The Spring 2002 issue, Vol. 27, No.1
Merton, Thomas. “The
‘World’ the Church and the ‘Godless World’ – 1.” 3-9.
Goodwin, Jean. “Let Us
Invoke Thomas Merton Who Needs a Miracle or Two if He Is Ever to
Become a Saint.” [poem] 10.
Daggy, Robert E. “Thomas
Merton’s Critique of Language.” 11-15.
McDonnell, Chris.
“Louisville Wires (December 10, 2001.)” [poem] 16.
Staggs, John.
“Reinventing the Wheel: Thomas Merton and the Christ of the
Cross.” 17-19.
Weis, Monica, SSJ.
“Growing Toward Wholeness.” Rev. of Thomas Merton and
the Inclusive Imagination by Ross Labrie. 20-21.
Ratigan, Virginia Kaib.
“Merton Through a Feminine Lens.” Rev. of The Merton Annual
Volume 14 (2001) edited by Victor A. Kramer. 22-25.
Milton, Sheila M. “A Not
Quite Reliable Guide.” Rev. of Reading Thomas Merton: A
Guide to His Life and Work by John Laughlin. 26-27.
Pearson, Paul M. "Recent Publications By and About Thomas
Merton." 28-31.
The Summer 2002 issue, Vol. 27, No.2
Merton, Thomas. “God and
the World: The Church and the ‘Godless World’ – 3.” 3-7.
Collins, Roger.
“Beautiful, Simple and Solid: Owen Merton’s House in Saint
Antonin.” 12-18.
Srubas, Rachel M. “The
Sun and the Moon.” [poem] 19.
Bourgeault, Cynthia.
“Merton in Love.” 20-25.
Cassani, Genevieve, SSND.
“Window on Merton’s Mind and Heart.” Rev. of Thomas Merton
Tapes: “Early Christian Apologists”; “The Prophets”; “The
Quest for the Grail and Conversion of Manners”; “Tertullian and
Cassian”; “The Virtue of Temperance”. 26-28.
Richardson, Jane Marie,
SL. “The Light Shines in the Darkness.” Rev of Thomas
Merton: A Mind Awake in the Dark. Papers from the 2000
Oakham Conference of the Thomas Merton Society of Great Britain
and Ireland edited by Paul M. Pearson, Danny Sullivan and
Ian Thomson. 29-30.
Fairaday, Brenda Fitch.
“Exploring the Bridge that is Poetry.” Rev. of Walking with
Thomas Merton: Discovering His Poetry, Essays and Journals
by Robert Waldron. 31-32.
Pearson, Paul M. "Recent Publications By and About Thomas
Merton." 33-39.
The Fall 2002 issue, Vol. 27, No.3
Merton, Thomas. “The
Protest of Vitalism: The Church and the ‘Godless World’ – 4.”
Bingham, Anne. “The
Blessing of Father Louis.” [poem] 10.
Knight, Jim. “The Merton
I Knew.” 11-20.
Hodges, David. “Three
Poems.” [poem] 21.
Cooper, Jeffrey, CSC.
“Plight of the Peregrinatus.” 22-26.
Carr, Anne E. “A
Fascinating Tour of Mertoniana.” Rev of The Thomas Merton
Encyclopedia edited by William H. Shannon, Christine M.
Bochen and Patrick F. O'Connell. 27-29.
Kramer, Victor A.
“Finding the Right Words: Mercy for Merton.” Rev of Spirit
Book Word: An Inquiry into Literature and Spirituality by
J. S. Porter. 30.
Spaeth, Paul. “Memories
of a Mentor.” Rev of The Way of the Dreamcatcher: Spirit
Lessons with Robert Lax: Poet, Peacemaker, Sage by S.T.
Georgiou. 31-32.
Pearson, Paul M. "Recent Publications By and About Thomas
Merton." 33-35.
The Winter 2002 issue, Vol. 27, No.4
Merton, Thomas. “The Road
Ahead: The Church and the ‘Godless World’ – 6.” 3-7.
Webster, Ronald. “Aerials
of Consolidation.” [poem] 8.
Thurston, Bonnie. “The
Christian Center of Thomas Merton’s Thought.” 9-16.
Quinn, James E. “Seven
Storey Redux.” [poem] 17.
Smock, Frederick. “Pax
Intrantibus: The Search for Peace in the Poetry of Thomas
Merton.” 18-24.
Farrelly, John, OSB. “A
Lively Monastic Dialogue.” Rev. of Survival or Prophecy?:
The Letters of Thomas Merton and Jean Leclercq, edited by
Patrick Hart. 25-26.
Cechony, Therese Rowley.
“A Christmas Present for the Spirit.” Rev. of Advent and
Christmas with Thomas Merton, compiled by Judith A. Bauer
and John J. Cleary. 27-28.
Kiernan, Jeffrey.
“Instructing the Next Generation.” Rev. of A Thomas Merton
Curriculum edited by Terrence A. Taylor. 29-30.
Pearson, Paul M. "Recent Publications By and About Thomas
Merton." 31-35.