This is a file in the correspondence of Thomas Merton under the heading: "Amps, Zachary, Br., O.C.S.O. (Br. M. Bernadine)".
Br. Zachary Amps was a monk of Gethsemani Abbey and, among his responsibilities, was to mail complementary copies of Merton's books to various people.
Please click here for general restrictions concerning Merton's correspondence.
If the person in correspondence with Merton has full text records in the Merton Center Digital Collections, there will be a numeric link to them below.
This Record Sub-Group is not divided into Series and is arranged chronologically.
Click icons for links: ✓="Published | Library Record", ✉="Scanned" | 🗷="Scanned, Viewable Only at Merton Center"
# | Date | From/To | First Lines | Pub ✓ | Notes |
| y/m/d | Merton | | Scan ✉ | |
1. |
1961/06/21 |
TANS to Merton |
Would you have time to translate these lines for me? Thanks very much |
handwritten address of Michael Cukovecki from Yugoslavia
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2. |
1964/08/22 |
TNS to Merton |
Perhaps for your records - we sent today the book 'Disputed Questions' to; Mrs. Anne Freedgood, |
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3. |
1966/08/31 |
TAN from Merton |
will you please send the following without charge to this priest in Vietnam who is to translate them |
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4. |
1967/04/11 (#01) |
TNS from Merton |
I intended to send the above some books but probably never put in the list. If you to [sic] not |
[see verso for Amps' reply - Merton sending books to Mario Falsina, a student at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, Italy, who was living in Bergamo - see the "Falsina, Mario" file]
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5. |
1967/04/11 (#02) |
TNS to Merton |
According to our record (of this year} we have not sent anything to the reverse side address, thus |
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6. |
1967/05/27 |
HNS from Merton |
May I please have [-] 1 - Seven Storey Mtn (Hard cover) [-] 1 Reader [-] To send out? [-] Thanx |
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7. |
1967/06/09 |
TNS from Merton |
AT request of Dom Leclercq will you please send without charge the following books: Praying |
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8. |
1967/07/19 |
TNS from Merton |
Will you please send a copy of Seeds of Destruction AIRMAIL (paperback ok) to Miss Janina Kolendo |
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9. |
1967/10/18 (#01) |
TNS from Merton |
The Visitation nuns of a convent in France have asked for a copy of "The Less Traveled Road." |
[see Amps' response on the same page]
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10. |
1967/10/18 (#02) |
TNS to Merton |
Fr. Raymond had none, so we received one from Fr. Innocent- a used copy from the Lib. |
[on same page as note by Merton, recorded here as the same date]
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11. |
1968/02/07 |
TNS from Merton |
Could you please send to this library, free of charge, the following: New Seeds of Contemplation |
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12. |
undated/09/13 |
TNS to Merton |
Father Dan asked me to tell you the news of Mrs. Tommy O'Callahan [sic] having a baby boy today. |
[message text should read "Mrs. Tommie O'Callaghan"]
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13. |
undated/11/19 |
TNS to Merton |
Because I 'worked out' Saturday afternoon, I was unable to take care of your request for the 'Reader |
1 Thomas Merton Reader sent to J. Van Nierop in Belgium
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