The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

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Results for search on the term: "Silent spring / by Rachel Carson
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 QUOTATION found in:
1. Rachel Carson - Silent spring / by Rachel Carson ; drawings by Lois and Louis Darling (Date: 1962/12/11) - "I have been shocked at a notice of a new book, by Rachel Carson [Silent Spring.."
2. Rachel Carson - Silent spring / by Rachel Carson ; drawings by Lois and Louis Darling (Date: 1963/01/12) - "I am just reading Rachel Carson's Silent Spring. Have you read it? You must. I.."
3. Rachel Carson - Silent spring / by Rachel Carson ; drawings by Lois and Louis Darling (Date: 1963/01/12) - "Anne Ford very kindly sent me your latest book, Silent Spring, which I am read.."
4. Rachel Carson - Silent spring / by Rachel Carson ; drawings by Lois and Louis Darling (Date: 1963/01/11) - "I am reading the Rachel Carson book, Silent Spring. That too is powerful. Have.."
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