This is a file in the correspondence of Thomas Merton under the heading: "Abe, Masao".
Masao Abe was a Zen Buddhist scholar from Kyoto, Japan.
Please click here for general restrictions concerning Merton's correspondence.
See one published letter from Merton to Masao Abe in Witness to Freedom, pp. 331-332.
If the person in correspondence with Merton has full text records in the Merton Center Digital Collections, there will be a numeric link to them below.
This Record Sub-Group is not divided into Series and is arranged chronologically.
Click icons for links: ✓="Published | Library Record", ✉="Scanned" | 🗷="Scanned, Viewable Only at Merton Center"
# | Date | From/To | First Lines | Pub ✓ | Notes |
| y/m/d | Merton | | Scan ✉ | |
1. |
1966/08/12 |
HLS to Merton |
Mr. Richard DeMartino sent me a copy of your paper. Buddhism and the Modern World, |
Abe's article from Pacific Philosophy Forum / "Buddhism and Christianity as a Problem of Today" in Japanese Religions
«detailed view» |
2. |
1967/03/27 |
TL[c] from Merton |
I deeply regret the fact that due to your ill health you had to return early to Japan, and were |
Abe's notes on "Living Dying Life" / the Eastern Buddhist publication / Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki / Richard De Martino / Winston King
«detailed view» |
3. |
1967/05/12 |
TL[x] from Merton |
Just after I had sent you my last letter, the copies of "Japanese Religi [page cuts off] arrived |
✓ |
[Karl] Barth / Christian mystical experience / Christian ontology / atomic physicists - Bohr and Heisenberg / Islamic mysticism - Sufis / Mystics and Zen Masters / "'popular' Zen craze"
«detailed view» |
4. |
1967/06/30 |
HLS to Merton |
I am sorry not to have written to you long before this. I have been dreadfully busy for the past |
Abe's paper "Zen and Western Thought" / Merton's "A New Christian Consciousness?", "Seven Words", and Mystics and Zen Masters / Catholicism, Protestantism and ontological aspects of Christianity
«detailed view» |