The Merton Annual - Volume 8
Downey, Michael. “Collision Course 101: The Monastery, the Academy, and the Corporation.” ix-xii.
Merton, Thomas. “A Balanced Life of Prayer.” 1-21.
Palmer, Parker J. “Contemplation Reconsidered: The Human Way In.” 22-37.
Waddell, Paul J., CP. “The Human Way Out: The Friendship of Charity as a Countercultural Dimension.” 38-58.
Fuller, Roy D. “The Virtuous Teacher: Thomas Merton’s Contribution to a Spirituality of Higher Education.” 59-74.
Upton, Julia Ann, RSM. “Humanizing the University: Adding the Contemplative Dimension.” 75-87.
Lewis, Gloria Kitto. “Learning to Live: Merton’s Students Remember His Teaching.” 88-104.
Del Prete, Thomas. “Culture and the Formation of Personal Identity: Dilemma and Dialectic in Thomas Merton’s Teaching.” 105-121.
McKenna, Thomas F., CM. “A Voice in the Postmodern Wilderness: Merton on Monastic Renewal.” 122-137.
Neuman, Matthias, OSB. “Revisiting Zen and the Birds of Appetite after Twenty-Five Years.” 138-149.
Badaracco, Claire. “Animated Outsiders: Echoes of Merton in Hampi, Norris, Dillard, and Ehrlich.” 150-161.
Merton, Thomas. “Time of Transition: A Selection of Letters from the Earliest Correspondence of Thomas Merton and Ernesto Cardenal” edited by Christine Bochen. 162-200.
Downey, Michael. “Daughter of Carmel; Son of Citeaux: A Friendship Endures – An Interview about Thomas Merton with Angela Collins, OCD” conducted by Michael Downey. 201-220.
Kramer, Victor A. “Thousands of Words: A Bibliographic Review.” 221-245.
Burton-Christie, Douglas. Rev. of Witness to Freedom: The Letters of Thomas Merton in Times of Crisis edited by William H. Shannon. 246-254.
Paguio, Erlinda G. Rev. of A Catch of Anti-Letters by Thomas Merton and Robert Lax. 254-257.
Conn, Joann Wolski. Rev. of Thomas Merton in Search of His Soul: A Jungian Perspective by Robert G. Waldron. 258-261.