Thomas Merton Center

Merton Correspondence:

The "Giabbani, Anselmo, Dom, O.S.B. Cam., d. 2004" file

Single Item Record for the Date:
1955/March/13 (#02)


Type:  transcript - Transcript copy of a letter, i.e., re-typed or re-written after original.

To/From:  to Merton from "Giabbani, Anselmo, Dom, O.S.B. Cam., d. 2004"-->

# of pages:  1

Published in:  

First Lines:  "To all and singular who carefully read this letter, we give assurance and we testify that by this"

Contents:  translation with footnotes (from 2010) - certification of the authenticity of the relics of St. Romuald and St. Peter Damian - forwarded to Merton, originally sent by Albertino Bertozzi, Vicar, Archcenobium of Fontebona, to Giabbani

Language:  English

Source or donor:  

Date received:  2010/12/09

Date added:  

Unique identifier:  Section A- "Giabbani, Anselmo, Dom, O.S.B. Cam., d. 2004:"    1955/March/13 (#02)