The Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine University

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Date [Source / Page]Author QuotedTitle QuotedQuotation by Merton
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[Jnl 5 ('63-'65) p. 303]
Eric GillClothes: An Essay upon the Nature and Significance of the Natural and Artificial Integuments Worn by Men and Women Reading Isaac of Stella. Disappointed in Eric Gill's book on clothes [Clothes: An Essay upon the Nature and Si..
[Jnl 5 ('63-'65) p. 302]
Herbert Eduard ReadIcon and Idea: The Function of Art in the Development of Human Consciousness I finished Read's Icon and Idea-Monday finished [Josef] Pieper In Tune with the World: [A Theory of Festivity,..
[Jnl 5 ('63-'65) p. 302]
Josef PieperIn tune with the world : a theory of festivity / Josef Pieper ; transl. from the German by Richard and Clara Winston I finished Read's Icon and Idea-Monday finished [Josef] Pieper In Tune with the World: [A Theory of Festivity,..