting this off to you so late. For the past two weeks, the children have   
 1967/08/06 TLSfrom MertonThanks for the last batches of things: I am sorry the virus hit the home, and I did not interpret  sending <i>My Argument with the Gestapo</i>
 1967/08/15 TNSfrom MertonHere is another batch of stuff. I hope you can handle it. There is someone waiting for the article  typing job for article on solitude
 1967/08/22 TLSfrom MertonThanks for the Solitude piece, perfect. I hope that you have received a package of stencils.  typing job for "Prologue : Why I have a wet footprint on top of my mind", later a section of <i>The geography of Lograire</i>, written for Suzanne Butorovich's student newspaper
 1967/08/24? HNSfrom MertonThanks for the other things which came in today. No problem about Suzanne not being on the poem.   
 1967/09/05 HNSto MertonMy efforts to complete typing "Hot Summer..." this past weekend were almost in vain.  her German Shepherd named Liebe took "The Hot Summer of Sixty-Seven" manuscript and scattered it on the floor
 1967/09/08 (#01)TLSfrom MertonHere is the ms of that novel, slightly nuts and written years ago. I need it to be stenciled,  Merton Room at Bellarmine College / Ed Rice / wants to send a gift - hesitate to send a book since she sees plenty of his writings - <i>The Merton Reader</i>
 1967/09/08 (#02)TL[c]from MertonHere is the ms of that novel, slightly nuts and written years ago. I need it to be stenciled,  Merton Room at Bellarmine College / Ed Rice / wants to send a gift - hesitate to send a book since she sees plenty of his writings - <i>The Merton Reader</i>
 1967/09/19 (#01)TLSfrom MertonI am having more stencils sent as you may need them later anyway. But I don't quite know what you  in response to how Merton should be addressed - "Thomas Merton" because "a special religious name is on the way out anyhow"
 1967/09/19 (#02)TL[c]from MertonI am having more stencils sent as you may need them later anyway. But I don't quite know what you  in response to how Merton should be addressed - "Thomas Merton" because "a special religious name is on the way out anyhow"
 1967/10/11 TL[c]to MertonI thought it was about time to give you a progress report on the manuscript. Wish I could say   
 1967/10/14 TLSfrom MertonThanks for your letter. The other day when I was in town I was going to give you a ring but I was  typing <i>My Argument with the Gestapo</i> and poem, "Ben's Last Fight"
 1967/11/06 (#01)TLSfrom MertonThanks for Ben, my own heavyweight champ. I am sorry that the novel has given so much trouble.  on typing of Merton's 25 year old novel ,<i>My Argument with the Gestapo</i> / sending new poems / note on "The New Liturgy"
 1967/11/06 (#02)TL[c]from MertonThanks for Ben, my own heavyweight champ. I am sorry that the novel has given so much trouble.  on typing of Merton's 25 year old novel [possibly <i>My Argument with the Gestapo</i>] / sending new poems / note on "The New Liturgy"
 1967/11/13 TLSto MertonOnly about 75 pages to go on the manuscript. Any time is a busy time for me, but I'm so sincerely  [copy placed in the original source file - see "Fox, James" Series 29]
 1967/12/25? HCSfrom MertonHere's a quickie - could you please type as usual (4 carbons)-? I need it sometime next week.  [undated Christmas card] Christmas gift for Charron]
 1968/01/10 TALSfrom MertonHi! In case you're snowed in with nothing to do (?!) here are a few pages for typing.   
 1968/01/30? TLSfrom MertonMany thanks, Nat Turner arrived in good time and is now with the magazine. They are happy with it,   
 1968/02/25? TLSfrom MertonI'm glad to hear you're back and have the courage to face some more of my mss.   
 1968/03/11? HNSfrom MertonI wonder if you safely got a couple of things I sent for typing a couple of weeks ago -  typing of "Wild Places" (Review of <i>Wilderness and the American Mind</i>, by Roderick Nash)
 1968/03/12 HNSfrom MertonThe typescript arrived safely today - crossed with my note. Please disregard the note!  <u>Monks Pond</u>
 1968/03/18 (#01)TLSfrom MertonSorry my note crossed with the returning mss. last time. I was a little worried because the mail  [<u>Monks Pond</u> letterhead] Merton praying for Charron's sons in Vietnam and military - "Government does not really have a right to draft people for wars like this which are not really for the defense of the country"; "should be fought by a professional army"; "Those who are involved in it have all my sympathy"
 1968/03/18 (#02)TL[c]from MertonSorry my note crossed with the returning mss. last time. I was a little worried because the mail  Charron's sons - Merton praying for one in Vietnam and one entering the military - "the Government does not really have a right to draft people for wars like this which are not really for the defense of the country" - "should be fought by a professional army" - "Those who are involved in it have all my sympathy"
 1968/03/30? HLSfrom MertonWell - the copies turned up in this morning's mail! Five days from Louisville (Postmarked 25th)   
 1968/04/01 TLSfrom Merton"The Stranger" arrived safely Saturday. Many thanks, you are ever a most great help.  [verso: notes by Charron]
 1968/04/07? TLSfrom MertonHere's another. This is very short so I don't scruple to send it you in what might be a busy week.   
 1968/04/18 TLSfrom MertonHere is another job: this time I am a bit late for a deadline, though I can still make it.   
 1968/04/25? HLSto MertonThe first page of the original is presently among the missing! I've guarded your material like a   
 1968/05/02 TNSfrom MertonHere is another small job. It is neither complicated nor urgent, and there is nothing to worry   
 1968/06/07 TLSfrom MertonGlad you found that page!! Thanks. All is well, editors pleased with that essay, and so on.  sending poetry for typing
 1968/06/18 TLSfrom MertonThanks for the other texts, poem etc, which reached me safely. Here is one more.   
 1968/07/15 TLfrom MertonI have a Jesuit student here for the summer helping out with typing, hence I have not sent anything   
 1968/07/23? HNSfrom MertonHere are a couple of Bulletins that I would need in about ten days - no rush.   
 1968/08/06 HNSfrom MertonToo hot to type? This is not v. long - and easy work (I <u>think</u>.) If I could have it   
 1968/09/05? TNSfrom MertonThe "rush" job is being done here, thus saving two days in the mail. The enclosed is not wild rush  [postmarked 1968/September/07 (Saturday), dated Thursday] Merton discusses being sick and taking care of himself at hermitage
 1968/09/06 (#02)HCSfrom MertonOops! I'm so sorry I forgot to let you know the ms. arrived safely. I had to make a hurried trip  recent trip to Washington, D.C. and future trip to India, Thailand, Indonesia and Japan / not sending manuscripts from Asia / thanks for typing work - Masses to be said for her and her family
 1968/09/06? (#01)TNSfrom MertonHastily adding some new ideas to the piece I sent yesterday. I think it will not be hard to fit  [seemingly a follow-up, dated Friday, to note of Thursday postmarked 1968/September/07 (Saturday)]
 2007/04/22 other[x] CHARRON, Helen Marie (Barringer), peacefully passed away, Tuesday, April 17, 2007 in Reston, VA.  [obituary from <u>The Louisville Courier-Journal</u>]
 undated/no/no TNSfrom MertonHere is the other short piece I referred to. I would very much like to be able to send this out   

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