The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

List of Quotes by Letter Recipient

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  Daniel Berrigan  

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Date [Source / Page]Author QuotedTitle QuotedQuotation by Merton
[link to full quote]
[Ltrs: HGL p. 73]
Daniel Berrigan S.J.Encounters I am glad you like New Seeds and will look forward to seeing the review. Your poems [Encounters] arrived. They..
[Ltrs: HGL p. 75]
Daniel Berrigan S.J.World for Wedding Ring Just got your blanks from the Goggenbuch Stipend House. I will write you up a litany of praises that will knoc..
[Ltrs: HGL p. 80-81]
Karl RahnerChristian Commitment: Essays in Pastoral Theology Have been reading and reviewing Rahner's latest book and agree with him about what he calls the diaspora situa..
[Ltrs: HGL p. 82]
Michael SerafianPilgrim: Pope Paul VI, & the Church in Time of Decision / pseudonym of Malachi Martin I just finished The Pilgrim by Serafian, on the Council. It is really a smasher, much better than the gossip c..
[Ltrs: HGL p. 95]
Albert Camuspeste I wrote a pamphlet on Camus's Plague for Seabury Press and thought I'd dedicate it to you, so here is a copy o..

Abbreviations ▲ Source of Merton's Quotation and Citation
Ltrs: CforT The Courage for Truth: Letters of Thomas Merton to Writers.
Ltrs: Giroux Letters of Robert Giroux and Thomas Merton.
Ltrs: Hammer The Letters of Merton and Victor and Carolyn Hammer.
Ltrs: HGL The Hidden Ground of Love.
Ltrs: Laughlin Thomas Merton and James Laughlin: Selected Letters.
Ltrs: Leclercq Survival or Prophecy? The Letters of Merton and Jean Leclercq.
Ltrs: RtoJ The Road to Joy: Letters to New and Old Friends.
Ltrs: Ruether Letters of Merton and Rosemary Radford Ruether.
Ltrs: SofC The School of Charity. Letters on Religious Renewal.
Ltrs: WtoF Witness to Freedom: The Letters of Merton in Times of Crisis.