The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

The Merton Seasonal - Volume 49

The Spring 2024 issue, Vol. 49, No.1 included:

  • Meade, Mark C. "O'Connor, Merton and the 'Christ-Haunted' South: Text and Context of a Newly Discovered Poem." 3-17.
  • Leax, John. "Four Poems." [poem] 18-21.
  • Liebenow, Mark. "In the Hermitage with John Howard Griffin." 22-28.
  • Hunter, Paul. "Evening Gatha." [poem] 29.
  • Colvin, Geoff; and William Apel. "Living Mindfully and Beyond: Learning from Thomas Merton." 30-38.

The Summer 2024 issue, Vol. 49, No.2 included:

  • Antilla, Phillip. "'Elias Becomes His Own Geography’: Thomas Merton, Space and Place." 3-9.
  • Reece, Erik. "Monks Pond." [poem] 10.
  • Amorosia, Glenn. "A New Look at New Seeds: Merton’s Personal Exposition through Lectio Divina." 11-21.
  • Orr, Thomas Alan. "Nuns Going Down to the Sea." [poem] 22-23.
  • Valente, Judith. "Soul Friends: Thomas Merton and Mary Oliver." 24-31.

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