The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

ITMS Russo Chapter Grants


The International Thomas Merton Society invites applications for grants from ITMS Chapters and affiliates to provide financial support for chapter events including, but not limited to, inviting visiting speakers. Grants for support, up to a maximum of $500 each, will be awarded to help defray the cost of organizing a chapter or affiliate event.


Awards must be used between July 1st 2025 and June 30th 2026.

Applications will be reviewed by an appointed Committee and approved by the ITMS Board. Current ITMS officers and Board members may not vote on their own proposals.


The deadline for applications is June 1st, 2025.


Applications for Chapter and Affiliate Grants must include the following:

  • a detailed proposal of the project for which the grant will be used and a statement of how the project will contribute to the work of the Chapter.

  • a proposed expense budget and disclosure of any other sources of funding awarded or applied for, with amounts received or requested.

Applicants will be notified by July 1st, 2025.


After the event successful applicants are required to submit an accurate expense account and a report on the implementation of the project by July 31st, 2026.


Completed applications for grants, or requests for further information, should be sent to the ITMS Resident Secretary for forwarding to the Committee Chair:

        Dr. Paul M Pearson,

        International Thomas Merton Society,

        Bellarmine University

        2001 Newburg Road,

        Louisville KY 40205.


These grants honor the memory of Anthony (Tony) Russo (1941-2022). His passion for the works of Thomas Merton, which began with his reading of Michael Mott’s biography in 1987, led him to join the ITMS in 1998 and in that year to found and lead the very active Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky ITMS chapter. Beginning in 2003, he conducted more than a dozen annual retreats open to all interested at Merton’s Abbey of Gethsemani in Kentucky. He served the society both as Chair of the Membership Committee for several years and as Chapters Coordinator, and frequently conducted the Chapters Workshop at ITMS General Meetings, providing helpful advice for both new and veteran chapter leaders. His reflective essay, “Messenger of Hope,” appeared in the volume We Are Already One: Thomas Merton’s Message of Hope – Reflections in Honor of His Centenary (1915-1968).