The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

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Results for search on the term: "Sixty songs of Milarepa / transl. by Garma C.C. Chang
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1. Milarepa - Sixty songs of Milarepa / transl. by Garma C.C. Chang ; select. and introd. by Bikkhu Khantipalo (Date: 1962/05/24) - "Have nearly finished Milarepa. Wrote to Dezhung Trulka about it (Tibetan Buddh.."
2. Milarepa - Sixty songs of Milarepa / transl. by Garma C.C. Chang ; select. and introd. by Bikkhu Khantipalo (Date: 1968/10/20) - "I have been reading the poetry of Milarepa, the great Tibetan yogi, who was bo.."
3. Milarepa - Sixty songs of Milarepa / transl. by Garma C.C. Chang ; select. and introd. by Bikkhu Khantipalo (Date: 1966/03/19) - "Read some Angela of Foligno (I love her admirable, passionate fervor and hones.."
4. Milarepa - Sixty songs of Milarepa / transl. by Garma C.C. Chang ; select. and introd. by Bikkhu Khantipalo (Date: 1968/11/03) - ""It is the tradition of the fortunate seekers never to be content with partial.."
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