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Results for search on the term: "complete works of Saint John of the Cross, doctor of the church / Saint John of the Cross
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1. Saint John of the Cross - complete works of Saint John of the Cross, doctor of the church / Saint John of the Cross ; transl. from the critical edition of P. Silverio de Santa Teresa, and ed. by E. Allison Peers (Date: 1941/10/08) - "The Ascent of Mount Carmel and Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling and the "Book .."
2. Saint John of the Cross - complete works of Saint John of the Cross, doctor of the church / Saint John of the Cross ; transl. from the critical edition of P. Silverio de Santa Teresa, and ed. by E. Allison Peers (Date: 1941/10/08) - "But in any case, one thing is clear (while it is impossible to grasp the serio.."
3. Saint John of the Cross - complete works of Saint John of the Cross, doctor of the church / Saint John of the Cross ; transl. from the critical edition of P. Silverio de Santa Teresa, and ed. by E. Allison Peers (Date: 1957/09/10) - "Went to Terrell Dickey about layouts for a postulant's pamphlet... He kept kid.."
4. Saint John of the Cross - complete works of Saint John of the Cross, doctor of the church / Saint John of the Cross ; transl. from the critical edition of P. Silverio de Santa Teresa, and ed. by E. Allison Peers (Date: 1957/09/15) - "A Series of sentence fragments from John of the Cross's The Ascent of Mount Ca.."
5. Saint John of the Cross - complete works of Saint John of the Cross, doctor of the church / Saint John of the Cross ; transl. from the critical edition of P. Silverio de Santa Teresa, and ed. by E. Allison Peers (Date: 1957/09/15) - "And this is what happens to people with a priori notions of what pleases God o.."
6. Saint John of the Cross - complete works of Saint John of the Cross, doctor of the church / Saint John of the Cross ; transl. from the critical edition of P. Silverio de Santa Teresa, and ed. by E. Allison Peers (Date: 1951/03/04) - "Shall I re-read the bits in The Ascent of Mount Carmel about the memory? They .."
7. Saint John of the Cross - complete works of Saint John of the Cross, doctor of the church / Saint John of the Cross ; transl. from the critical edition of P. Silverio de Santa Teresa, and ed. by E. Allison Peers (Date: 1947/05/00) - "The autobiography [The Seven Storey Mountain] comes along slow. Haven't seen p.."
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