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Results for search on the term: "docteur Jivago : roman / Boris Leonidovic Pasternak
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1. Boris Leonidovich Pasternak - docteur Jivago : roman / Boris Leonidovic Pasternak ; trad. du russe (Date: 1958/05/18) - "Above all, this year has marked my discovery of Pasternak. First, in the copy .."
2. Boris Leonidovich Pasternak - docteur Jivago : roman / Boris Leonidovic Pasternak ; trad. du russe (Date: 1958/09/09) - "For the last 5 days or so-reading Dr. Zhivago which finally came. Deeply moved.."
3. Boris Leonidovich Pasternak - docteur Jivago : roman / Boris Leonidovic Pasternak ; trad. du russe (Date: 1959/01/02) - "In the morning chapter Rev. Father, because of certain events and circumstance.."
4. Boris Leonidovich Pasternak - docteur Jivago : roman / Boris Leonidovic Pasternak ; trad. du russe (Date: 1958/09/04) - "Have you heard of the new book of the Russian poet Pasternak? Dr. Zhivago. It .."
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